

Download 下载

Source 源代码

Lua is free software distributed in source code. It may be used for any purpose, including commercial purposes, at absolutely no cost.

​ Lua 是以源代码形式分发的免费软件。它可以用于任何目的,包括商业目的,绝对免费。

All versions are available for download. The current version is Lua 5.4 and its current release is Lua 5.4.6.

​ 所有版本均可下载。当前版本是 Lua 5.4,其当前版本是 Lua 5.4.6。

lua-5.4.6.tar.gz 2023-05-02, 355K, sha256: 7d5ea1b9cb6aa0b59ca3dde1c6adcb57ef83a1ba8e5432c0ecd06bf439b3ad88

Tools 工具

The main repository of Lua modules is LuaRocks. See also Awesome Lua. Pre-compiled Lua libraries and executables are available at LuaBinaries. The lua-users wiki lists many user-contributed addons for Lua.

​ Lua 模块的主要存储库是 LuaRocks。另请参阅 Awesome Lua。预编译的 Lua 库和可执行文件可在 LuaBinaries中获得。lua-users wiki 列出了许多用户为 Lua 贡献的插件

Building 构建

Lua is implemented in pure ANSI C and compiles unmodified in all platforms that have an ANSI C compiler. Lua also compiles cleanly as C++.

​ Lua 是用纯 ANSI C 实现的,并且在所有具有 ANSI C 编译器的平台上无需修改即可编译。Lua 也可以干净地编译为 C++。

Lua is very easy to build and install. There are detailed instructions in the package but here is a simple terminal session that downloads the current release of Lua and builds it in Linux:

​ Lua 非常容易构建和安装。软件包中有详细的说明,但以下是一个简单的终端会话,它下载了 Lua 的当前版本并在 Linux 中构建它:

curl -L -R -O https://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.4.6.tar.gz
tar zxf lua-5.4.6.tar.gz
cd lua-5.4.6
make all test

If you have trouble building Lua, read the FAQ.

​ 如果您在构建 Lua 时遇到问题,请阅读常见问题解答

If you don’t have the time or the inclination to compile Lua yourself, get a binary or try the live demo.

​ 如果您没有时间或倾向自己编译 Lua,请获取一个二进制文件或尝试实时演示

Giving credit 给予信用

If you use Lua, please give us credit, according to our license. A nice way to give us further credit is to include a Lua logo and a link to our site in a web page for your product.

​ 如果您使用 Lua,请根据我们的许可证给我们信用。在您的产品网页中包含一个 Lua 徽标和指向我们网站的链接,这是给我们进一步认可的一种好方法。

Supporting Lua 支持 Lua

You can help to support the Lua project by buying a book published by Lua.org and by making a donation.

​ 您可以通过购买 Lua.org 出版的书籍和捐款来帮助支持 Lua 项目。

You can also help to spread the word about Lua by buying Lua products at Zazzle.

​ 您还可以在 Zazzle 购买 Lua 产品来帮助宣传 Lua。

最后修改 January 25, 2024: 更新 (c303d1c)