
Linux命令行 The Linux Command Line

by William Shotts The Linux Command Line cover

Fifth Internet Edition Available Now!


Designed for the new command line user, this 555-page volume covers the same material as but in much greater detail. In addition to the basics of command line use and shell scripting, The Linux Command Line includes chapters on many common programs used on the command line, as well as more advanced topics.

​ 这本555页的书籍专为新的命令行用户设计,内容涵盖了LinuxCommand.org上的相同材料,但更加详细。除了介绍命令行使用和Shell脚本的基础知识外,《Linux命令行》还包括许多常用的命令行程序以及更高级的主题。

与Linux命令行冒险 Adventures with the Linux Command Line

by William Shotts

First Internet Edition Available Now!


In this 250+ page sequel/suplement to The Linux Command Line we’ll look at even more cool tools and fun command line topics. With 14 action-packed chapters, it’s perfect for makers, students, and anyone wanting to learn additional Linux history, techniques, and skills.

​ 在这本250多页的续集/补充中,我们将探索更多有趣的工具和命令行主题。这本书有14个充满动作的章节,非常适合创客、学生以及任何想要了解更多Linux历史、技术和技能的人。

  • Released under a Creative Commons license, this book is available for free download in PDF format. Download it here.
  • 本书以知识共享许可证发布,可以免费下载PDF格式的电子版。 在这里下载:链接
最后修改 June 10, 2023: 添加中英对照版 (d2cc206)