技术说明 10


Technical Note 10 技术说明 10

Weave your own description languages 编织您自己的描述语言

by Gavin Wraith 作者 Gavin Wraith

This technical note does not fit in our style. There is a good reason for this, because it is about constructing HTML files (among other things) with Lua. Read the original page sent by Gavin.

​ 此技术说明不符合我们的风格。这是有充分理由的,因为它涉及使用 Lua 构造 HTML 文件(除其他事项外)。阅读 Gavin 发送的原始页面。

The Weave program has been updated comprehensively since it was originally described here.

​ 自最初在此处描述以来,Weave 程序已得到全面更新。

Last update: Mon Aug 12 15:52:23 EST 2002

最后修改 January 31, 2024: 更新 (e0896df)