

Package signal implements access to incoming signals.


Signals are primarily used on Unix-like systems. For the use of this package on Windows and Plan 9, see below.

​ 信号主要在类 Unix 的系统上使用。有关在 Windows 和 Plan 9 上使用此包的信息,请参见下文。

信号的类型 Types of signals

The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP may not be caught by a program, and therefore cannot be affected by this package.

​ SIGKILL 和 SIGSTOP 信号可能不会被程序捕获,因此无法受到此包的影响。

Synchronous signals are signals triggered by errors in program execution: SIGBUS, SIGFPE, and SIGSEGV. These are only considered synchronous when caused by program execution, not when sent using os.Process.Kill or the kill program or some similar mechanism. In general, except as discussed below, Go programs will convert a synchronous signal into a run-time panic.

​ 同步信号是由程序执行中的错误触发的信号:SIGBUS、SIGFPE 和 SIGSEGV。只有在程序执行时引起的情况下,才被认为是同步的,而不是通过 os.Process.Kill、kill 程序或某些类似机制发送的信号。通常情况下,除非在下文中讨论的情况下,Go 程序将把同步信号转换为运行时 panic。

The remaining signals are asynchronous signals. They are not triggered by program errors, but are instead sent from the kernel or from some other program.

​ 剩余的信号是异步信号。它们不是由程序错误触发的,而是从内核或其他程序发送的。

Of the asynchronous signals, the SIGHUP signal is sent when a program loses its controlling terminal. The SIGINT signal is sent when the user at the controlling terminal presses the interrupt character, which by default is ^C (Control-C). The SIGQUIT signal is sent when the user at the controlling terminal presses the quit character, which by default is ^\ (Control-Backslash). In general you can cause a program to simply exit by pressing ^C, and you can cause it to exit with a stack dump by pressing ^.

​ 在异步信号中,当程序失去控制终端时,会发送 SIGHUP 信号。当控制终端的用户按下中断字符时,会发送 SIGINT 信号,默认情况下是 ^C(Control-C)。当控制终端的用户按下退出字符时,会发送 SIGQUIT 信号,默认情况下是 ^(Control-Backslash)。通常情况下,您可以通过按下 ^C 使程序简单退出,并通过按下 ^\ 使程序退出并出现堆栈转储。

Go 程序中信号的默认行为 Default behavior of signals in Go programs

By default, a synchronous signal is converted into a run-time panic. A SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGTERM signal causes the program to exit. A SIGQUIT, SIGILL, SIGTRAP, SIGABRT, SIGSTKFLT, SIGEMT, or SIGSYS signal causes the program to exit with a stack dump. A SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, or SIGTTOU signal gets the system default behavior (these signals are used by the shell for job control). The SIGPROF signal is handled directly by the Go runtime to implement runtime.CPUProfile. Other signals will be caught but no action will be taken.

​ 默认情况下,同步信号会转换为运行时 panic。SIGHUP、SIGINT 或 SIGTERM 信号会导致程序退出。SIGQUIT、SIGILL、SIGTRAP、SIGABRT、SIGSTKFLT、SIGEMT 或 SIGSYS 信号会导致程序退出并出现堆栈转储。SIGTSTP、SIGTTIN 或 SIGTTOU 信号获取系统默认行为(这些信号由 shell 用于作业控制)。SIGPROF 信号由 Go 运行时直接处理,以实现 runtime.CPUProfile。其他信号将被捕获,但不会采取任何措施。

If the Go program is started with either SIGHUP or SIGINT ignored (signal handler set to SIG_IGN), they will remain ignored.

​ 如果使用忽略信号处理程序(signal handler)SIG_IGN 启动 Go 程序,SIGHUP 或 SIGINT 信号将保持被忽略状态。

If the Go program is started with a non-empty signal mask, that will generally be honored. However, some signals are explicitly unblocked: the synchronous signals, SIGILL, SIGTRAP, SIGSTKFLT, SIGCHLD, SIGPROF, and, on Linux, signals 32 (SIGCANCEL) and 33 (SIGSETXID) (SIGCANCEL and SIGSETXID are used internally by glibc). Subprocesses started by os.Exec, or by the os/exec package, will inherit the modified signal mask.

​ 如果使用非空信号掩码启动 Go 程序,通常将受到控制。然而,某些信号是明确解除阻止的:同步信号、SIGILL、SIGTRAP、SIGSTKFLT、SIGCHLD、SIGPROF,以及在 Linux 上,信号 32(SIGCANCEL)和 33(SIGSETXID)(SIGCANCEL 和 SIGSETXID 在 glibc 内部使用)。由 os.Exec 或 os/exec 包启动的子进程将继承修改后的信号掩码。

更改Go程序中信号的行为 Changing the behavior of signals in Go programs

The functions in this package allow a program to change the way Go programs handle signals.

​ 这个包中的函数允许程序更改Go程序处理信号的方式。

Notify disables the default behavior for a given set of asynchronous signals and instead delivers them over one or more registered channels. Specifically, it applies to the signals SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGABRT, and SIGTERM. It also applies to the job control signals SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, and SIGTTOU, in which case the system default behavior does not occur. It also applies to some signals that otherwise cause no action: SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGPIPE, SIGALRM, SIGCHLD, SIGCONT, SIGURG, SIGXCPU, SIGXFSZ, SIGVTALRM, SIGWINCH, SIGIO, SIGPWR, SIGSYS, SIGINFO, SIGTHR, SIGWAITING, SIGLWP, SIGFREEZE, SIGTHAW, SIGLOST, SIGXRES, SIGJVM1, SIGJVM2, and any real time signals used on the system. Note that not all of these signals are available on all systems.


If the program was started with SIGHUP or SIGINT ignored, and Notify is called for either signal, a signal handler will be installed for that signal and it will no longer be ignored. If, later, Reset or Ignore is called for that signal, or Stop is called on all channels passed to Notify for that signal, the signal will once again be ignored. Reset will restore the system default behavior for the signal, while Ignore will cause the system to ignore the signal entirely.

​ 如果程序启动时忽略了SIGHUP或SIGINT,并且为这两个信号调用了Notify,那么一个信号处理程序将被安装到该信号上,它将不再被忽略。如果稍后为该信号调用Reset或Ignore,或为该信号传递到Notify的所有通道调用Stop,则该信号将再次被忽略。Reset将恢复该信号的系统默认行为,而Ignore将导致系统完全忽略该信号。

If the program is started with a non-empty signal mask, some signals will be explicitly unblocked as described above. If Notify is called for a blocked signal, it will be unblocked. If, later, Reset is called for that signal, or Stop is called on all channels passed to Notify for that signal, the signal will once again be blocked.

​ 如果程序启动时具有非空信号掩码,则某些信号将被明确解除阻塞,如上所述。如果为阻塞信号调用Notify,它将被解除阻塞。如果稍后为该信号调用Reset,或为该信号传递到Notify的所有通道调用Stop,则该信号将再次被阻塞。


When a Go program writes to a broken pipe, the kernel will raise a SIGPIPE signal.

​ 当 Go 程序写入到一个已断开的管道时,内核会触发一个 SIGPIPE 信号。

If the program has not called Notify to receive SIGPIPE signals, then the behavior depends on the file descriptor number. A write to a broken pipe on file descriptors 1 or 2 (standard output or standard error) will cause the program to exit with a SIGPIPE signal. A write to a broken pipe on some other file descriptor will take no action on the SIGPIPE signal, and the write will fail with an EPIPE error.

​ 如果程序没有调用 Notify 接收 SIGPIPE 信号,那么行为取决于文件描述符号。向标准输出或标准错误的已断开管道上写入将导致程序退出并收到 SIGPIPE 信号。在其他文件描述符上向已断开管道写入将不会对 SIGPIPE 信号采取任何行动,并且写入将失败并返回 EPIPE 错误。

If the program has called Notify to receive SIGPIPE signals, the file descriptor number does not matter. The SIGPIPE signal will be delivered to the Notify channel, and the write will fail with an EPIPE error.

​ 如果程序已经调用了 Notify 来接收 SIGPIPE 信号,则文件描述符号无关紧要。SIGPIPE 信号将被传递到 Notify 通道,而写入将失败并返回 EPIPE 错误。

This means that, by default, command line programs will behave like typical Unix command line programs, while other programs will not crash with SIGPIPE when writing to a closed network connection.

​ 这意味着,默认情况下,命令行程序的行为将像典型的 Unix 命令行程序一样,而其他程序在向已关闭的网络连接写入时将不会崩溃。

使用 cgo 或 SWIG 的 Go 程序 Go programs that use cgo or SWIG

In a Go program that includes non-Go code, typically C/C++ code accessed using cgo or SWIG, Go’s startup code normally runs first. It configures the signal handlers as expected by the Go runtime, before the non-Go startup code runs. If the non-Go startup code wishes to install its own signal handlers, it must take certain steps to keep Go working well. This section documents those steps and the overall effect changes to signal handler settings by the non-Go code can have on Go programs. In rare cases, the non-Go code may run before the Go code, in which case the next section also applies.

​ 在包含非 Go 代码的 Go 程序中,通常是使用 cgo 或 SWIG 访问 C/C++ 代码,Go 的启动代码通常会先运行。它会在非 Go 启动代码运行之前按照 Go 运行时的期望配置信号处理程序。如果非 Go 启动代码希望安装自己的信号处理程序,则必须采取某些步骤来确保 Go 能正常运行。本节记录了这些步骤以及非 Go 代码对信号处理程序设置所产生的整体影响。在罕见情况下,非 Go 代码可能会在 Go 代码之前运行,在这种情况下下一节也适用。

If the non-Go code called by the Go program does not change any signal handlers or masks, then the behavior is the same as for a pure Go program.

​ 如果 Go 程序调用的非 Go 代码未更改任何信号处理程序或掩码,则其行为与纯 Go 程序相同。

If the non-Go code installs any signal handlers, it must use the SA_ONSTACK flag with sigaction. Failing to do so is likely to cause the program to crash if the signal is received. Go programs routinely run with a limited stack, and therefore set up an alternate signal stack.

​ 如果非 Go 代码安装了任何信号处理程序,则必须在 sigaction 中使用 SA_ONSTACK 标志。如果未这样做,则在接收到信号时程序可能会崩溃。Go 程序通常使用有限堆栈运行,因此会设置备用信号堆栈。

If the non-Go code installs a signal handler for any of the synchronous signals (SIGBUS, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV), then it should record the existing Go signal handler. If those signals occur while executing Go code, it should invoke the Go signal handler (whether the signal occurs while executing Go code can be determined by looking at the PC passed to the signal handler). Otherwise some Go run-time panics will not occur as expected.

​ 如果非 Go 代码为任何同步信号(SIGBUS、SIGFPE、SIGSEGV)安装了信号处理程序,则应记录现有的 Go 信号处理程序。如果这些信号在执行 Go 代码时发生,则应调用 Go 信号处理程序(可以通过查看传递给信号处理程序的 PC 来确定信号是否在执行 Go 代码时发生)。否则,某些 Go 运行时 panic 将不会按预期发生。

If the non-Go code installs a signal handler for any of the asynchronous signals, it may invoke the Go signal handler or not as it chooses. Naturally, if it does not invoke the Go signal handler, the Go behavior described above will not occur. This can be an issue with the SIGPROF signal in particular.

​ 如果非 Go 代码为任何异步信号安装了信号处理程序,则可以按其选择调用 Go 信号处理程序或不调用。自然,如果它不调用 Go 信号处理程序,则上面描述的 Go 行为将不会发生。这可能是特别关注 SIGPROF 信号的问题。

The non-Go code should not change the signal mask on any threads created by the Go runtime. If the non-Go code starts new threads of its own, it may set the signal mask as it pleases.

​ 非 Go 代码不应更改由 Go 运行时创建的任何线程的信号掩码。如果非 Go 代码启动自己的新线程,则可以自由地设置信号掩码。

If the non-Go code starts a new thread, changes the signal mask, and then invokes a Go function in that thread, the Go runtime will automatically unblock certain signals: the synchronous signals, SIGILL, SIGTRAP, SIGSTKFLT, SIGCHLD, SIGPROF, SIGCANCEL, and SIGSETXID. When the Go function returns, the non-Go signal mask will be restored.

​ 如果非 Go 代码启动新线程,更改信号掩码,然后在该线程中调用 Go 函数,则 Go 运行时将自动解除阻止某些信号:同步信号 SIGILL、SIGTRAP、SIGSTKFLT、SIGCHLD、SIGPROF、SIGCANCEL 和 SIGSETXID。当 Go 函数返回时,将恢复非 Go 信号掩码。

If the Go signal handler is invoked on a non-Go thread not running Go code, the handler generally forwards the signal to the non-Go code, as follows. If the signal is SIGPROF, the Go handler does nothing. Otherwise, the Go handler removes itself, unblocks the signal, and raises it again, to invoke any non-Go handler or default system handler. If the program does not exit, the Go handler then reinstalls itself and continues execution of the program.

​ 如果 Go 信号处理程序在非 Go 线程上调用且未运行 Go 代码,则处理程序通常将信号转发给非 Go 代码,如下所示。如果信号是 SIGPROF,则 Go 处理程序什么也不做。否则,Go 处理程序将其自身删除、解除信号阻止并再次引发该信号,以调用任何非 Go 处理程序或默认系统处理程序。如果程序未退出,则 Go 处理程序将重新安装自身并继续执行程序。

If a SIGPIPE signal is received, the Go program will invoke the special handling described above if the SIGPIPE is received on a Go thread. If the SIGPIPE is received on a non-Go thread the signal will be forwarded to the non-Go handler, if any; if there is none the default system handler will cause the program to terminate.

​ 如果接收到 SIGPIPE 信号,则 Go 程序将在 Go 线程上接收到 SIGPIPE 时调用上述的特殊处理程序。如果在非 Go 线程上接收到 SIGPIPE,则该信号将转发到非 Go 处理程序(如果有的话),如果没有,则默认的系统处理程序将导致程序终止。

调用 Go 代码的非 Go 程序 Non-Go programs that call Go code

When Go code is built with options like -buildmode=c-shared, it will be run as part of an existing non-Go program. The non-Go code may have already installed signal handlers when the Go code starts (that may also happen in unusual cases when using cgo or SWIG; in that case, the discussion here applies). For -buildmode=c-archive the Go runtime will initialize signals at global constructor time. For -buildmode=c-shared the Go runtime will initialize signals when the shared library is loaded.

​ 当使用像-buildmode=c-shared这样的选项构建 Go 代码时,它将作为现有非 Go 程序的一部分运行。在 Go 代码启动时,非 Go 代码可能已经安装了信号处理程序(在使用 cgo 或 SWIG 时也可能会发生这种情况;在这种情况下,此处的讨论也适用)。对于-buildmode=c-archive,Go 运行时将在全局构造函数时间初始化信号。对于-buildmode=c-shared,Go 运行时将在加载共享库时初始化信号。

If the Go runtime sees an existing signal handler for the SIGCANCEL or SIGSETXID signals (which are used only on Linux), it will turn on the SA_ONSTACK flag and otherwise keep the signal handler.

​ 如果 Go 运行时看到 SIGCANCEL 或 SIGSETXID 信号的现有信号处理程序(仅在 Linux 上使用),它将打开 SA_ONSTACK 标志并保留信号处理程序。

For the synchronous signals and SIGPIPE, the Go runtime will install a signal handler. It will save any existing signal handler. If a synchronous signal arrives while executing non-Go code, the Go runtime will invoke the existing signal handler instead of the Go signal handler.

​ 对于同步信号和 SIGPIPE,Go 运行时将安装信号处理程序。它将保存任何现有的信号处理程序。如果在执行非 Go 代码时出现同步信号,Go 运行时将调用现有的信号处理程序而不是 Go 信号处理程序。

Go code built with -buildmode=c-archive or -buildmode=c-shared will not install any other signal handlers by default. If there is an existing signal handler, the Go runtime will turn on the SA_ONSTACK flag and otherwise keep the signal handler. If Notify is called for an asynchronous signal, a Go signal handler will be installed for that signal. If, later, Reset is called for that signal, the original handling for that signal will be reinstalled, restoring the non-Go signal handler if any.

​ 使用-buildmode=c-archive或-buildmode=c-shared构建的 Go 代码默认不会安装任何其他信号处理程序。如果存在现有的信号处理程序,则 Go 运行时将打开 SA_ONSTACK 标志并保留信号处理程序。如果对于异步信号调用了 Notify,将为该信号安装 Go 信号处理程序。如果稍后调用 Reset 以该信号,则将重新安装该信号的原始处理方式,如果有,则恢复非 Go 信号处理程序。

Go code built without -buildmode=c-archive or -buildmode=c-shared will install a signal handler for the asynchronous signals listed above, and save any existing signal handler. If a signal is delivered to a non-Go thread, it will act as described above, except that if there is an existing non-Go signal handler, that handler will be installed before raising the signal.

​ 未使用-buildmode=c-archive或-buildmode=c-shared构建的 Go 代码将为上述异步信号安装信号处理程序,并保存任何现有信号处理程序。如果将信号传递到非 Go 线程,则将像上面描述的那样操作,除非存在现有的非 Go 信号处理程序,在引发信号之前将安装该处理程序。


On Windows a ^C (Control-C) or ^BREAK (Control-Break) normally cause the program to exit. If Notify is called for os.Interrupt, ^C or ^BREAK will cause os.Interrupt to be sent on the channel, and the program will not exit. If Reset is called, or Stop is called on all channels passed to Notify, then the default behavior will be restored.

​ Windows 上,^C(Control-C)^BREAK(Control-Break)通常会导致程序退出。如果对 os.Interrupt 调用了 Notify,则^C^BREAK 将导致在该通道上发送 os.Interrupt,并且程序不会退出。如果调用 Reset 或对于 Notify 传递的所有通道调用 Stop,则将恢复默认行为。

Additionally, if Notify is called, and Windows sends CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT, CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT or CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT to the process, Notify will return syscall.SIGTERM. Unlike Control-C and Control-Break, Notify does not change process behavior when either CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT, CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT or CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT is received - the process will still get terminated unless it exits. But receiving syscall.SIGTERM will give the process an opportunity to clean up before termination.

​ 此外,如果调用了 Notify,并且 Windows 将 CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT、CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT 或 CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT 发送到进程,则 Notify 将返回 syscall.SIGTERM。与 Control-C 和 Control-Break 不同,当收到 CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT、CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT 或 CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT 时,Notify 不会更改进程行为——除非退出,否则进程仍将被终止。但是,收到 syscall.SIGTERM 将使进程有机会在终止之前清理。

Plan 9

On Plan 9, signals have type syscall.Note, which is a string. Calling Notify with a syscall.Note will cause that value to be sent on the channel when that string is posted as a note.

​ Plan 9 上,信号具有 syscall.Note 类型,它是一个字符串。使用 syscall.Note 调用 Notify 将导致在发布该字符串作为注释时将该值发送到通道。


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func Ignore <- go1.5

func Ignore(sig ...os.Signal)

Ignore causes the provided signals to be ignored. If they are received by the program, nothing will happen. Ignore undoes the effect of any prior calls to Notify for the provided signals. If no signals are provided, all incoming signals will be ignored.

Ignore函数将提供的信号设置为被忽略。如果程序收到这些信号,将不会发生任何事情。 Ignore函数会撤销之前对所提供信号的Notify调用的效果。如果没有提供信号,则会忽略所有传入的信号。

func Ignored <- go1.11

func Ignored(sig os.Signal) bool

Ignored reports whether sig is currently ignored.


func Notify

func Notify(c chan<- os.Signal, sig ...os.Signal)

Notify causes package signal to relay incoming signals to c. If no signals are provided, all incoming signals will be relayed to c. Otherwise, just the provided signals will.


Package signal will not block sending to c: the caller must ensure that c has sufficient buffer space to keep up with the expected signal rate. For a channel used for notification of just one signal value, a buffer of size 1 is sufficient.

​ signal包不会阻止向c发送信号:调用者必须确保c具有足够的缓冲空间来跟上预期的信号率。对于用于通知一个信号值的通道,大小为1的缓冲区就足够了。

It is allowed to call Notify multiple times with the same channel: each call expands the set of signals sent to that channel. The only way to remove signals from the set is to call Stop.

​ 可以多次调用Notify函数并传入相同的通道,每次调用都会扩展该通道接收的信号集。从集合中删除信号的唯一方法是调用Stop函数。

It is allowed to call Notify multiple times with different channels and the same signals: each channel receives copies of incoming signals independently.

​ 可以多次调用Notify函数并传入不同的通道和相同的信号:每个通道都会独立地接收传入信号的副本。

Notify Example

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Set up channel on which to send signal notifications.
	// We must use a buffered channel or risk missing the signal
	// if we're not ready to receive when the signal is sent.
	// 设置信号通知的通道。
	// 必须使用带缓冲的通道,
    // 否则如果我们没有准备好接收信号,就可能会错过信号。
	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)

    // Block until a signal is received.
	// 阻塞直到接收到信号。
	s := <-c
	fmt.Println("Got signal:", s)

Notify Example (AllSignals)

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Set up channel on which to send signal notifications.
	// We must use a buffered channel or risk missing the signal
	// if we're not ready to receive when the signal is sent.
	// 设置信号通知的通道。
	// 必须使用带缓冲的通道,
    // 否则如果我们没有准备好接收信号,就可能会错过信号。
	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)

    // Passing no signals to Notify means that
	// all signals will be sent to the channel.
	// 将没有信号传递给 Notify 表示将所有信号发送到通道。

    // Block until any signal is received.
	// 阻塞直到接收到任何信号。
	s := <-c
	fmt.Println("Got signal:", s)

func NotifyContext <- go1.16

func NotifyContext(parent context.Context, signals ...os.Signal) (ctx context.Context, stop context.CancelFunc)

NotifyContext returns a copy of the parent context that is marked done (its Done channel is closed) when one of the listed signals arrives, when the returned stop function is called, or when the parent context’s Done channel is closed, whichever happens first.


The stop function unregisters the signal behavior, which, like signal.Reset, may restore the default behavior for a given signal. For example, the default behavior of a Go program receiving os.Interrupt is to exit. Calling NotifyContext(parent, os.Interrupt) will change the behavior to cancel the returned context. Future interrupts received will not trigger the default (exit) behavior until the returned stop function is called.

stop函数取消注册信号行为,这与signal.Reset函数一样,可能会为给定信号恢复默认行为。例如,接收os.Interrupt的Go程序的默认行为是退出。调用NotifyContext(parent, os.Interrupt)将更改行为以取消返回的上下文。未来收到的中断不会触发默认(退出)行为,直到调用返回的stop函数。

The stop function releases resources associated with it, so code should call stop as soon as the operations running in this Context complete and signals no longer need to be diverted to the context.


NotifyContext Example

This example passes a context with a signal to tell a blocking function that it should abandon its work after a signal is received.


package main

import (

func main() {
	ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
	defer stop()

	p, err := os.FindProcess(os.Getpid())
	if err != nil {

    // On a Unix-like system, pressing Ctrl+C on a keyboard sends a
	// SIGINT signal to the process of the program in execution.
	// 在类Unix系统中,
    // 按下键盘上的 Ctrl+C 键会向正在执行的程序的进程发送 SIGINT 信号。
	// This example simulates that by sending a SIGINT signal to itself.
    // 这个示例通过向自身发送 SIGINT 信号来模拟这种情况。
	if err := p.Signal(os.Interrupt); err != nil {

	select {
	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		fmt.Println("missed signal")
	case <-ctx.Done():
		fmt.Println(ctx.Err()) // 输出 "context canceled" prints "context canceled"
		stop()                 // 尽快停止接收信号通知。 stop receiving signal notifications as soon as possible.


func Reset <- go1.5

func Reset(sig ...os.Signal)

Reset undoes the effect of any prior calls to Notify for the provided signals. If no signals are provided, all signal handlers will be reset.


func Stop <- go1.1

func Stop(c chan<- os.Signal)

Stop causes package signal to stop relaying incoming signals to c. It undoes the effect of all prior calls to Notify using c. When Stop returns, it is guaranteed that c will receive no more signals.

Stop函数使包 signal 停止将传入信号转发到 c。它会撤销所有先前使用 c 调用 Notify 的效果。当 Stop 返回时,保证 c 不会再收到任何信号。


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