2020年 go 开发者调查结果

Go Developer Survey 2020 Results - 2020年 go 开发者调查结果


Alice Merrick 9 March 2021

Thank you for the amazing response! 感谢您们的惊人回应!

In 2020, we had another great turnout with 9,648 responses, about as many as 2019. Thank you for putting in the time to provide the community with these insights on your experiences using Go!


New modular survey design 新的模块化调查设计

You may notice some questions have smaller sample sizes (“n=”) than others. That’s because some questions were shown to everyone while others were only shown to a random subset of respondents.


Highlights 亮点

  • Go usage is expanding in the workplace and enterprise with 76% of respondents using Go at work and 66% saying Go is critical to their company’s success.Go在工作场所和企业中的使用正在扩大,76%的受访者在工作中使用Go,66%的人说Go对他们公司的成功至关重要。
  • Overall satisfaction is high with 92% of respondents being satisfied using Go.总体满意度很高,92%的受访者对使用Go感到满意。
  • The majority of respondents felt productive in Go in less than 3 months, with 81% feeling very or extremely productive in Go.大多数受访者在不到3个月的时间里感觉到了Go的生产力,81%的受访者感觉Go的生产力非常高或非常高。
  • Respondents reported upgrading promptly to the latest Go version, with 76% in the first 5 months.受访者表示会及时升级到最新的Go版本,76%的受访者在头5个月就升级了。
  • Respondents using pkg.go.dev are more successful (91%) at finding Go packages than non-users (82%).使用pkg.go.dev的受访者比非用户(82%)更成功地找到Go软件包(91%)。
  • Go modules adoption is nearly universal with 77% satisfaction, but respondents also highlight a need for improved docs.Go模块的采用几乎是普遍的,有77%的满意度,但受访者也强调了对改进文档的需求。
  • Go continues to be heavily used for APIs, CLIs, Web, DevOps & Data Processing.Go继续被大量用于API、CLI、Web、DevOps和数据处理。
  • Underrepresented groups tend to feel less welcome in the community.代表性不足的群体往往感到在社区中不太受欢迎。

Who did we hear from? 我们听取了谁的意见?

Demographic questions help us distinguish which year-over-year differences may result from changes in who responded to the survey versus changes in sentiment or behavior. Because our demographics are similar to last year, we can be reasonably confident that other year-over-year changes aren’t primarily due to demographic shifts.


For example, the distribution of organization sizes, developer experience, and industries remained about the same from 2019 to 2020.


Bar chart of organization size for 2019 to 2020 where the majority have fewer than 1000 employees Bar chart of years of professional experience for 2019 to 2020 with the majority having 3 to 10 years of experience Bar chart of organization industries for 2019 to 2020 with the majority in Technology

Bar chart of organization size for 2019 to 2020 where the majority have fewer than 1000 employees Bar chart of years of professional experience for 2019 to 2020 with the majority having 3 to 10 years of experience Bar chart of organization industries for 2019 to 2020 with the majority in Technology

2019年至2020年的组织规模柱状图,其中大多数员工少于1000人 2019年至2020年的专业经验年限柱状图,大多数有3至10年的经验 2019年至2020年的组织行业柱状图,大多数在技术领域

Almost half (48%) of respondents have been using Go for less than two years. In 2020, we had fewer responses from those using Go for less than a year.


Bar chart of years of experience using Go

Bar chart of years of experience using Go


Majorities said they use Go at work (76%) and outside of work (62%). The percentage of respondents using Go at work has been trending up each year.


Bar chart where Go is being used at work or outside of work


This year we introduced a new question on primary job responsibilities. We found that 70% of respondents’ primary responsibility is developing software and applications, but a significant minority (10%) are designing IT systems and architectures.


Primary job responsibilities


As in prior years, we found that most respondents are not frequent contributors to Go open-source projects, with 75% saying they do so “infrequently” or “never”.

与往年一样,我们发现大多数受访者并不经常为Go开源项目做贡献,75%的人表示他们 “不经常 “或 “从不 “这样做。

How often respondents contribute to open source projects written in Go from 2017 to 2020 where results remain about the same each year and only 7% contribute daily

How often respondents contribute to open source projects written in Go from 2017 to 2020 where results remain about the same each year and only 7% contribute daily


Developer tools and practices 开发者工具和实践

As in prior years, the vast majority of survey respondents reported working with Go on Linux (63%) and macOS (55%) systems. The proportion of respondents who primarily develop on Linux appears to be slightly trending down over time.


Primary operating system from 2017 to 2020

Primary operating system from 2017 to 2020


For the first time, editor preferences appear to have stabilized: VS Code remains the most preferred editor (41%), with GoLand a strong second (35%). Together these editors made up 76% of responses, and other preferences did not continue to decrease as they had in previous years.

第一次,编辑器的偏好似乎已经稳定下来。VS Code仍然是最受欢迎的编辑器(41%),GoLand是第二位(35%)。这些编辑器加起来占了76%的回复,其他偏好没有像前几年那样继续减少。

Editor preferences from 2017 to 2020

Editor preferences from 2017 to 2020


This year we asked respondents to prioritize improvements to their editor by how much they would hypothetically spend if they had 100 “GopherCoins” (a fictional currency). Code completion received the highest average number of GopherCoins per respondent. Half of respondents gave the top 4 features (code completion, navigating code, editor performance and refactoring) 10 or more coins.

今年,我们要求受访者按照如果他们有100个 “GopherCoins”(一种虚构的货币),他们假设会花多少钱来优先考虑对编辑器的改进。每个受访者的代码完成度获得了最高的平均GopherCoins数量。一半的受访者给了前4个功能(代码完成、代码导航、编辑器性能和重构)10个或更多硬币。

Bar char of average number of GopherCoins spent per respondent

Bar char of average number of GopherCoins spent per respondent


A majority of respondents (63%) spend 10–30% of their time refactoring, suggesting that this is a common task and we want to investigate ways to improve it. It also explains why refactoring support was one of the most-funded editor improvements.


Bar chart of time spent refactoring

Bar chart of time spent refactoring


Last year we asked about specific developer techniques and found that almost 90% of respondents were using text logging for debugging, so this year we added a follow-up question to find out why. Results show that 43% use it because it allows them to use the same debugging strategy across different languages, and 42% prefer to use text logging over other debugging techniques. However, 27% don’t know how to get started with Go’s debugging tools and 24% have never tried using Go’s debugging tools, so there’s an opportunity to improve the debugger tooling in terms of discoverability, usability and documentation. Additionally, because a quarter of respondents have never tried using debugging tools, pain points may be underreported.



Sentiments towards Go 对Go的感情

For the first time, this year we asked about overall satisfaction. 92% of respondents said they were very or somewhat satisfied using Go during the past year.


Bar chart of overall satisfaction on a 5 points scale from very dissatisfied to very satisfied

Bar chart of overall satisfaction on a 5 points scale from very dissatisfied to very satisfied


This is the 3rd year we’ve asked the “Would you recommend…” Net Promoter Score (NPS) question. This year our NPS result is a 61 (68% “promoters” minus 6% “detractors”), statistically unchanged from 2019 and 2018.

这是我们第三年询问 “您是否会推荐…… “的问题。Net Promoter Score(NPS)问题。今年我们的NPS结果是61分(68%的 “促进者 “减去6%的 “反对者”),与2019年和2018年相比,统计上没有变化。

Stacked bar chart of promoters, passives, and detractors

Stacked bar chart of promoters, passives, and detractors


Similar to previous years, 91% of respondents said they would prefer to use Go for their next new project. 89% said Go is working well for their team. This year we saw an increase in respondents who agreed that Go is critical to their company’s success from 59% in 2019 to 66% in 2020. Respondents working at organizations of 5,000 or more employees were less likely to agree (63%), while those at smaller organizations were more likely to agree (73%).


Bar chart of agreement with statements I would prefer to use Go for my next project, Go is working well for me team, 89%, and Go is critical to my company’s success

Bar chart of agreement with statements I would prefer to use Go for my next project, Go is working well for me team, 89%, and Go is critical to my company’s success


Like last year, we asked respondents to rate specific areas of Go development according to satisfaction and importance. Satisfaction with using cloud services, debugging, and using modules (areas that last year were highlighted as opportunities for improvement) increased while most importance scores remained about the same. We also introduced a couple new topics: API and Web frameworks. We see that web frameworks satisfaction is lower than other areas (64%). It wasn’t as critically important to most current users (only 28% of respondents said it was very or critically important), but it could be a missing critical feature for would-be Go developers.


Bar chart of satisfaction with aspects of Go from 2019 to 2020, showing highest satisfaction with build speed, reliability and using concurrency and lowest with web frameworks

Bar chart of satisfaction with aspects of Go from 2019 to 2020, showing highest satisfaction with build speed, reliability and using concurrency and lowest with web frameworks


81% of respondents said they felt very or extremely productive using Go. Respondents at larger organizations were more likely to feel extremely productive than those at smaller organizations.


Stacked bar chart of perceived productivity on 5 point scale from not all to extremely productive

Stacked bar chart of perceived productivity on 5 point scale from not all to extremely productive


We’ve heard anecdotally that it’s easy to become productive quickly with Go. We asked respondents who felt at least slightly productive how long it took them to become productive. 93% said it took less than one year, with the majority feeling productive within 3 months.


Bar chart of length of time before feeling productive

Bar chart of length of time before feeling productive


Although about the same as last year, the percentage of respondents who agreed with the statement “I feel welcome in the Go community” appears to be trending down over time, or at least not holding to the same upward trends as other areas.

尽管与去年差不多,同意 “我在Go界感到受欢迎 “这一说法的受访者比例似乎随着时间的推移呈下降趋势,或者至少没有像其他领域那样保持上升趋势。

We’ve also seen a significant year-over-year increase in the proportion of respondents who feel Go’s project leadership understands their needs (63%).


All of these results show a pattern of higher agreement correlated with increased Go experience, beginning at about two years. In other words, the longer a respondent has been using Go, the more likely they were to agree with each of these statements.


Bar chart showing agreement with statements I feel welcome in the Go community, I am confident in the Go leadership, I feel welcome to contribute, The Go project leadership understands my needs, and The process of contributing to the Go project is clear to me

Bar chart showing agreement with statements I feel welcome in the Go community, I am confident in the Go leadership, I feel welcome to contribute, The Go project leadership understands my needs, and The process of contributing to the Go project is clear to me


We asked an open text question on what we could do to make the Go community more welcoming and the most common recommendations (21%) were related to different forms of or improvements/additions to learning resources and documentation.


Bar chart of recommendations for improving the welcomeness of the Go community

Bar chart of recommendations for improving the welcomeness of the Go community


Working with Go 使用Go的工作

Building API/RPC services (74%) and CLIs (65%) remain the most common uses of Go. We don’t see any significant changes from last year, when we introduced randomization into the ordering of options. (Prior to 2019, options towards the beginning of the list were disproportionately selected.) We also broke this out by organization size and found that respondents use Go similarly at large enterprises or smaller organizations, although large orgs are a little less likely to use Go for web services returning HTML.


Bar chart of Go use cases from 2019 to 2020 including API or RPC services, CLIs, frameworks, web services, automation, agents and daemons, data processing, GUIs, games and mobile apps

Bar chart of Go use cases from 2019 to 2020 including API or RPC services, CLIs, frameworks, web services, automation, agents and daemons, data processing, GUIs, games and mobile apps


This year we now have a better understanding of which kinds of software respondents write in Go at home versus at work. Although web services returning HTML is the 4th most common use case, this is due to non-work related use. More respondents use Go for automation/scripts, agents and daemons, and data processing for work than web services returning HTML. A greater proportion of the least common uses (desktop/GUI apps, games, and mobile apps) are being written outside of work.


Stacked bar charts of proportion of use case is at work, outside of work, or both

Stacked bar charts of proportion of use case is at work, outside of work, or both


Another new question asked how satisfied respondents were for each use case. CLIs had the highest satisfaction, with 85% of respondents saying they were very, moderately or slightly satisfied using Go for CLIs. Common uses for Go tended to have higher satisfaction scores, but satisfaction and popularity don’t perfectly correspond. For example, agents and daemons has 2nd highest proportion of satisfaction but it’s 6th in usage.


Bar chart of satisfaction with each use case

Bar chart of satisfaction with each use case


Additional follow-up questions explored different use cases, for example, which platforms respondents target with their CLIs. It’s not surprising to see Linux (93%) and macOS (59%) highly represented, given the high developer use of Linux and macOS and high Linux cloud usage), but even Windows is targeted by almost a third of CLI developers.


Bar chart of platforms being targeted for CLIs

Bar chart of platforms being targeted for CLIs


A closer look at Go for data processing showed that Kafka is the only broadly adopted engine, but a majority of respondents said they use Go with a custom data processing engine.


Bar chart of data processing engines used by those who use Go for data processing

Bar chart of data processing engines used by those who use Go for data processing


We also asked about larger areas in which respondents work with Go. The most common area by far was web development (68%), but other common areas included databases (46%), DevOps (42%) network programming (41%) and systems programming (40%).


Bar chart of the kind of work where Go is being used

Bar chart of the kind of work where Go is being used


Similar to last year, we found that 76% of respondents evaluate the current Go release for production use, but this year we refined our time scale and found that 60% begin evaluating a new version before or within 2 months of release. This highlights the importance for platform-as-a-service providers to quickly support new stable releases of Go.


Bar chart of how soon respondents begin evaluating a new Go release

Bar chart of how soon respondents begin evaluating a new Go release


Modules 模块

This year we found near-universal adoption for Go modules, and a significant increase in the proportion of respondents who only use modules for package management. 96% of respondents said they were using modules for package management, up from 89% last year. 87% of respondents said they were using only modules for package management, up from 71% last year. Meanwhile, the use of other package management tools has decreased.


Bar chart of methods used for Go package management

Bar chart of methods used for Go package management


Satisfaction with modules also increased from last year. 77% of respondents said they were very, moderately or slightly satisfied with modules, compared to 68% in 2019.


Stacked bar chart of satisfaction with using modules on a 7 point scale from very dissatisfied to very satisfied

Stacked bar chart of satisfaction with using modules on a 7 point scale from very dissatisfied to very satisfied


Official documentation 官方文件

Most respondents said they struggle with official documentation. 62% of respondents struggle to find enough information to fully implement a feature of their application and over a third have struggled to get started with something they haven’t done before.


Bar chart of struggles using official Go documentation

Bar chart of struggles using official Go documentation


The most problematic areas of official documentation were on using modules and CLI development, with 20% of respondents finding modules documentation slightly or not at all helpful, and 16% for documentation around CLI development.


Stacked bar charts on helpfulness of specific areas of documentation including using modules, CLI tool development, error handling, web service development, data access, concurrency and file input/output, rated on a 5 point scale from not at all to very helpful

Stacked bar charts on helpfulness of specific areas of documentation including using modules, CLI tool development, error handling, web service development, data access, concurrency and file input/output, rated on a 5 point scale from not at all to very helpful


Go in the clouds 云中的 Go

Go was designed with modern distributed computing in mind, and we want to continue to improve the developer experience of building cloud services with Go.


  • The three largest global cloud providers (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure) continue to increase in usage among survey respondents, while most other providers are used by a smaller proportion of respondents each year. Azure in particular had a significant increase from 7% to 12%.全球三大云计算供应商(亚马逊网络服务、谷歌云平台和微软Azure)在调查对象中的使用率持续上升,而其他大多数供应商的使用比例每年都在减少。特别是Azure,从7%大幅增加到12%。
  • On-prem deployments to self-owned or company-owned servers continue to decrease as the most common deployment targets.作为最常见的部署目标,内部部署到自我拥有或公司拥有的服务器上的情况继续减少。

Bar chart of cloud providers used to deploy Go programs where AWS is the most common at 44%

Bar chart of cloud providers used to deploy Go programs where AWS is the most common at 44%


Respondents deploying to AWS and Azure saw increases in deploying to a managed Kubernetes platform, now at 40% and 54%, respectively. Azure saw a significant drop in the proportion of users deploying Go programs to VMs and some growth in container usage from 18% to 25%. Meanwhile, GCP (which already had a high proportion of respondents reporting managed Kubernetes use) saw some growth in deploying to serverless Cloud Run from 10% to 17%.


Bar charts of proportion of services being used with each provider

Bar charts of proportion of services being used with each provider


Overall, a majority of respondents were satisfied with using Go on all three major cloud providers, and the figures are statistically unchanged from last year. Respondents reported similar satisfaction levels with Go development for AWS (82% satisfied) and GCP (80%). Azure received a lower satisfaction score (58% satisfied), and free-text responses often cited a need for improvements to Azure’s Go SDK and Go support for Azure functions.

总的来说,大多数受访者对在所有三个主要云供应商上使用Go感到满意,这些数字与去年相比在统计上没有变化。受访者表示对AWS(82%满意)和GCP(80%)的Go开发的满意程度相似。Azure的满意度较低(58%满意),自由文本回复中经常提到需要改进Azure的Go SDK和Go对Azure函数的支持。

Stacked bar chart of satisfaction with using Go with AWS, GCP and Azure

Stacked bar chart of satisfaction with using Go with AWS, GCP and Azure


Pain points 痛点

The top reasons respondents say they are unable to use Go more remain working on a project in another language (54%), working on a team that prefers to use another language (34%), and the lack of a critical feature in Go itself (26%).


This year we introduced a new option, “I already use Go everywhere I would like to,” so that respondents could opt out of making selections that don’t prevent them from using Go. This significantly lowered the rate of selection of all other options, but did not change their relative ordering. We also introduced an option for “Go lacks critical frameworks”.

今年我们引入了一个新的选项,“我已经在所有我想使用的地方使用Go”,这样受访者就可以选择不做那些不妨碍他们使用Go的选择。这大大降低了所有其他选项的选择率,但并没有改变它们的相对排序。我们还引入了一个 “Go缺乏关键框架 “的选项。

If we look at only the respondents who selected reasons for not using Go, we can get a better idea of year-over-year trends. Working on an existing project in another language and project/team/lead preference for another language are decreasing over time.


Bar charts of reasons preventing respondents from using Go more

Bar charts of reasons preventing respondents from using Go more


Among the 26% of respondents who said Go lacks language features they need, 88% selected generics as a critical missing feature. Other critical missing features were better error handling (58%), null safety (44%), functional programming features(42%) and a stronger / expanded type system (41%).


To be clear, these numbers are from the subset of respondents who said they would be able to use Go more were it not missing one or more critical features they need, not the entire population of survey respondents. To put that in perspective, 18% of respondents are prevented from using Go because of a lack of generics.


Bar chart of missing critical features

Bar chart of missing critical features


The top challenge respondents reported when using Go was again Go’s lack of generics (18%), while modules/package management and problems with learning curve/best practices/docs were both 13%.


Bar chart of biggest challenges respondents face when using Go

Bar chart of biggest challenges respondents face when using Go


The Go community Go社区

This year we asked respondents for their top 5 resources for answering their Go-related questions. Last year we only asked for top 3, so the results aren’t directly comparable, however, StackOverflow remains the most popular resource at 65%. Reading source code (57%) remains another popular resource while reliance on godoc.org (39%) has significantly decreased. The package discovery site pkg.go.dev is new to the list this year and was a top resource for 32% of respondents. Respondents who use pkg.go.dev are more likely to agree they are able to quickly find Go packages / libraries they need: 91% for pkg.go.dev users vs. 82% for everyone else.


Bar chart of top 5 resources respondents use to answer Go-related questions

Bar chart of top 5 resources respondents use to answer Go-related questions


Over the years, the proportion of respondents who do not attend any Go-related events has been trending up. Due to Covid-19, this year we modified our question around Go events, and found over a quarter of respondents have spent more time in online Go channels than in prior years, and 14% attended a virtual Go meetup, twice as many as last year. 64% of those who attended a virtual event said this was their first virtual event.


Bar chart of respondents participation in online channels and events

Bar chart of respondents participation in online channels and events


We found 12% of respondents identify with a traditionally underrepresented group (e.g., ethnicity, gender identity, et al.), the same as 2019, and 2% identify as women, fewer than in 2019 (3%). Respondents who identified with underrepresented groups showed higher rates of disagreement with the statement “I feel welcome in the Go community” (10% vs. 4%) than those who do not identify with an underrepresented group. These questions allow us to measure diversity in the community and highlight opportunities for outreach and growth.

我们发现12%的受访者认同传统上代表性不足的群体(如种族、性别认同等),与2019年相同,2%的人认同女性,比2019年少(3%)。与不认同代表不足的群体的受访者相比,认同代表不足的群体的受访者对 “我在Go界感到受欢迎 “这一说法的不认同率更高(10%对4%)。这些问题使我们能够衡量社区的多样性,并突出宣传和发展的机会。

Bar chart of underrepresented groups Bar chart of those who identify as women Bar chart of welcomeness of underrepresented groups

Bar chart of underrepresented groups Bar chart of those who identify as women Bar chart of welcomeness of underrepresented groups

代表性不足的群体柱状图 代表性不足的群体的女性柱状图 代表性不足的群体的欢迎程度柱状图

We added an additional question this year on assistive technology usage, and found that 8% of respondents are using some form of assistive technology. The most commonly used assistive tech was contrast or color settings (2%). This is a great reminder that we have users with accessibility needs and helps drive some of our design decisions on websites managed by the Go team.


Bar chart of assistive technology usage

Bar chart of assistive technology usage


The Go team values diversity and inclusion, not simply as the right thing to do, but because diverse voices can illuminate our blindspots and ultimately benefit all users. The way we ask about sensitive information, including gender and traditionally underrepresented groups, has changed according to data privacy regulations and we hope to make these questions, particularly around gender diversity, more inclusive in the future.


Conclusion 结语

Thank you for joining us in reviewing the results of our 2020 developer survey! Understanding developers’ experiences and challenges helps us measure our progress and directs the future of Go. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this survey—we couldn’t have done it without you. We hope to see you next year!

感谢您和我们一起回顾2020年开发者调查的结果! 了解开发者的经验和挑战有助于我们衡量我们的进展,并指导Go的未来。再次感谢所有为这次调查做出贡献的人–没有您们,我们不可能做到这一点。我们希望明年再见到您!