

Package fcgi implements the FastCGI protocol.

​ fcgi 包实现了 FastCGI 协议。

See https://fast-cgi.github.io/ for an unofficial mirror of the original documentation.

​ 请参阅 https://fast-cgi.github.io/ 以获取原始文档的非官方镜像。

Currently only the responder role is supported.

​ 目前仅支持响应者(responder)角色。


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var ErrConnClosed = errors.New("fcgi: connection to web server closed")

ErrConnClosed is returned by Read when a handler attempts to read the body of a request after the connection to the web server has been closed.

​ 当处理程序尝试在与 Web 服务器的连接已关闭后读取请求的主体时,Read 将返回 ErrConnClosed 错误。

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var ErrRequestAborted = errors.New("fcgi: request aborted by web server")

ErrRequestAborted is returned by Read when a handler attempts to read the body of a request that has been aborted by the web server.

​ 当处理程序尝试读取已被 Web 服务器中止的请求的主体时,Read 将返回 ErrRequestAborted 错误。


func ProcessEnv <- go1.9

func ProcessEnv(r *http.Request) map[string]string

ProcessEnv returns FastCGI environment variables associated with the request r for which no effort was made to be included in the request itself - the data is hidden in the request’s context. As an example, if REMOTE_USER is set for a request, it will not be found anywhere in r, but it will be included in ProcessEnv’s response (via r’s context).

​ ProcessEnv 函数返回与请求 r 相关的 FastCGI 环境变量。对于这些环境变量,没有在请求本身中进行包含的努力 —— 数据被隐藏在请求的上下文中。例如,如果请求设置了 REMOTE_USER (环境变量),那么在 r 的任何地方都找不到它,但它将在 ProcessEnv 的响应中包含(通过 r 的上下文)。

func Serve

func Serve(l net.Listener, handler http.Handler) error

Serve accepts incoming FastCGI connections on the listener l, creating a new goroutine for each. The goroutine reads requests and then calls handler to reply to them. If l is nil, Serve accepts connections from os.Stdin. If handler is nil, http.DefaultServeMux is used.

​ Serve 函数在监听器 l上接受传入的 FastCGI 连接,为每个连接创建一个新的 goroutine。这些 goroutine 读取请求,然后调用处理程序来回复请求。如果 l 为 nil,则 Serve 从 os.Stdin 接受连接。如果 handler 为 nil,则使用 http.DefaultServeMux。


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