3 分钟阅读
Package gfsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications.
软件包 gfsnotify 为文件系统通知提供了一个独立于平台的接口。
This section is empty.
This section is empty.
func Exit
Exit is only used in the callback function, which can be used to remove current callback of itself from the watcher.
Exit 仅在回调函数中使用,该函数可用于从观察程序中删除自身的当前回调。
func Remove
Remove removes all monitoring callbacks of given path
from watcher recursively.
Remove 以递归方式从观察程序中删除给定 path
func RemoveCallback
RemoveCallback removes specified callback with given id from watcher.
RemoveCallback 从观察程序中删除具有给定 ID 的指定回调。
type Callback
Callback is the callback function for Watcher.
Callback 是 Watcher 的回调函数。
func Add
Add monitors path
using default watcher with callback function callbackFunc
. The optional parameter recursive
specifies whether monitoring the path
recursively, which is true in default.
使用带有回调函数 callbackFunc
的默认观察程序添加监视器。可选参数 recursive
指定是否以递归方式监视 , path
默认为 true。
func AddOnce
AddOnce monitors path
using default watcher with callback function callbackFunc
only once using unique name name
. If AddOnce is called multiple times with the same name
parameter, path
is only added to monitor once. It returns error if it’s called twice with the same name
AddOnce path
使用带有回调函数 callbackFunc
的默认观察程序仅使用唯一名称 name
进行一次监视。如果使用同一 name
参数多次调用 AddOnce, path
则仅添加一次监视。如果使用相同的 name
The optional parameter recursive
specifies whether monitoring the path
recursively, which is true in default.
可选参数 recursive
指定是否以递归方式监视 , path
默认为 true。
type Event
Event is the event produced by underlying fsnotify.
Event 是由底层 fsnotify 产生的事件。
(*Event) IsChmod
IsChmod checks whether current event contains file/folder chmod event.
IsChmod 检查当前事件是否包含文件/文件夹 chmod 事件。
(*Event) IsCreate
IsCreate checks whether current event contains file/folder create event.
IsCreate 检查当前事件是否包含文件/文件夹创建事件。
(*Event) IsRemove
IsRemove checks whether current event contains file/folder remove event.
IsRemove 检查当前事件是否包含文件/文件夹删除事件。
(*Event) IsRename
IsRename checks whether current event contains file/folder rename event.
IsRename 检查当前事件是否包含文件/文件夹重命名事件。
(*Event) IsWrite
IsWrite checks whether current event contains file/folder write event.
IsWrite 检查当前事件是否包含文件/文件夹写入事件。
(*Event) String
String returns current event as string.
String 以字符串形式返回当前事件。
type Op
Op is the bits union for file operations.
Op 是文件操作的位联合。
type Watcher
Watcher is the monitor for file changes.
func New
New creates and returns a new watcher. Note that the watcher number is limited by the file handle setting of the system. Eg: fs.inotify.max_user_instances system variable in linux systems.
new 创建并返回新的观察程序。请注意,观察程序编号受系统文件句柄设置的限制。例如:linux系统中的fs.inotify.max_user_instances系统变量。
(*Watcher) Add
Add monitors path
with callback function callbackFunc
to the watcher. The optional parameter recursive
specifies whether monitoring the path
recursively, which is true in default.
将具有回调函数 callbackFunc
的 path
监视器添加到观察程序。可选参数 recursive
指定是否以递归方式监视 , path
默认为 true。
(*Watcher) AddOnce
AddOnce monitors path
with callback function callbackFunc
only once using unique name name
to the watcher. If AddOnce is called multiple times with the same name
parameter, path
is only added to monitor once.
AddOnce 仅使用观察程序的唯一名称 name
监视一次具有回调函数 callbackFunc
的监视器。如果使用同一 name
参数多次调用 AddOnce, path
It returns error if it’s called twice with the same name
如果使用相同的 name
The optional parameter recursive
specifies whether monitoring the path
recursively, which is true in default.
可选参数 recursive
指定是否以递归方式监视 , path
默认为 true。
(*Watcher) Close
Close closes the watcher.
关闭 关闭观察程序。
(*Watcher) Remove
Remove removes monitor and all callbacks associated with the path
Remove 将删除与递归关联的 path
(*Watcher) RemoveCallback
RemoveCallback removes callback with given callback id from watcher.
RemoveCallback 从观察程序中删除具有给定回调 ID 的回调。