去参加 go 聚会吧

Get thee to a Go meetup - 去参加 go 聚会吧


Andrew Gerrand 27 February 2013

Last week, David Symonds and I each gave talks at Sydney’s Go meetup, golang-syd. Dave spoke about Go API design in the context of Protocol Buffers, and I discussed some neat tricks in the construction of a small command-line program. The presentations were short but provoked some good questions and interesting discussion. Of the 50-odd attendees, most were regular Go programmers and a fair chunk write Go code professionally. It was a fun night.

上周,David Symonds和我分别在悉尼的Go聚会golang-syd上发表了演讲。Dave谈到了在协议缓冲区背景下的Go API设计,而我则讨论了在构建一个小型命令行程序时的一些巧妙技巧。演讲很短,但引起了一些好的问题和有趣的讨论。在50多位与会者中,大多数是普通的Go程序员,有相当一部分人是专业写Go代码的。这是一个有趣的夜晚。

It would have been great to see you there but, statistically, you’re not from Sydney. Despair not, however, as there are likely some people in your area who either run a Go meetup or want to start one.


The Go wiki lists Go user groups around the world, so if there’s one nearby you should consider going along to the next event.

Go wiki列出了世界各地的Go用户组,所以如果附近有这样的用户组,您应该考虑去参加下一次活动。

If not, why not start your own? To gauge interest, ask around in the Go+ Community and the golang-nuts mailing list, and take a look at this list of people waiting for a Go meetup in their area. Once you have a few people interested - and at least one person willing to present something - pick a venue and set a date. If you build it, they will come.
