

v2.0 - 2020.08

GORM 2.0 is a rewrite from scratch, it introduces some incompatible-API change and many improvements

​ GORM 2.0 是从头开始重写的,它引入了一些不兼容的API更改和许多改进。

  • 性能改进 Performance Improvements
  • 模块化 Modularity
  • 支持上下文、批量插入、预处理语句模式、DryRun模式、预加载连接、查找到映射、从映射创建、分批查找等功能 Context, Batch Insert, Prepared Statement Mode, DryRun Mode, Join Preload, Find To Map, Create From Map, FindInBatches supports
  • 支持嵌套事务/保存点/回滚到保存点 Nested Transaction/SavePoint/RollbackTo SavePoint supports
  • 支持命名参数、分组条件、更新、锁定、优化器/索引/注释提示、子查询改进等功能 Named Argument, Group Conditions, Upsert, Locking, Optimizer/Index/Comment Hints supports, SubQuery improvements
  • 支持完全自引用关系、连接表改进、批处理数据的关联模式 Full self-reference relationships supports, Join Table improvements, Association Mode for batch data
  • 支持多字段跟踪创建/更新时间,添加对UNIX(毫秒/纳秒)的支持 Multiple fields support for tracking create/update time, which adds support for UNIX (milli/nano) seconds
  • 支持字段权限:只读、仅写、仅创建、仅更新、忽略 Field permissions support: read-only, write-only, create-only, update-only, ignored
  • 新的插件系统:支持多个数据库、带有插件数据库解析器的读写拆分支持、Prometheus集成等 New plugin system: multiple databases, read/write splitting support with plugin Database Resolver, prometheus integrations…
  • 新的钩子API:与插件的统一接口 New Hooks API: unified interface with plugins
  • 新的迁移器:允许为关系创建数据库外键、约束/检查器支持、增强索引支持 New Migrator: allows to create database foreign keys for relationships, constraints/checker support, enhanced index support
  • 新的日志记录器:支持上下文、改进可扩展性 New Logger: context support, improved extensibility
  • 统一的命名策略:表名、字段名、连接表名、外键、检查器、索引名规则 Unified Naming strategy: table name, field name, join table name, foreign key, checker, index name rules
  • 更好的自定义数据类型支持(例如:JSON) Better customized data type support (e.g: JSON)

GORM 2.0 Release Note

v1.0 - 2016.04

GORM V1 Docs

Breaking Changes:

  • gorm.Open returns *gorm.DB instead of gorm.DB
  • Updating will only update changed fields
  • Soft Delete’s will only check deleted_at IS NULL
  • New ToDBName logic Common initialisms from golint like HTTP, URI was converted to lowercase, so HTTP‘s db name is http, but not h_t_t_p, but for some other initialisms not in the list, like SKU, it’s db name was s_k_u, this change fixed it to sku
  • Error RecordNotFound has been renamed to ErrRecordNotFound
  • mssql dialect has been renamed to github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mssql
  • Hstore has been moved to package github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/postgres
最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)