
Technical Notes 技术说明

This series is no longer active because the wiki is now a much better place to publish technical notes on Lua. See also the book *Lua Programming Gems*.

​ 由于维基百科现在是发布有关 Lua 的技术说明的更好地方,因此本系列不再活跃。另请参阅《Lua 编程精粹》一书。

The goal of this series of Lua Technical Notes is to provide detailed technical information on specific points of the Lua language and its implementation. The series is inspired in the Macintosh Technical Notes, but is much more informal.

​ 本系列 Lua 技术说明的目标是提供有关 Lua 语言及其实现的特定点的详细技术信息。本系列的灵感来自 Macintosh 技术说明,但更加随意。

Everyone is welcome to write a LTN. Just write in HTML, following the style of previously published LTNs, and send it to us. Your LTN will be given a reference number, added to the site with a link in this page, and announced in the mailing list.

​ 欢迎大家撰写 LTN。只需按照以前发布的 LTN 的样式以 HTML 格式撰写,然后发送给我们即可。您的 LTN 将获得一个参考编号,并通过此页面中的链接添加到网站,并在邮件列表中公布。

最后修改 January 25, 2024: 更新 (c303d1c)