
Built-in functions 内置函数


Built-in functions are predeclared. They are called like any other function but some of them accept a type instead of an expression as the first argument.

​ 内置函数是预先声明的。它们像其他函数一样被调用,但其中一些函数接受一个类型而非表达式作为其第一个实参。

The built-in functions do not have standard Go types, so they can only appear in call expressions; they cannot be used as function values.

​ 内置函数没有标准的Go类型,所以它们只能出现在调用表达式中;它们不能作为函数值使用。

Appending to and copying slices 追加和复制切片

The built-in functions append and copy assist in common slice operations. For both functions, the result is independent of whether the memory referenced by the arguments overlaps.

​ 内置函数appendcopy可以帮助进行常见的切片操作。对于这两个函数,其结果与实参所引用的内存是否重叠无关。

The variadic function append appends zero or more values x to a slice s and returns the resulting slice of the same type as s. The core type of s must be a slice of type []E. The values x are passed to a parameter of type ...E and the respective parameter passing rules apply. As a special case, if the core type of s is []byte, append also accepts a second argument with core type bytestring followed by .... This form appends the bytes of the byte slice or string.

可变参数函数append零个或多个值x追加到一个切片s,并返回与s相同类型的结果切片。值x被传递给一个类型为...E的参数,各自的参数传递规则适用。作为一个特例,如果s核心类型[]byteappend也接受第二个参数,其核心类型是bytestring,后面是... 。这种形式追加了字节切片或字符串的字节。

append(s S, x ...E) S  // core type of S is []E

If the capacity of s is not large enough to fit the additional values, append allocates a new, sufficiently large underlying array that fits both the existing slice elements and the additional values. Otherwise, append re-uses the underlying array.

​ 如果s的容量不足以容纳额外的值,append会分配一个新的、足够大的底层数组,同时容纳现有的切片元素和额外的值。否则,append复用原来的底层数组。

s0 := []int{0, 0}
s1 := append(s0, 2)                // append a single element     s1 == []int{0, 0, 2}
s2 := append(s1, 3, 5, 7)          // append multiple elements    s2 == []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7}
s3 := append(s2, s0...)            // append a slice              s3 == []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0}
s4 := append(s3[3:6], s3[2:]...)   // append overlapping slice    s4 == []int{3, 5, 7, 2, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0}

var t []interface{}
t = append(t, 42, 3.1415, "foo")   //                             t == []interface{}{42, 3.1415, "foo"}

var b []byte
b = append(b, "bar"...)            // append string contents      b == []byte{'b', 'a', 'r' }

The function copy copies slice elements from a source src to a destination dst and returns the number of elements copied. The core types of both arguments must be slices with identical element type. The number of elements copied is the minimum of len(src) and len(dst). As a special case, if the destination’s core type is []byte, copy also accepts a source argument with core type bytestring. This form copies the bytes from the byte slice or string into the byte slice.

​ 函数copy将切片元素从源src复制到目标dst并返回复制的元素数量。两个参数的核心类型必须是具有一致的元素类型的切片。复制的元素数是len(src)len(dst)中的最小值。作为一种特殊情况,如果目标的核心类型[]bytecopy也接受一个核心类型为bytestring的源参数。这种形式将字节切片或字符串中的字节复制到字节切片中。

copy(dst, src []T) int
copy(dst []byte, src string) int


​ 例子:

var a = [...]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
var s = make([]int, 6)
var b = make([]byte, 5)
n1 := copy(s, a[0:])            // n1 == 6, s == []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
n2 := copy(s, s[2:])            // n2 == 4, s == []int{2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5}
n3 := copy(b, "Hello, World!")  // n3 == 5, b == []byte("Hello")


The built-in function clear takes an argument of map, slice, or type parameter type, and deletes or zeroes out all elements [Go 1.21].

​ 内置函数 clear 采用映射、切片或类型参数类型的实参,并删除或将所有元素清零 [Go 1.21]。

Call        Argument type     Result

clear(m)    map[K]T           deletes all entries, resulting in an
                              empty map (len(m) == 0)

clear(s)    []T               sets all elements up to the length of
                              s to the zero value of T

clear(t)    type parameter    see below

If the type of the argument to clear is a type parameter, all types in its type set must be maps or slices, and clear performs the operation corresponding to the actual type argument.

​ 如果 clear 实参的类型是类型参数,则其类型集中的所有类型都必须是映射或切片,并且 clear 会执行与实际类型实参对应的操作。

If the map or slice is nil, clear is a no-op.

​ 如果映射或切片是 nilclear 是空操作。


For an argument ch with a core type that is a channel, the built-in function close records that no more values will be sent on the channel. It is an error if ch is a receive-only channel. Sending to or closing a closed channel causes a run-time panic. Closing the nil channel also causes a run-time panic. After calling close, and after any previously sent values have been received, receive operations will return the zero value for the channel’s type without blocking. The multi-valued receive operation returns a received value along with an indication of whether the channel is closed.

​ 对于一个核心类型通道的参数ch,内置函数close记录了通道上将不再有任何值被发送。如果ch是一个仅接收的通道,那么(关闭它)是一个错误。发送到或关闭一个已关闭的通道会导致运行时恐慌。关闭nil通道也会引起运行时恐慌。在调用close后,并且在任何先前发送的值被接收后,接收操作将返回通道类型的零值而不阻塞。多值接收操作会返回一个接收值以及通道是否被关闭的指示。

Manipulating complex numbers 操纵复数

Three functions assemble and disassemble complex numbers. The built-in function complex constructs a complex value from a floating-point real and imaginary part, while real and imag extract the real and imaginary parts of a complex value.

​ 有三个函数组装分解复数。内置函数 complex 从浮点实部和虚部构造一个复数值,而 realimag 则提取复数值的实部和虚部。

complex(realPart, imaginaryPart floatT) complexT
real(complexT) floatT
imag(complexT) floatT

The type of the arguments and return value correspond. For complex, the two arguments must be of the same floating-point type and the return type is the complex type with the corresponding floating-point constituents: complex64 for float32 arguments, and complex128 for float64 arguments. If one of the arguments evaluates to an untyped constant, it is first implicitly converted to the type of the other argument. If both arguments evaluate to untyped constants, they must be non-complex numbers or their imaginary parts must be zero, and the return value of the function is an untyped complex constant.

​ 实参的类型和返回值相对应。对于complex函数,两个实参必须是相同的浮点类型,返回类型是具有对应浮点成分的复数类型float32类型的实参对应comple64复数类型,而float64类型的实参对应comple128复数类型。如果其中一个实参的值是一个无类型常量,那么它首先会被隐式转换为另一个实参的类型。如果两个参数都求值为无类型常量,那么它们必须是非复数,或者它们的虚数部分必须为零,这样函数的返回值就是一个无类型的复数常量。

For real and imag, the argument must be of complex type, and the return type is the corresponding floating-point type: float32 for a complex64 argument, and float64 for a complex128 argument. If the argument evaluates to an untyped constant, it must be a number, and the return value of the function is an untyped floating-point constant.

​ 对于realimag,实参必须是复数类型,返回类型是相应的浮点类型:float32对应complex64float64对应complex128。如果实参的值是一个无类型的常量,它必须是一个数字,这样函数的返回值就是一个无类型的浮点常量。

The real and imag functions together form the inverse of complex, so for a value z of a complex type Z, z == Z(complex(real(z), imag(z))).

realimag函数一起构成了复数的逆运算,所以对于一个复数类型Z的值z来说,z == Z(complex(real(z), imag(z)))

If the operands of these functions are all constants, the return value is a constant.

​ 如果这些函数的操作数都是常量,返回值就是一个常量。

var a = complex(2, -2)             // complex128 <=仍有疑问??怎么推导出来是 complex128 ?
const b = complex(1.0, -1.4)       // untyped complex constant 1 - 1.4i
x := float32(math.Cos(math.Pi/2))  // float32
var c64 = complex(5, -x)           // complex64
var s int = complex(1, 0)          // untyped complex constant 1 + 0i can be converted to int
_ = complex(1, 2<<s)               // illegal: 2 assumes floating-point type, cannot shift => 非法的:2 被认为是 浮点类型,不能移位 <=仍有疑问??2为什么是浮点类型?怎么推导出来的
var rl = real(c64)                 // float32
var im = imag(a)                   // float64
const c = imag(b)                  // untyped constant -1.4
_ = imag(3 << s)                   // illegal: 3 assumes complex type, cannot shift => 非法的:3 被认为是复数类型,不能移位 <=仍有疑问??3为什么是浮点类型?怎么推导出来的

Arguments of type parameter type are not permitted.

​ 不允许使用参数类型的实参。

Deletion of map elements 删除映射元素

The built-in function delete removes the element with key k from a map m. The value k must be assignable to the key type of m.

​ 内置函数delete可以从映射m中删除键值k的元素,值k必须可以分配m的键类型。

delete(m, k)  // remove element m[k] from map m

If the type of m is a type parameter, all types in that type set must be maps, and they must all have identical key types.

​ 如果m的类型是类型参数,那么该类型集合中的所有类型必须是映射,并且它们必须都有相同的键类型

If the map m is nil or the element m[k] does not exist, delete is a no-op.

​ 如果映射mnil或者元素m[k]不存在,delete就是一个空操作。

Length and capacity 长度和容量

The built-in functions len and cap take arguments of various types and return a result of type int. The implementation guarantees that the result always fits into an int.

​ 内置函数lencap接受各种类型的实参并返回int类型的结果。该实现保证结果总是适合于一个int

Call      Argument type    Result
调用        实参类型          结果

len(s)    string type      string length in bytes
          [n]T, *[n]T      array length (== n)
          []T              slice length
          map[K]T          map length (number of defined keys)
          chan T           number of elements queued in channel buffer
          type parameter   see below

cap(s)    [n]T, *[n]T      array length (== n)
          []T              slice capacity
          chan T           channel buffer capacity
          type parameter   see below

If the argument type is a type parameter P, the call len(e) (or cap(e) respectively) must be valid for each type in P’s type set. The result is the length (or capacity, respectively) of the argument whose type corresponds to the type argument with which P was instantiated.

​ 如果参数类型是一个类型参数P,调用len(e)(或cap(e))必须对P的类型集中的每个类型有效。其结果是(类型对应P实例化时使用的类型实参的)实参的长度(或容量)。

The capacity of a slice is the number of elements for which there is space allocated in the underlying array. At any time the following relationship holds:

​ 切片的容量是底层数组中分配到的元素的数量。在任何时候,以下关系都是成立的:

0 <= len(s) <= cap(s)

The length of a nil slice, map or channel is 0. The capacity of a nil slice or channel is 0.


The expression len(s) is constant if s is a string constant. The expressions len(s) and cap(s) are constants if the type of s is an array or pointer to an array and the expression s does not contain channel receives or (non-constant) function calls; in this case s is not evaluated. Otherwise, invocations of len and cap are not constant and s is evaluated.

​ 如果s是一个字符串常量,那么表达式len(s)就是常量。如果s的类型是一个数组或指向数组的指针,并且表达式s不包含通道接收或(非常量)函数调用,那么表达式len(s)cap(s)是常量;在这种情况下,s不被求值。否则,lencap的调用不是常量,s被求值。

const (
	c1 = imag(2i)                    // imag(2i) = 2.0 is a constant
	c2 = len([10]float64{2})         // [10]float64{2} contains no function calls
	c3 = len([10]float64{c1})        // [10]float64{c1} contains no function calls
	c4 = len([10]float64{imag(2i)})  // imag(2i) is a constant and no function call is issued
	c5 = len([10]float64{imag(z)})   // invalid: imag(z) is a (non-constant) function call
var z complex128

Making slices, maps and channels 制作切片、映射和通道

The built-in function make takes a type T, optionally followed by a type-specific list of expressions. The core type of T must be a slice, map or channel. It returns a value of type T (not *T). The memory is initialized as described in the section on initial values.

​ 内置函数make接收一个类型T,后面可以选择一个特定类型的表达式列表。T核心类型必须是一个切片、映射或通道。它返回一个类型为T(不是*T)的值。内存被初始化,如初始值一节中所述。

Call             Core type    Result

make(T, n)       slice        slice of type T with length n and capacity n
make(T, n, m)    slice        slice of type T with length n and capacity m

make(T)          map          map of type T
make(T, n)       map          map of type T with initial space for approximately n elements

make(T)          channel      unbuffered channel of type T
make(T, n)       channel      buffered channel of type T, buffer size n

Each of the size arguments n and m must be of integer type, have a type set containing only integer types, or be an untyped constant. A constant size argument must be non-negative and representable by a value of type int; if it is an untyped constant it is given type int. If both n and m are provided and are constant, then n must be no larger than m. For slices and channels, if n is negative or larger than m at run time, a run-time panic occurs.

​ 每个大小实参nm必须是整型,或者是一个只包含整型的类型集,或者是一个无类型的常量。一个常量大小参数必须是非负数,并且可以用int类型的值表示;如果它是一个无类型的常量,它被赋予int类型。如果nm都被提供并且是常量,那么n必须不大于m。对于切片和通道,如果n在运行时是负数或者大于m,就会发生运行时恐慌

s := make([]int, 10, 100)       // slice with len(s) == 10, cap(s) == 100
s := make([]int, 1e3)           // slice with len(s) == cap(s) == 1000
s := make([]int, 1<<63)         // illegal: len(s) is not representable by a value of type int => 非法的: len(s) 不能被 int 类型的值表示
s := make([]int, 10, 0)         // illegal: len(s) > cap(s) => 非法的: len(s) > cap(s)
c := make(chan int, 10)         // channel with a buffer size of 10
m := make(map[string]int, 100)  // map with initial space for approximately 100 elements

Calling make with a map type and size hint n will create a map with initial space to hold n map elements. The precise behavior is implementation-dependent.

​ 调用map类型和大小提示nmake将创建一个初始空间可容纳n个map元素的map具体的行为是依赖于实现的

Min and max 最小值和最大值

The built-in functions min and max compute the smallest—or largest, respectively—value of a fixed number of arguments of ordered types. There must be at least one argument [Go 1.21].

​ 内置函数 minmax 分别计算固定数量的有序类型实参的最小值或最大值。必须至少有一个参数 [Go 1.21]。

The same type rules as for operators apply: for ordered arguments x and y, min(x, y) is valid if x + y is valid, and the type of min(x, y) is the type of x + y (and similarly for max). If all arguments are constant, the result is constant.

​ 与运算符相同的类型规则适用:对于有序实参 xy ,如果 x + y 有效,则 min(x, y) 有效,并且 min(x, y) 的类型是 x + y 的类型(对于 max 也是如此)。如果所有实参都是常量,则结果是常量。

var x, y int
m := min(x)                 // m == x
m := min(x, y)              // m is the smaller of x and y
m := max(x, y, 10)          // m is the larger of x and y but at least 10
c := max(1, 2.0, 10)        // c == 10.0 (floating-point kind)
f := max(0, float32(x))     // type of f is float32
var s []string
_ = min(s...)               // invalid: slice arguments are not permitted
t := max("", "foo", "bar")  // t == "foo" (string kind)

For numeric arguments, assuming all NaNs are equal, min and max are commutative and associative:

​ 对于数值实参,假设所有 NaN 相等, minmax 是可交换和可结合的:

min(x, y)    == min(y, x)
min(x, y, z) == min(min(x, y), z) == min(x, min(y, z))

For floating-point arguments negative zero, NaN, and infinity the following rules apply:

​ 对于浮点实参负零、NaN 和无穷大,应用以下规则:

   x        y    min(x, y)    max(x, y)

  -0.0    0.0         -0.0          0.0    // negative zero is smaller than (non-negative) zero
  -Inf      y         -Inf            y    // negative infinity is smaller than any other number
  +Inf      y            y         +Inf    // positive infinity is larger than any other number
   NaN      y          NaN          NaN    // if any argument is a NaN, the result is a NaN

For string arguments the result for min is the first argument with the smallest (or for max, largest) value, compared lexically byte-wise:

​ 对于字符串实参, min 的结果是第一个具有最小值(或对于 max ,最大值)的实参,按字节逐个比较词法:

min(x, y)    == if x <= y then x else y
min(x, y, z) == min(min(x, y), z)

Allocation 分配

The built-in function new takes a type T, allocates storage for a variable of that type at run time, and returns a value of type *T pointing to it. The variable is initialized as described in the section on initial values.

​ 内置函数new接收一个类型T,在运行时为该类型的变量分配存储空间,并返回一个指向它的*T类型的值。该变量被初始化,如初始值一节中所述。


For instance

​ 举例来说

type S struct { a int; b float64 }

allocates storage for a variable of type S, initializes it (a=0, b=0.0), and returns a value of type *S containing the address of the location.


Handling panics 处理恐慌

Two built-in functions, panic and recover, assist in reporting and handling run-time panics and program-defined error conditions.

​ 两个内置函数,panicrecover,协助报告和处理运行时恐慌和程序定义的错误情况。

func panic(interface{})
func recover() interface{}

While executing a function F, an explicit call to panic or a run-time panic terminates the execution of F. Any functions deferred by F are then executed as usual. Next, any deferred functions run by F’s caller are run, and so on up to any deferred by the top-level function in the executing goroutine. At that point, the program is terminated and the error condition is reported, including the value of the argument to panic. This termination sequence is called panicking.

​ 在执行函数F时,对panic的显式调用或运行时恐慌终止了F的执行,然后被F延迟的任何函数会照常执行。接下来,任何被F的调用者延迟的函数都会被运行,以此类推,直到被执行中的goroutine中的顶级函数所延迟的任何函数。此时,程序被终止,错误情况被报告,包括panic的实参值。这个终止过程被称为panicking

panic(Error("cannot parse"))

The recover function allows a program to manage behavior of a panicking goroutine. Suppose a function G defers a function D that calls recover and a panic occurs in a function on the same goroutine in which G is executing. When the running of deferred functions reaches D, the return value of D’s call to recover will be the value passed to the call of panic. If D returns normally, without starting a new panic, the panicking sequence stops. In that case, the state of functions called between G and the call to panic is discarded, and normal execution resumes. Any functions deferred by G before D are then run and G’s execution terminates by returning to its caller.

recover函数允许程序管理 panicking goroutine 的行为。假设函数G延迟了一个调用recover的函数D,并且在G执行的同一个goroutine上的一个函数发生了恐慌。当被延迟函数的运行到达D时,D调用recover的返回值将是传递给调用panic的值。如果D正常返回,没有启动新的panic,则 panicking goroutine 停止。在这种情况下,G和对panic的调用之间调用的函数的状态被丢弃,并恢复正常执行。GD之前被延迟的任何函数随后被运行,G的执行通过返回给它的调用者而终止。

The return value of recover is nil when the goroutine is not panicking or recover was not called directly by a deferred function. Conversely, if a goroutine is panicking and recover was called directly by a deferred function, the return value of recover is guaranteed not to be nil. To ensure this, calling panic with a nil interface value (or an untyped nil) causes a run-time panic.

​ 当 goroutine 没有发生 panic 或 recover 不是由延迟函数直接调用时, recover 的返回值为 nil 。相反,如果 goroutine 正在发生 panic 并且 recover 由延迟函数直接调用,则保证 recover 的返回值不是 nil 。为了确保这一点,使用 nil 接口值(或未类型化的 nil )调用 panic 会导致运行时 panic。

The protect function in the example below invokes the function argument g and protects callers from run-time panics raised by g.

​ 下面的示例中的 protect 函数调用函数参数 g ,并保护调用者免受 g 引发的运行时 panic。

func protect(g func()) {
	defer func() {
		log.Println("done")  // Println executes normally even if there is a panic
		if x := recover(); x != nil {
			log.Printf("run time panic: %v", x)

Bootstrapping 引导

Current implementations provide several built-in functions useful during bootstrapping. These functions are documented for completeness but are not guaranteed to stay in the language. They do not return a result.

​ 目前的实现提供了几个在引导(bootstrapping)过程中有用的内置函数。为了完整起见,这些函数被记录下来,但不保证会留在语言中。它们并不返回结果。

function   Behavior

print      prints all arguments; formatting of arguments is implementation-specific => 打印所有实参实参的格式化和实现有关
println    like print but prints spaces between arguments and a newline at the end =>  print 类似但是会在每个实参间打印空格在结尾打印新行

Implementation restriction: print and println need not accept arbitrary argument types, but printing of boolean, numeric, and string types must be supported.

​ 实现限制:printprintln不一定需要接受任意的实参类型,但必须支持布尔型、数字型和字符串型的打印。

最后修改 March 10, 2024: 更新 (ddf4687)