

Welcome! 欢迎!

Lua is a powerful and fast programming language that is easy to learn and use and to embed into your application.

​ Lua 是一种功能强大且快速的编程语言,易于学习和使用,并且可以嵌入到您的应用程序中。

Lua is designed to be a lightweight embeddable scripting language. It is used for all sorts of applications, from games to web applications and image processing.

​ Lua 被设计为一种轻量级的可嵌入脚本语言。它用于各种应用程序,从游戏到 Web 应用程序和图像处理。

See the about page for details and some reasons why you should choose Lua.

​ 请参阅关于页面以了解详细信息以及您应该选择 Lua 的一些原因。

See what Lua programs look and feel like in the live demo.

​ 在live demo中了解 Lua 程序的外观和感觉。

Installing 安装

Use the live demo to play with Lua if you don’t want to install anything on your computer.

​ 如果您不想在计算机上安装任何东西,可以使用实时演示来玩 Lua。

To run Lua programs on your computer, you’ll need a standalone Lua interpreter and perhaps some additional Lua libraries. Pre-compiled Lua libraries and executables are available at LuaBinaries. Use your favorite text editor to write your Lua programs. Make sure to save your programs as plain text. If you want an IDE, try ZeroBrane Studio.

​ 要在计算机上运行 Lua 程序,您需要一个独立的 Lua 解释器,可能还需要一些额外的 Lua 库。LuaBinaries上提供了预编译的 Lua 库和可执行文件。使用您最喜欢的文本编辑器来编写 Lua 程序。确保将程序另存为纯文本。如果您想要一个 IDE,请尝试 ZeroBrane Studio

If you use Linux or Mac OS X, Lua is either already installed on your system or there is a Lua package for it. Make sure you get the latest release of Lua (currently 5.4.6).

​ 如果您使用 Linux 或 Mac OS X,则系统上可能已经安装了 Lua,或者有适用于它的 Lua 软件包。确保您获得最新版本的 Lua(目前为 5.4.6)。

Lua is also quite easy to build from source, as explained below.

​ Lua 也非常容易从源代码构建,如下所述。

Learning 学习

buy from Amazon

A good place to start learning Lua is the book Programming in Lua, available in paperback and as an e-book. The first edition is freely available online. See also course notes based on this book.

​ 开始学习 Lua 的一个好地方是《用 Lua 编程》一书,该书以平装本和电子书的形式提供。第一版可在网上免费获得。另请参阅基于本书的课程笔记。

The official definition of the Lua language is given in the reference manual.

​ Lua 语言的官方定义在参考手册中给出。

See the documentation page and the wiki for more.

​ 有关更多信息,请参阅文档页面和 wiki。

Building from source 从源代码构建

Lua is very easy to build and install. Just download it and follow the instructions in the package.

​ Lua 非常容易构建和安装。只需下载它并按照软件包中的说明进行操作即可。

Here is a simple terminal session that downloads the current release of Lua and builds it in a Linux system:

​ 这是一个简单的终端会话,它下载了 Lua 的当前版本并在 Linux 系统中构建它:

curl -L -R -O https://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.4.6.tar.gz
tar zxf lua-5.4.6.tar.gz
cd lua-5.4.6
make all test

If you don’t have curl, try wget. 如果您没有 curl,请尝试 wget。

If you use Windows and want to build Lua from source, there are detailed instructions in the wiki.

​ 如果您使用 Windows 并想从源代码构建 Lua,wiki 中有详细的说明。

Getting help 获取帮助

Our community is friendly and will most probably help you if you need. Just visit the mailing list, the chat room, and stackoverflow.

​ 我们的社区非常友好,如果您需要帮助,他们很可能会帮助您。只需访问邮件列表、聊天室和 Stackoverflow。

If you need help in Portuguese, join the Lua BR mailing list and visit pt.stackoverflow.

​ 如果您需要葡萄牙语帮助,请加入 Lua BR 邮件列表并访问 pt.stackoverflow。

See also the FAQ, the community-maintained wiki and LuaFaq, and the much longer uFAQ.

​ 另请参阅常见问题解答、社区维护的 wiki 和 LuaFaq,以及更长的 uFAQ。

Embedding 嵌入

To embed Lua into your C or C++ program, you’ll need the Lua headers to compile your program and a Lua library to link with it. If you’re getting a ready-made Lua package for your platform, you’ll probably need the development package as well. Otherwise, just download Lua and add its source directory to your project.

​ 要将 Lua 嵌入到您的 C 或 C++ 程序中,您需要 Lua 头文件来编译程序和一个 Lua 库来链接它。如果您正在为您的平台获取现成的 Lua 包,您可能还需要开发包。否则,只需下载 Lua 并将其源目录添加到您的项目中。

Tools 工具

If you need to complement the standard Lua libraries to handle more complex tasks, visit LuaRocks, the main repository of Lua modules. See also Awesome Lua, a curated list of quality Lua packages and resources. The lua-users wiki lists many user-contributed addons for Lua.

​ 如果您需要补充标准 Lua 库以处理更复杂的任务,请访问 LuaRocks,这是 Lua 模块的主要存储库。另请参阅 Awesome Lua,这是一个精选的优质 Lua 包和资源列表。lua-users wiki 列出了许多用户为 Lua 贡献的插件。

Supporting 支持

You can help to support the Lua project by buying a book published by Lua.org and by making a donation.

​ 您可以通过购买 Lua.org 出版的书籍和捐款来帮助支持 Lua 项目。

You can also help to spread the word about Lua by buying Lua products at Zazzle.

​ 您还可以在 Zazzle 购买 Lua 产品来帮助宣传 Lua。

最后修改 January 31, 2024: 更新 (e0896df)