5 分钟阅读
Package utils …
This section is empty.
InContainer will be true if is inside container environment, such as docker.
InContainer 如果在容器环境(如 Docker)中,则为 true。
Panic is the same as the built-in panic.
Panic 与内置的 panic
TestEnvs for testing.
TestEnvs 用于测试。
func AbsolutePaths <- 0.109.0
AbsolutePaths returns absolute paths of files in current working directory.
AbsolutePaths 返回当前工作目录中文件的绝对路径。
func All <- 0.52.0
All runs all actions concurrently, returns the wait function for all actions.
All 并发运行所有操作,并返回一个等待所有操作完成的函数。
func CropImage <- 0.88.5
CropImage by the specified box, quality is only for jpeg bin.
CropImage 按指定区域裁剪图像,quality
仅适用于 JPEG 格式。
func DefaultBackoff <- 0.52.0
DefaultBackoff algorithm: A(n) = A(n-1) * random[1.9, 2.1).
DefaultBackoff 的算法:A(n) = A(n-1) * random[1.9, 2.1)。
func Dump <- 0.54.0
Dump values for debugging.
Dump 调试用的值输出。
func E
E if the last arg is error, panic it.
E 如果最后一个参数是 error
,则抛出 panic
func EscapeGoString <- 0.62.0
EscapeGoString not using encoding like base64 or gzip because of they will make git diff every large for small change.
EscapeGoString 不使用 Base64 或 Gzip 编码,以避免小改动导致大的 Git 差异。
func Exec <- 0.52.0
Exec command.
Exec 执行命令。
func ExecLine <- 0.97.13
ExecLine of command.
ExecLine 执行命令。
func FileExists <- 0.52.0
FileExists checks if file exists, only for file, not for dir.
FileExists 检查文件是否存在,仅适用于文件,不适用于目录。
func FormatCLIArgs <- 0.106.0
FormatCLIArgs into one line string.
FormatCLIArgs 将命令行参数格式化为单行字符串。
func Mkdir <- 0.52.0
Mkdir makes dir recursively.
Mkdir 递归创建目录。
func MustToJSON <- 0.52.0
MustToJSON encode data to json string.
MustToJSON 将数据编码为 JSON 字符串。
func MustToJSONBytes <- 0.52.0
MustToJSONBytes encode data to json bytes.
MustToJSONBytes 将数据编码为 JSON 字节流。
func Noop <- 0.112.9
Noop does nothing.
Noop 不执行任何操作。
func OutputFile <- 0.52.0
OutputFile auto creates file if not exists, it will try to detect the data type and auto output binary, string or json.
OutputFile 如果文件不存在,会自动创建,并根据数据类型输出二进制、字符串或 JSON。
func Pause <- 0.52.0
Pause the goroutine forever.
Pause 使当前 goroutine 永久暂停。
func RandString <- 0.52.0
RandString generate random string with specified string length.
RandString 生成指定长度的随机字符串。
func ReadString <- 0.52.0
ReadString reads file as string.
ReadString 将文件内容读取为字符串。
func Retry <- 0.52.0
Retry fn and sleeper until fn returns true or s returns error.
Retry 按 fn
和 s
逻辑重试,直到 fn
返回 true
或 s
func S <- 0.52.0
S Template render, the params is key-value pairs.
S 模板渲染,params
func Sleep <- 0.52.0
Sleep the goroutine for specified seconds, such as 2.3 seconds.
Sleep 暂停当前 goroutine 指定的秒数,例如 2.3 秒。
func SplicePngVertical <- 0.114.7
SplicePngVertical splice png vertically, if there is only one image, it will return the image directly. Only support png and jpeg format yet, webP is not supported because no suitable processing library was found in golang.
SplicePngVertical 垂直拼接 PNG 图像,只有一张图时直接返回,支持 PNG 和 JPEG 格式。
func UseNode <- 0.116.1
UseNode installs Node.js and set the bin path to PATH env var.
UseNode 安装 Node.js 并将二进制路径添加到 PATH 环境变量。
type IdleCounter <- 0.69.0
IdleCounter is similar to sync.WaitGroup but it only resolves if no jobs for specified duration.
IdleCounter 类似于 sync.WaitGroup
func NewIdleCounter <- 0.69.0
NewIdleCounter …
NewIdleCounter 创建 IdleCounter
(*IdleCounter) Add <- 0.69.0
Add …
(*IdleCounter) Done <- 0.69.0
Done …
(*IdleCounter) Wait <- 0.69.0
Wait …
type ImgOption <- 0.114.7
ImgOption is the option for image processing.
ImgOption 图像处理选项。
type ImgProcessor <- 0.114.7
ImgProcessor is the interface for image processing.
ImgProcessor 图像处理接口。
func NewImgProcessor <- 0.114.7
NewImgProcessor create a ImgProcessor by the format.
NewImgProcessor 根据格式创建 ImgProcessor
type ImgWithBox <- 0.114.7
ImgWithBox is a image with a box, if the box is nil, it means the whole image.
ImgWithBox 表示带有框的图像,如果框为 nil
type Log <- 0.70.0
Log type for Println.
Log 用于 Println
func MultiLogger <- 0.74.0
MultiLogger is similar to https://golang.org/pkg/io/#MultiWriter
MultiLogger 是 https://golang.org/pkg/io/#MultiWriter 的简化版本。
(Log) Println <- 0.70.0
Println interface.
Println 接口。
type Logger <- 0.70.0
Logger interface.
Logger 接口。
LoggerQuiet does nothing.
LoggerQuiet 不执行任何操作。
type MaxSleepCountError <- 0.114.8
MaxSleepCountError type.
MaxSleepCountError 类型。
(*MaxSleepCountError) Error <- 0.114.8
Error interface.
实现 Error 接口。
(*MaxSleepCountError) Is <- 0.114.8
Is interface.
type Sleeper <- 0.52.0
Sleeper sleeps the current goroutine for sometime, returns the reason to wake, if ctx is done release resource.
Sleeper 使当前 goroutine 暂停一段时间,返回唤醒原因。如果上下文完成则释放资源。
func BackoffSleeper <- 0.52.0
BackoffSleeper returns a sleeper that sleeps in a backoff manner every time get called. The sleep interval of the sleeper will grow from initInterval to maxInterval by the specified algorithm, then use maxInterval as the interval. If maxInterval is not greater than 0, the sleeper will wake immediately. If algorithm is nil, DefaultBackoff will be used.
BackoffSleeper 返回一个按照回退方式暂停的 Sleeper
。暂停时间从 initInterval
增长到 maxInterval
,并按照指定算法更新。如果 maxInterval
小于等于 0,则立即唤醒。如果算法为 nil
,将使用默认的 DefaultBackoff。
func CountSleeper <- 0.52.0
CountSleeper wakes immediately. When counts to the max returns *ErrMaxSleepCount.
CountSleeper 立即唤醒。当计数达到最大值时,返回 *ErrMaxSleepCount。
func EachSleepers <- 0.92.0
EachSleepers returns a sleeper wakes up when each sleeper is awake. If a sleeper returns error, it will wake up immediately.
EachSleepers 返回一个 Sleeper
,当所有 Sleeper
唤醒时会唤醒。如果其中一个 Sleeper
func RaceSleepers <- 0.92.0
RaceSleepers returns a sleeper wakes up when one of the sleepers wakes.
RaceSleepers 返回一个 Sleeper
,当任意一个 Sleeper