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如何提出一个好的问题?How do I ask a good question?
- Stackoverflow - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/go-gorm
- Github Issues - https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm/issues
聊天 Chat
- Gitter - https://gitter.im/jinzhu/gorm
链接 Links
- An admin system based on GORM V2 - GIN-VUE-ADMIN
- 一个基于GORM V2的后台管理系统 - GIN-VUE-ADMIN
- Go-admin is a middle background framework based on Gorm - go-admin-team/go-admin
- Go-admin是一个基于Gorm的中间后台框架 - go-admin-team/go-admin
- Article that validate GORM as ORM to Golang with CRUD implementation with SQLite database on tests - looking-for-an-orm-to-database-layer-with-golang
- 一篇文章验证了GORM作为Golang的ORM,并在SQLite数据库上进行了CRUD测试 - looking-for-an-orm-to-database-layer-with-golang
- Strongly typed JSON/JSONB fields in GORM
- Using GORM concurrently is not safe
- 使用GORM并发是不安全的
视频 Videos
- Gorm quick start tutorial by piexlmax - GORM V2 quick start
- piexlmax的GORM快速入门教程 - GORM V2快速入门
开源项目 Open Sources
- gormt - GORM mysql到golang struct gormt - GORM mysql to golang struct
- go-paginate - 基于游标的分页 go-paginate - cursor-based pagination
- zapgorm - Uber的Zap日志驱动用于gorm 1 (<v1.20) zapgorm - Uber’s Zap logging driver for gorm 1 (<v1.20)
- zapgorm2 - Uber的Zap日志驱动用于gorm 2 (>=v1.20) zapgorm2 - Uber’s Zap logging driver for gorm 2 (>=v1.20)
- gorm-newrelic-telemetry-plugin - 允许NewRelic Go Agent为GORM进行遥测的插件 gorm-newrelic-telemetry-plugin - A plugin to allow telemetry by NewRelic Go Agent for GORM
- 纯Go的sqlite驱动程序 Pure-Go sqlite driver
- 将用户与角色和权限关联 Associate users with roles and permissions
- gorm-cache - GORM查询缓存插件 gorm-cache - GORM query cache plugin
- deepgorm - 嵌套映射过滤 deepgorm - Nested map filtering
- oracle - GORM Oracle驱动程序 oracle - GORM Oracle driver
- Go ORM助手 - GORM代码完成Goland插件 Go ORM Helper - GORM Code Completion Goland Plugin
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