37 分钟阅读
Package ghttp provides powerful http server and simple client implements.
软件包 ghttp 提供了强大的 http 服务器和简单的客户端实现。
func BuildParams
BuildParams builds the request string for the http client. The params
can be type of: string/[]byte/map/struct/*struct.
BuildParams 为 http 客户端生成请求字符串。类型 params
The optional parameter noUrlEncode
specifies whether to ignore the url encoding for the data.
可选参数 noUrlEncode
指定是否忽略数据的 url 编码。
func MiddlewareCORS
MiddlewareCORS is a middleware handler for CORS with default options.
func MiddlewareHandlerResponse
MiddlewareHandlerResponse is the default middleware handling handler response object and its error.
func MiddlewareJsonBody <-2.1.3
MiddlewareJsonBody validates and returns request body whether JSON format.
MiddlewareJsonBody 验证并返回请求正文是否为 JSON 格式。
func MiddlewareNeverDoneCtx <-2.6.2
MiddlewareNeverDoneCtx sets the context never done for current process.
MiddlewareNeverDoneCtx 为当前进程设置从未完成的上下文。
func RestartAllServer
RestartAllServer restarts all the servers of the process gracefully. The optional parameter newExeFilePath
specifies the new binary file for creating process.
RestartAllServer 优雅地重新启动进程的所有服务器。可选参数 newExeFilePath
func ShutdownAllServer
ShutdownAllServer shuts down all servers of current process gracefully.
ShutdownAllServer 正常关闭当前进程的所有服务器。
func StartPProfServer
StartPProfServer starts and runs a new server for pprof.
StartPProfServer 启动并运行 pprof 的新服务器。
func SupportedMethods <-2.4.2
SupportedMethods returns all supported HTTP methods.
SupportedMethods 返回所有支持的 HTTP 方法。
func Wait
Wait blocks to wait for all servers done. It’s commonly used in multiple server situation.
type CORSOptions
CORSOptions is the options for CORS feature. See .
CORSOptions 是 CORS 功能的选项。请参见 。
type Cookie
Cookie for HTTP COOKIE management.
用于 HTTP COOKIE 管理的 Cookie。
func GetCookie
GetCookie creates or retrieves a cookie object with given request. It retrieves and returns an existing cookie object if it already exists with given request. It creates and returns a new cookie object if it does not exist with given request.
GetCookie 使用给定的请求创建或检索 cookie 对象。如果给定请求中已存在现有 cookie 对象,则它会检索并返回该对象。如果给定请求中不存在新的 cookie 对象,则它会创建并返回该对象。
(*Cookie) Contains
Contains checks if given key exists and not expire in cookie.
包含检查给定密钥是否存在并且不会在 cookie 中过期。
(*Cookie) Flush
Flush outputs the cookie items to the client.
Flush 将 cookie 项输出到客户端。
(*Cookie) Get
Get retrieves and returns the value with specified key. It returns def
if specified key does not exist and def
is given.
Get 检索并返回具有指定键的值。如果指定的键不存在并且 def
已给出,则返回 def
(*Cookie) GetSessionId
GetSessionId retrieves and returns the session id from cookie.
GetSessionId 从 cookie 中检索并返回会话 ID。
(*Cookie) Map
Map returns the cookie items as map[string]string.
Map 以 map[string]string 的形式返回 cookie 项。
(*Cookie) Remove
Remove deletes specified key and its value from cookie using default domain and path. It actually tells the http client that the cookie is expired, do not send it to server next time.
使用默认域和路径从 cookie 中删除删除指定键及其值。它实际上告诉 http 客户端 cookie 已过期,下次不要将其发送到服务器。
(*Cookie) RemoveCookie
RemoveCookie deletes specified key and its value from cookie using given domain and path. It actually tells the http client that the cookie is expired, do not send it to server next time.
RemoveCookie 使用给定的域和路径从 cookie 中删除指定的键及其值。它实际上告诉 http 客户端 cookie 已过期,下次不要将其发送到服务器。
(*Cookie) Set
Set sets cookie item with default domain, path and expiration age.
设置具有默认域、路径和到期期限的 cookie 项。
(*Cookie) SetCookie
SetCookie sets cookie item with given domain, path and expiration age. The optional parameter options
specifies extra security configurations, which is usually empty.
SetCookie 设置具有给定域、路径和到期期限的 cookie 项。optional 参数 options
(*Cookie) SetHttpCookie
SetHttpCookie sets cookie with *http.Cookie.
SetHttpCookie 使用 *http 设置 cookie。饼干。
(*Cookie) SetSessionId
SetSessionId sets session id in the cookie.
SetSessionId 在 Cookie 中设置会话 ID。
type CookieOptions
CookieOptions provides security config for cookies
CookieOptions 为 Cookie 提供安全配置
type DefaultHandlerResponse
DefaultHandlerResponse is the default implementation of HandlerResponse.
type Domain
Domain is used for route register for domains.
(*Domain) BindHandler
BindHandler binds the handler for the specified pattern.
BindHandler 绑定指定模式的处理程序。
(*Domain) BindHookHandler
BindHookHandler binds the hook handler for the specified pattern.
BindHookHandler 绑定指定模式的挂钩处理程序。
(*Domain) BindHookHandlerByMap
BindHookHandlerByMap binds the hook handler for the specified pattern.
BindHookHandlerByMap 绑定指定模式的挂钩处理程序。
(*Domain) BindMiddleware
BindMiddleware binds the middleware for the specified pattern.
BindMiddleware 绑定指定模式的中间件。
(*Domain) BindMiddlewareDefault
BindMiddlewareDefault binds the default middleware for the specified pattern.
BindMiddlewareDefault 绑定指定模式的默认中间件。
(*Domain) BindObject
BindObject binds the object for the specified pattern.
BindObject 绑定指定模式的对象。
(*Domain) BindObjectMethod
BindObjectMethod binds the method for the specified pattern.
BindObjectMethod 绑定指定模式的方法。
(*Domain) BindObjectRest
BindObjectRest binds the RESTful API for the specified pattern.
BindObjectRest 绑定指定模式的 RESTful API。
(*Domain) BindStatusHandler
BindStatusHandler binds the status handler for the specified pattern.
BindStatusHandler 绑定指定模式的状态处理程序。
(*Domain) BindStatusHandlerByMap
BindStatusHandlerByMap binds the status handler for the specified pattern.
BindStatusHandlerByMap 绑定指定模式的状态处理程序。
(*Domain) EnablePProf
EnablePProf enables PProf feature for server of specified domain.
EnablePProf 为指定域的服务器启用 PProf 功能。
(*Domain) Group
Group creates and returns a RouterGroup object, which is bound to a specified domain.
Group 创建并返回绑定到指定域的 RouterGroup 对象。
(*Domain) Use
Use adds middleware to the domain.
type HandlerFunc
HandlerFunc is request handler function.
func WrapF
WrapF is a helper function for wrapping http.HandlerFunc and returns a ghttp.HandlerFunc.
WrapF 是用于包装 http 的帮助程序函数。HandlerFunc 并返回一个 ghttp。HandlerFunc。
func WrapH
WrapH is a helper function for wrapping http.Handler and returns a ghttp.HandlerFunc.
WrapH 是用于包装 http 的帮助函数。Handler 并返回一个 ghttp。HandlerFunc。
type HandlerItem <-2.1.0
HandlerItem is the registered handler for route handling, including middleware and hook functions.
HandlerItem 是路由处理的注册处理程序,包括中间件和挂钩函数。
(HandlerItem) MarshalJSON
MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
MarshalJSON 实现 json 的接口 MarshalJSON。元帅。
type HandlerItemParsed <-2.2.2
HandlerItemParsed is the item parsed from URL.Path.
(HandlerItemParsed) MarshalJSON
MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
MarshalJSON 实现 json 的接口 MarshalJSON。元帅。
type HandlerType <-2.5.0
HandlerType is the route handler enum type.
type HookName <-2.5.0
HookName is the route hook name enum type.
type Plugin
Plugin is the interface for server plugin.
type Request
Request is the context object for a request.
Request 是请求的上下文对象。
func RequestFromCtx
RequestFromCtx retrieves and returns the Request object from context.
RequestFromCtx 从上下文中检索并返回 Request 对象。
(*Request) Assign
Assign binds a template variable to current request.
Assign 将模板变量绑定到当前请求。
(*Request) Assigns
Assigns binds multiple template variables to current request.
Assign 将多个模板变量绑定到当前请求。
(*Request) BasicAuth
BasicAuth enables the http basic authentication feature with a given passport and password and asks client for authentication. It returns true if authentication success, else returns false if failure.
BasicAuth 使用给定的 passport 和密码启用 http 基本身份验证功能,并要求客户端进行身份验证。如果身份验证成功,则返回 true,如果失败,则返回 false。
(*Request) Context
Context is alias for function GetCtx. This function overwrites the http.Request.Context function. See GetCtx.
Context 是函数 GetCtx 的别名。此函数将覆盖 http.Request.Context 函数。请参阅 GetCtx。
(*Request) Exit
Exit exits executing of current HTTP handler.
退出执行当前 HTTP 处理程序的出口。
(*Request) ExitAll
ExitAll exits executing of current and following HTTP handlers.
ExitAll 退出执行当前和后续 HTTP 处理程序。
(*Request) ExitHook
ExitHook exits executing of current and following HTTP HOOK handlers.
ExitHook 退出执行当前和后续 HTTP HOOK 处理程序。
(*Request) Get
Get is alias of GetRequest, which is one of the most commonly used functions for retrieving parameter. See r.GetRequest.
Get 是 GetRequest 的别名,它是检索参数最常用的函数之一。请参阅 r.GetRequest。
(*Request) GetBody
GetBody retrieves and returns request body content as bytes. It can be called multiple times retrieving the same body content.
GetBody 检索请求正文内容并将其返回为字节。它可以多次调用,检索相同的正文内容。
(*Request) GetBodyString
GetBodyString retrieves and returns request body content as string. It can be called multiple times retrieving the same body content.
GetBodyString 检索请求正文内容并将其作为字符串返回。它可以多次调用,检索相同的正文内容。
(*Request) GetClientIp
GetClientIp returns the client ip of this request without port. Note that this ip address might be modified by client header.
GetClientIp 返回此请求的客户端 ip,不带端口。请注意,此 IP 地址可能会被客户端标头修改。
(*Request) GetCtx
GetCtx retrieves and returns the request’s context. Its alias of function Context,to be relevant with function SetCtx.
GetCtx 检索并返回请求的上下文。它的函数 Context 别名,与函数 SetCtx 相关。
(*Request) GetCtxVar
GetCtxVar retrieves and returns a Var with a given key name. The optional parameter def
specifies the default value of the Var if given key
does not exist in the context.
GetCtxVar 检索并返回具有给定键名称的 Var。可选参数 def
指定 Var 的默认值(如果给定 key
(*Request) GetError
GetError returns the error occurs in the procedure of the request. It returns nil if there’s no error.
GetError 返回在请求过程中发生的错误。如果没有错误,它将返回 nil。
(*Request) GetForm
GetForm retrieves and returns parameter key
from form. It returns def
if key
does not exist in the form and def
is given, or else it returns nil.
GetForm key
从窗体中检索并返回参数。如果 key
形式中不存在并且 def
被给定,则返回 def
,否则返回 nil。
(*Request) GetFormMap
GetFormMap retrieves and returns all form parameters passed from client as map. The parameter kvMap
specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
GetFormMap 检索并返回从客户端传递的所有表单参数作为映射。该参数 kvMap
(*Request) GetFormMapStrStr
GetFormMapStrStr retrieves and returns all form parameters passed from client as map[string]string. The parameter kvMap
specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
GetFormMapStrStr 检索并返回从客户端传递的所有表单参数作为 map[string]string。该参数 kvMap
(*Request) GetFormMapStrVar
GetFormMapStrVar retrieves and returns all form parameters passed from client as map[string]*gvar.Var. The parameter kvMap
specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
GetFormMapStrVar 检索并返回从客户端传递的所有表单参数,作为 map[string]*gvar.Var。该参数 kvMap
(*Request) GetFormStruct
GetFormStruct retrieves all form parameters passed from client and converts them to given struct object. Note that the parameter pointer
is a pointer to the struct object. The optional parameter mapping
is used to specify the key to attribute mapping.
GetFormStruct 检索从客户端传递的所有表单参数,并将它们转换为给定的结构对象。请注意,该参数 pointer
是指向 struct 对象的指针。可选参数 mapping
(*Request) GetHandlerResponse
GetHandlerResponse retrieves and returns the handler response object and its error.
GetHandlerResponse 检索并返回处理程序响应对象及其错误。
(*Request) GetHeader
GetHeader retrieves and returns the header value with given key
GetHeader 检索并返回给定 key
(*Request) GetHost
GetHost returns current request host name, which might be a domain or an IP without port.
GetHost 返回当前请求主机名,该主机名可能是域或没有端口的 IP。
(*Request) GetJson
GetJson parses current request content as JSON format, and returns the JSON object. Note that the request content is read from request BODY, not from any field of FORM.
GetJson 将当前请求内容解析为 JSON 格式,并返回 JSON 对象。请注意,请求内容是从请求 BODY 读取的,而不是从 FORM 的任何字段读取的。
(*Request) GetMap
GetMap is an alias and convenient function for GetRequestMap. See GetRequestMap.
GetMap 是 GetRequestMap 的别名和方便的函数。请参阅 GetRequestMap。
(*Request) GetMapStrStr
GetMapStrStr is an alias and convenient function for GetRequestMapStrStr. See GetRequestMapStrStr.
GetMapStrStr 是 GetRequestMapStrStr 的别名和方便的函数。请参阅 GetRequestMapStrStr。
(*Request) GetMultipartFiles
GetMultipartFiles parses and returns the post files array. Note that the request form should be type of multipart.
GetMultipartFiles 分析并返回 post files 数组。请注意,申请表应为多部分类型。
(*Request) GetMultipartForm
GetMultipartForm parses and returns the form as multipart forms.
GetMultipartForm 分析表单并将其作为多部分表单返回。
(*Request) GetNeverDoneCtx
GetNeverDoneCtx creates and returns a never done context object, which forbids the context manually done, to make the context can be propagated to asynchronous goroutines, which will not be affected by the HTTP request ends.
GetNeverDoneCtx 创建并返回一个从未完成的上下文对象,该对象禁止手动完成的上下文,以使上下文可以传播到异步 goroutine,这不会受到 HTTP 请求结束的影响。
This change is considered for common usage habits of developers for context propagation in multiple goroutines creation in one HTTP request.
此更改是针对开发人员在一个 HTTP 请求中创建多个 goroutines 时进行上下文传播的常见使用习惯考虑的。
(*Request) GetPage
GetPage creates and returns the pagination object for given totalSize
and pageSize
. NOTE THAT the page parameter name from clients is constantly defined as gpage.DefaultPageName for simplification and convenience.
GetPage 创建并返回给定 totalSize
和 pageSize
的分页对象。请注意,客户端中的页面参数名称始终定义为 gpage。DefaultPageName 为简化和方便起见。
(*Request) GetParam
GetParam returns custom parameter with a given name key
. It returns def
if key
does not exist. It returns nil if def
is not passed.
GetParam 返回具有给定名称 key
的自定义参数。如果 key
不存在,则返回 def
。如果 def
未通过,则返回 nil。
(*Request) GetQuery
GetQuery retrieves and return parameter with the given name key
from query string and request body. It returns def
if key
does not exist in the query and def
is given, or else it returns nil.
GetQuery 从查询字符串和请求正文中检索并返回具有给定名称 key
的参数。如果 key
查询中不存在并且 def
给定,则返回 def
,否则返回 nil。
Note that if there are multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: query > body.
(*Request) GetQueryMap
GetQueryMap retrieves and returns all parameters passed from the client using HTTP GET method as the map. The parameter kvMap
specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
GetQueryMap 使用 HTTP GET 方法作为映射检索并返回从客户端传递的所有参数。该参数 kvMap
Note that if there are multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: query > body.
(*Request) GetQueryMapStrStr
GetQueryMapStrStr retrieves and returns all parameters passed from the client using the HTTP GET method as a
GetQueryMapStrStr 使用 HTTP GET 方法检索并返回从客户端传递的所有参数,作为
map[string]string. The parameter `kvMap` specifies the keys
retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
(*Request) GetQueryMapStrVar
GetQueryMapStrVar retrieves and returns all parameters passed from the client using the HTTP GET method as map[string]*gvar.Var. The parameter kvMap
specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
GetQueryMapStrVar 检索并返回使用 HTTP GET 方法从客户端传递的所有参数,如 map[string]*gvar.Var。该参数 kvMap
(*Request) GetQueryStruct
GetQueryStruct retrieves all parameters passed from the client using the HTTP GET method and converts them to a given struct object. Note that the parameter pointer
is a pointer to the struct object. The optional parameter mapping
is used to specify the key to attribute mapping.
GetQueryStruct 使用 HTTP GET 方法检索从客户端传递的所有参数,并将它们转换为给定的结构对象。请注意,该参数 pointer
是指向 struct 对象的指针。可选参数 mapping
(*Request) GetReferer
GetReferer returns referer of this request.
(*Request) GetRemoteIp
GetRemoteIp returns the ip from RemoteAddr.
GetRemoteIp 从 RemoteAddr 返回 ip。
(*Request) GetRequest
GetRequest retrieves and returns the parameter named key
passed from the client and custom params as interface{}, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter def
specifies the default value if the key
does not exist.
无论客户端使用哪种 HTTP 方法,GetRequest 都会检索并返回从客户端传递的名为 key
Map 的参数,并将自定义参数作为 interface{}。如果 不存在 key
,则该参数 def
GetRequest is one of the most commonly used functions for retrieving parameters.
GetRequest 是用于检索参数的最常用函数之一。
Note that if there are multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: router < query < body < form < custom.
(*Request) GetRequestMap
GetRequestMap retrieves and returns all parameters passed from the client and custom params as the map, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter kvMap
specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass the according keys.
无论客户端使用哪种 HTTP 方法,GetRequestMap 都会检索并返回从客户端传递的所有参数和自定义参数作为映射。该参数 kvMap
GetRequestMap is one of the most commonly used functions for retrieving parameters.
GetRequestMap 是用于检索参数的最常用函数之一。
Note that if there are multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: router < query < body < form < custom.
(*Request) GetRequestMapStrStr
GetRequestMapStrStr retrieve and returns all parameters passed from the client and custom params as map[string]string, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter kvMap
specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
GetRequestMapStrStr 检索并返回从客户端和自定义参数传递的所有参数作为 map[string]string,无论客户端使用什么 HTTP 方法。该参数 kvMap
(*Request) GetRequestMapStrVar
GetRequestMapStrVar retrieve and returns all parameters passed from the client and custom params as map[string]*gvar.Var, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter kvMap
specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
GetRequestMapStrVar 检索并返回从客户端和自定义参数传递的所有参数,作为 map[string]*gvar。Var,无论客户端使用什么 HTTP 方法。该参数 kvMap
(*Request) GetRequestStruct
GetRequestStruct retrieves all parameters passed from the client and custom params no matter what HTTP method the client is using, and converts them to give the struct object. Note that the parameter pointer
is a pointer to the struct object. The optional parameter mapping
is used to specify the key to attribute mapping.
无论客户端使用什么 HTTP 方法,GetRequestStruct 都会检索从客户端和自定义参数传递的所有参数,并将它们转换为 struct 对象。请注意,该参数 pointer
是指向 struct 对象的指针。可选参数 mapping
(*Request) GetRouter
GetRouter retrieves and returns the router value with given key name key
. It returns def
if key
does not exist.
GetRouter 检索并返回具有给定键名称 key
的路由器值。如果 key
不存在,则返回 def
(*Request) GetRouterMap
GetRouterMap retrieves and returns a copy of the router map.
GetRouterMap 检索并返回路由器映射的副本。
(*Request) GetServeHandler
GetServeHandler retrieves and returns the user defined handler used to serve this request.
GetServeHandler 检索并返回用于处理此请求的用户定义处理程序。
(*Request) GetSessionId
GetSessionId retrieves and returns session id from cookie or header.
GetSessionId 从 Cookie 或标头中检索并返回会话 ID。
(*Request) GetStruct
GetStruct is an alias and convenient function for GetRequestStruct. See GetRequestStruct.
GetStruct 是 GetRequestStruct 的别名和方便的函数。请参阅 GetRequestStruct。
(*Request) GetUploadFile
GetUploadFile retrieves and returns the uploading file with specified form name. This function is used for retrieving single uploading file object, which is uploaded using multipart form content type.
GetUploadFile 检索并返回具有指定窗体名称的上载文件。此函数用于检索使用多部分表单内容类型上传的单个上传文件对象。
It returns nil if retrieving failed or no form file with given name posted.
如果检索失败或没有发布给定名称的表单文件,则返回 nil。
Note that the name
is the file field name of the multipart form from client.
请注意,这是 name
(*Request) GetUploadFiles
GetUploadFiles retrieves and returns multiple uploading files with specified form name. This function is used for retrieving multiple uploading file objects, which are uploaded using multipart form content type.
GetUploadFiles 检索并返回具有指定窗体名称的多个上传文件。此函数用于检索多个上传文件对象,这些对象是使用多部分表单内容类型上传的。
It returns nil if retrieving failed or no form file with given name posted.
如果检索失败或未发布指定名称的表单文件,则返回 nil。
Note that the name
is the file field name of the multipart form from client.
请注意,这是 name
(*Request) GetUrl
GetUrl returns current URL of this request.
GetUrl 返回此请求的当前 URL。
(*Request) GetView
GetView returns the template view engine object for this request.
GetView 返回此请求的模板视图引擎对象。
(*Request) IsAjaxRequest
IsAjaxRequest checks and returns whether current request is an AJAX request.
IsAjaxRequest 检查并返回当前请求是否为 AJAX 请求。
(*Request) IsExited
IsExited checks and returns whether current request is exited.
IsExited 检查并返回当前请求是否已退出。
(*Request) IsFileRequest
IsFileRequest checks and returns whether current request is serving file.
IsFileRequest 检查并返回当前请求是否正在提供文件。
(*Request) MakeBodyRepeatableRead
MakeBodyRepeatableRead marks the request body could be repeatedly readable or not. It also returns the current content of the request body.
MakeBodyRepeatableRead 标记请求正文是否可以重复读取。它还返回请求正文的当前内容。
(*Request) Parse
Parse is the most commonly used function, which converts request parameters to struct or struct slice. It also automatically validates the struct or every element of the struct slice according to the validation tag of the struct.
Parse 是最常用的函数,它将请求参数转换为结构或结构切片。它还会根据结构的验证标记自动验证结构或结构切片的每个元素。
The parameter pointer
can be type of: struct/**struct/[]struct/*[]*struct.
参数的类型 pointer
It supports single and multiple struct converting: 1. Single struct, post content like: {“id”:1, “name”:“john”} or ?id=1&name=john 2. Multiple struct, post content like: [{“id”:1, “name”:“john”}, {“id”:, “name”:“smith”}]
它支持单结构和多结构转换: 1.单结构,发布内容如:{“id”:1, “name”:“john”} 或 ?id=1&name=john 2.多个结构,发布内容如下: [{“id”:1, “name”:“john”}, {“id”:, “name”:“smith”}]
TODO: Improve the performance by reducing duplicated reflect usage on the same variable across packages.
(*Request) ParseForm
ParseForm performs like function Parse, but only parses the form parameters or the body content.
ParseForm 的执行方式类似于函数 Parse,但仅分析表单参数或正文内容。
(*Request) ParseQuery
ParseQuery performs like function Parse, but only parses the query parameters.
ParseQuery 的执行方式与函数 Parse 类似,但仅分析查询参数。
(*Request) ReloadParam
ReloadParam is used for modifying request parameter. Sometimes, we want to modify request parameters through middleware, but directly modifying Request.Body is invalid, so it clears the parsed* marks of Request to make the parameters reparsed.
ReloadParam 用于修改请求参数。有时,我们想通过中间件修改请求参数,但直接修改 Request.Body 是无效的,所以它会清除 Request 的解析*标记,使参数重新解析。
(*Request) SetCtx
SetCtx custom context for current request.
当前请求的 SetCtx 自定义上下文。
(*Request) SetCtxVar
SetCtxVar sets custom parameter to context with key-value pairs.
SetCtxVar 使用键值对将自定义参数设置为上下文。
(*Request) SetError
SetError sets custom error for current request.
(*Request) SetForm
SetForm sets custom form value with key-value pairs.
(*Request) SetParam
SetParam sets custom parameter with key-value pairs.
(*Request) SetParamMap
SetParamMap sets custom parameter with key-value pair maps.
(*Request) SetQuery
SetQuery sets custom query value with key-value pairs.
SetQuery 使用键值对设置自定义查询值。
(*Request) SetView
SetView sets template view engine object for this request.
SetView 为此请求设置模板视图引擎对象。
(*Request) WebSocket
WebSocket upgrades current request as a websocket request. It returns a new WebSocket object if success, or the error if failure. Note that the request should be a websocket request, or it will surely fail upgrading.
WebSocket 将当前请求升级为 websocket 请求。如果成功,它将返回一个新的 WebSocket 对象,如果失败,则返回错误。请注意,该请求应该是 websocket 请求,否则升级肯定会失败。
type Response
Response is the http response manager. Note that it implements the http.ResponseWriter interface with buffering feature.
Response 是 http 响应管理器。请注意,它实现了 http.具有缓冲功能的 ResponseWriter 接口。
(*Response) Buffer
Buffer returns the buffered content as []byte.
(*Response) BufferLength
BufferLength returns the length of the buffered content.
BufferLength 返回缓冲内容的长度。
(*Response) BufferString
BufferString returns the buffered content as string.
BufferString 以字符串形式返回缓冲内容。
(*Response) CORS
CORS sets custom CORS options. See .
CORS 设置自定义 CORS 选项。请参见 。
(*Response) CORSAllowedOrigin
CORSAllowedOrigin CORSAllowed checks whether the current request origin is allowed cross-domain.
CORSAllowedOrigin CORSAllowed检查当前请求源是否允许跨域。
(*Response) CORSDefault
CORSDefault sets CORS with default CORS options, which allows any cross-domain request.
CORSDefault 使用默认的 CORS 选项设置 CORS,该选项允许任何跨域请求。
(*Response) ClearBuffer
ClearBuffer clears the response buffer.
ClearBuffer 清除响应缓冲区。
(*Response) DefaultCORSOptions
DefaultCORSOptions returns the default CORS options, which allows any cross-domain request.
DefaultCORSOptions 返回默认的 CORS 选项,该选项允许任何跨域请求。
(*Response) Flush
Flush outputs the buffer content to the client and clears the buffer.
Flush 将缓冲区内容输出到客户端并清除缓冲区。
(*Response) ParseTpl
ParseTpl parses given template file tpl
with given template variables params
and returns the parsed template content.
ParseTpl 使用给定的 params
模板变量解析给定的模板文件 tpl
(*Response) ParseTplContent
ParseTplContent parses given template file file
with given template parameters params
and returns the parsed template content.
ParseTplContent 使用给定的模板参数 params
分析给定的模板文件 file
(*Response) ParseTplDefault
ParseTplDefault parses the default template file with params.
ParseTplDefault 使用参数分析默认模板文件。
(*Response) RedirectBack
RedirectBack redirects the client back to referer. The optional parameter code
specifies the http status code for redirecting, which commonly can be 301 or 302. It’s 302 in default.
RedirectBack 将客户端重定向回 referer。可选参数 code
指定用于重定向的 http 状态代码,通常可以是 301 或 302。默认为 302。
(*Response) RedirectTo
RedirectTo redirects the client to another location. The optional parameter code
specifies the http status code for redirecting, which commonly can be 301 or 302. It’s 302 in default.
RedirectTo 将客户端重定向到另一个位置。可选参数 code
指定用于重定向的 http 状态代码,通常可以是 301 或 302。默认为 302。
(*Response) ServeContent
ServeContent replies to the request using the content in the provided ReadSeeker. The main benefit of ServeContent over io.Copy is that it handles Range requests properly, sets the MIME type, and handles If-Match, If-Unmodified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since, and If-Range requests.
ServeContent 使用提供的 ReadSeeker 中的内容回复请求。ServeContent 相对于 io 的主要优势。复制是指它正确处理 Range 请求,设置 MIME 类型,并处理 If-Match、If-Unmodified-Since、If-None-Match、If-Modified-Since 和 If-Range 请求。
See http.ServeContent
请参见 http。服务内容
(*Response) ServeFile
ServeFile serves the file to the response.
ServeFile 为响应提供文件。
(*Response) ServeFileDownload
ServeFileDownload serves file downloading to the response.
ServeFileDownload 将文件下载到响应。
(*Response) SetBuffer
SetBuffer overwrites the buffer with data
SetBuffer 使用 data
(*Response) Write
Write writes content
to the response buffer.
(*Response) WriteExit
WriteExit writes content
to the response buffer and exits executing of current handler. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statements in the handler, for convenience.
WriteExit 写入 content
响应缓冲区并退出当前处理程序的执行。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
(*Response) WriteJson
WriteJson writes content
to the response with JSON format.
WriteJson 使用 JSON 格式写 content
(*Response) WriteJsonExit
WriteJsonExit writes content
to the response with JSON format and exits executing of current handler if success. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statements in the handler, for convenience.
WriteJsonExit 使用 JSON 格式写 content
入响应,如果成功,则退出执行当前处理程序。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
(*Response) WriteJsonP
WriteJsonP writes content
to the response with JSONP format.
WriteJsonP 使用 JSONP 格式写 content
Note that there should be a “callback” parameter in the request for JSONP format.
请注意,JSONP 格式的请求中应该有一个“callback”参数。
(*Response) WriteJsonPExit
WriteJsonPExit writes content
to the response with JSONP format and exits executing of current handler if success. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statements in the handler, for convenience.
WriteJsonPExit 使用 JSONP 格式写 content
入响应,如果成功,则退出当前处理程序的执行。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
Note that there should be a “callback” parameter in the request for JSONP format.
请注意,JSONP 格式的请求中应该有一个“callback”参数。
(*Response) WriteOver
WriteOver overwrites the response buffer with content
WriteOver 使用 content
(*Response) WriteOverExit
WriteOverExit overwrites the response buffer with content
and exits executing of current handler. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statements in the handler, for convenience.
WriteOverExit 使用 content
当前处理程序覆盖响应缓冲区并退出执行。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
(*Response) WriteStatus
WriteStatus writes HTTP status
and content
to the response. Note that it does not set a Content-Type header here.
WriteStatus 将 HTTP status
和 content
写入响应。请注意,它未在此处设置 Content-Type 标头。
(*Response) WriteStatusExit
WriteStatusExit writes HTTP status
and content
to the response and exits executing of current handler if success. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statements in the handler, for convenience.
WriteStatusExit 将 HTTP status
和 content
写入响应,如果成功,则退出执行当前处理程序。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
(*Response) WriteTpl
WriteTpl parses and responses given template file. The parameter params
specifies the template variables for parsing.
WriteTpl 解析并响应给定的模板文件。该参数 params
(*Response) WriteTplContent
WriteTplContent parses and responses the template content. The parameter params
specifies the template variables for parsing.
WriteTplContent 分析并响应模板内容。该参数 params
(*Response) WriteTplDefault
WriteTplDefault parses and responses the default template file. The parameter params
specifies the template variables for parsing.
WriteTplDefault 分析并响应默认模板文件。该参数 params
(*Response) WriteXml
WriteXml writes content
to the response with XML format.
WriteXml 使用 XML 格式写 content
(*Response) WriteXmlExit
WriteXmlExit writes content
to the response with XML format and exits executing of current handler if success. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statements in the handler, for convenience.
WriteXmlExit 使用 XML 格式写 content
入响应,如果成功,则退出当前处理程序的执行。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
(*Response) Writef
Writef writes the response with fmt.Sprintf.
Writef 使用 fmt 写入响应。斯普林特夫。
(*Response) WritefExit
WritefExit writes the response with fmt.Sprintf and exits executing of current handler. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statements in the handler, for convenience.
WritefExit 使用 fmt 写入响应。Sprintf 并退出执行当前处理程序。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
(*Response) Writefln
Writefln writes the response with fmt.Sprintf and new line.
Writefln 使用 fmt 写入响应。Sprintf 和新线。
(*Response) WriteflnExit
WriteflnExit writes the response with fmt.Sprintf and new line and exits executing of current handler. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
WriteflnExit 使用 fmt 写入响应。Sprintf 和 new 行和出口执行当前处理程序。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
(*Response) Writeln
Writeln writes the response with content
and new line.
Writeln 用 content
和 换行符写入响应。
(*Response) WritelnExit
WritelnExit writes the response with content
and new line and exits executing of current handler. The “Exit” feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statements in the handler, for convenience.
WritelnExit 使用 content
和 换行写入响应,并退出执行当前处理程序。为方便起见,“Exit”功能通常用于替换处理程序中 return 语句的用法。
type ResponseWriter
ResponseWriter is the custom writer for http response.
ResponseWriter 是 http 响应的自定义编写器。
(*ResponseWriter) Flush
Flush outputs the buffer to clients and clears the buffer.
Flush 将缓冲区输出到客户端并清除缓冲区。
(*ResponseWriter) Header
Header implements the interface function of http.ResponseWriter.Header.
Header 实现 http 的接口功能。ResponseWriter.Header。
(*ResponseWriter) Hijack
Hijack implements the interface function of http.Hijacker.Hijack.
Hijack 实现了 http 的接口功能。劫机者劫持。
(*ResponseWriter) RawWriter
RawWriter returns the underlying ResponseWriter.
(*ResponseWriter) Write
Write implements the interface function of http.ResponseWriter.Write.
write 实现了 http 的接口函数。ResponseWriter.Write。
(*ResponseWriter) WriteHeader
WriteHeader implements the interface of http.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader.
WriteHeader 实现了 http 的接口。ResponseWriter.WriteHeader。
type Router
Router object.
type RouterGroup
RouterGroup is a group wrapping multiple routes and middleware.
RouterGroup 是一个包装多个路由和中间件的组。
(*RouterGroup) ALL
ALL register an http handler to give the route pattern and all http methods.
ALL 注册一个 http 处理程序以提供路由模式和所有 http 方法。
(*RouterGroup) ALLMap
ALLMap registers http handlers for http methods using map.
ALLMap 使用 map 为 http 方法注册 http 处理程序。
(*RouterGroup) Bind
Bind does batch route registering feature for a router group.
Bind 为路由器组提供批量路由注册功能。
(*RouterGroup) CONNECT
CONNECT registers an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: CONNECT.
CONNECT 注册一个 http 处理程序来提供路由模式和 http 方法:CONNECT。
(*RouterGroup) Clone
Clone returns a new router group which is a clone of the current group.
Clone 返回一个新的路由器组,该组是当前组的克隆。
(*RouterGroup) DELETE
DELETE registers an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: DELETE.
DELETE 注册一个 http 处理程序以提供路由模式和 http 方法:DELETE。
(*RouterGroup) GET
GET registers an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: GET.
GET 注册一个 http 处理程序来提供路由模式和 http 方法:GET。
(*RouterGroup) Group
Group creates and returns a subgroup of the current router group.
(*RouterGroup) HEAD
HEAD registers an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: HEAD.
HEAD 注册一个 http 处理程序来提供路由模式和 http 方法:HEAD。
(*RouterGroup) Hook
Hook registers a hook to given route pattern.
Hook 将钩子注册到给定的路由模式。
(*RouterGroup) Map
Map registers http handlers for http methods using map.
Map 使用 map 为 http 方法注册 http 处理程序。
(*RouterGroup) Middleware
Middleware binds one or more middleware to the router group.
(*RouterGroup) OPTIONS
OPTIONS register an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: OPTIONS.
OPTIONS 注册一个 http 处理程序来提供路由模式和 http 方法:OPTIONS。
(*RouterGroup) PATCH
PATCH registers an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: PATCH.
PATCH 注册一个 http 处理程序来提供路由模式和 http 方法:PATCH。
(*RouterGroup) POST
POST registers an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: POST.
POST 注册一个 http 处理程序来提供路由模式和 http 方法:POST。
(*RouterGroup) PUT
PUT registers an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: PUT.
PUT 注册一个 http 处理程序来提供路由模式和 http 方法:PUT。
(*RouterGroup) REST
REST registers an http handler to give the route pattern according to REST rule.
(*RouterGroup) TRACE
TRACE registers an http handler to give the route pattern and the http method: TRACE.
TRACE 注册一个 http 处理程序来提供路由模式和 http 方法:TRACE。
type RouterItem
RouterItem is just for route dumps.
RouterItem 仅用于路由转储。
type Server
Server wraps the http.Server and provides more rich features.
服务器包装 http.服务器,并提供更丰富的功能。
func GetServer
GetServer creates and returns a server instance using given name and default configurations. Note that the parameter name
should be unique for different servers. It returns an existing server instance if given name
is already existing in the server mapping.
GetServer 使用给定名称和默认配置创建并返回服务器实例。请注意,对于不同的服务器,该参数 name
应该是唯一的。如果给定 name
(*Server) AddSearchPath
AddSearchPath add searching directory path for static file service.
AddSearchPath 为静态文件服务添加搜索目录路径。
(*Server) AddStaticPath
AddStaticPath sets the uri to static directory path mapping for static file service.
AddStaticPath 将 uri 设置为静态文件服务的静态目录路径映射。
(*Server) BindHandler
BindHandler registers a handler function to server with a given pattern.
BindHandler 使用给定模式将处理程序函数注册到服务器。
Note that the parameter handler
can be type of: 1. func(*ghttp.Request) 2. func(context.Context, BizRequest)(BizResponse, error)
请注意,该参数 handler
的类型可以是:1. func(*ghttp.请求) 2.func(上下文。Context, BizRequest (BizResponse, error)
(*Server) BindHookHandler
BindHookHandler registers handler for specified hook.
BindHookHandler 注册指定挂钩的处理程序。
(*Server) BindHookHandlerByMap
BindHookHandlerByMap registers handler for specified hook.
BindHookHandlerByMap 注册指定挂钩的处理程序。
(*Server) BindMiddleware
BindMiddleware registers one or more global middleware to the server. Global middleware can be used standalone without service handler, which intercepts all dynamic requests before or after service handler. The parameter pattern
specifies what route pattern the middleware intercepts, which is usually a “fuzzy” pattern like “/:name”, “/*any” or “/{field}”.
BindMiddleware 将一个或多个全局中间件注册到服务器。全局中间件可以独立使用,无需服务处理程序,服务处理程序会拦截服务处理程序之前或之后的所有动态请求。该参数 pattern
(*Server) BindMiddlewareDefault
BindMiddlewareDefault registers one or more global middleware to the server using default pattern “/*”. Global middleware can be used standalone without service handler, which intercepts all dynamic requests before or after service handler.
BindMiddlewareDefault 使用默认模式“/*”将一个或多个全局中间件注册到服务器。全局中间件可以独立使用,无需服务处理程序,服务处理程序会拦截服务处理程序之前或之后的所有动态请求。
(*Server) BindObject
BindObject registers object to server routes with a given pattern.
BindObject 使用给定模式将对象注册到服务器路由。
The optional parameter method
is used to specify the method to be registered, which supports multiple method names; multiple methods are separated by char ‘,’, case-sensitive.
可选参数 method
(*Server) BindObjectMethod
BindObjectMethod registers specified method of the object to server routes with a given pattern.
BindObjectMethod 使用给定模式将对象的指定方法注册到服务器路由。
The optional parameter method
is used to specify the method to be registered, which does not support multiple method names but only one, case-sensitive.
可选参数 method
(*Server) BindObjectRest
BindObjectRest registers object in REST API styles to server with a specified pattern.
BindObjectRest 使用 REST API 样式将对象注册到具有指定模式的服务器。
(*Server) BindStatusHandler
BindStatusHandler registers handler for given status code.
(*Server) BindStatusHandlerByMap
BindStatusHandlerByMap registers handler for given status code using map.
(*Server) Domain
Domain creates and returns a domain object for management for one or more domains.
Domain 创建并返回用于管理一个或多个域的域对象。
(*Server) EnableAdmin
EnableAdmin enables the administration feature for the process. The optional parameter pattern
specifies the URI for the administration page.
EnableAdmin 启用进程的管理功能。optional 参数 pattern
指定管理页的 URI。
(*Server) EnableHTTPS
EnableHTTPS enables HTTPS with given certification and key files for the server. The optional parameter tlsConfig
specifies custom TLS configuration.
EnableHTTPS 使用给定的证书和服务器密钥文件启用 HTTPS。可选参数 tlsConfig
指定自定义 TLS 配置。
(*Server) EnablePProf
EnablePProf enables PProf feature for server.
EnablePProf 为服务器启用 PProf 功能。
(*Server) GetCookieDomain
GetCookieDomain returns CookieDomain of server.
(*Server) GetCookieHttpOnly
(*Server) GetCookieMaxAge
GetCookieMaxAge returns the CookieMaxAge of the server.
(*Server) GetCookiePath
GetCookiePath returns the CookiePath of server.
(*Server) GetCookieSameSite
GetCookieSameSite return CookieSameSite of server.
(*Server) GetCookieSecure
(*Server) GetHandler
GetHandler returns the request handler of the server.
(*Server) GetIndexFiles
GetIndexFiles retrieves and returns the index files from the server.
GetIndexFiles 从服务器检索并返回索引文件。
(*Server) GetListenedAddress
GetListenedAddress retrieves and returns the address string which are listened by current server.
GetListenedAddress 检索并返回当前服务器侦听的地址字符串。
(*Server) GetListenedPort
GetListenedPort retrieves and returns one port which is listened by current server.
GetListenedPort 检索并返回当前服务器侦听的一个端口。
(*Server) GetListenedPorts
GetListenedPorts retrieves and returns the ports which are listened by current server.
GetListenedPorts 检索并返回当前服务器侦听的端口。
(*Server) GetLogPath
GetLogPath returns the log path.
(*Server) GetName
GetName returns the name of the server.
GetName 返回服务器的名称。
(*Server) GetOpenApi
GetOpenApi returns the OpenApi specification management object of current server.
GetOpenApi 返回当前服务器的 OpenApi 规范管理对象。
(*Server) GetRegistrar
GetRegistrar returns the Registrar of server.
(*Server) GetRoutes
GetRoutes retrieves and returns the router array.
GetRoutes 检索并返回路由器阵列。
(*Server) GetSessionCookieMaxAge
GetSessionCookieMaxAge returns the SessionCookieMaxAge of server.
GetSessionCookieMaxAge 返回服务器的 SessionCookieMaxAge。
(*Server) GetSessionIdName
GetSessionIdName returns the SessionIdName of server.
GetSessionIdName 返回服务器的 SessionIdName。
(*Server) GetSessionMaxAge
GetSessionMaxAge returns the SessionMaxAge of server.
GetSessionMaxAge 返回服务器的 SessionMaxAge。
(*Server) Group
Group creates and returns a RouterGroup object.
Group 创建并返回 RouterGroup 对象。
(*Server) IsAccessLogEnabled
IsAccessLogEnabled checks whether the access log enabled.
(*Server) IsErrorLogEnabled
IsErrorLogEnabled checks whether the error log enabled.
(*Server) Logger
Logger is alias of GetLogger.
(*Server) Plugin
Plugin adds plugin to the server.
(*Server) Run
Run starts server listening in blocking way. It’s commonly used for single server situation.
Run 以阻塞方式启动服务器侦听。它通常用于单服务器情况。
(*Server) ServeHTTP
ServeHTTP is the default handler for http request. It should not create new goroutine handling the request as it’s called by am already created new goroutine from http.Server.
ServeHTTP 是 http 请求的默认处理程序。它不应该创建处理请求的新 goroutine,因为它是由 am 调用的,已经从 http 创建了新的 goroutine。服务器。
This function also makes serve implementing the interface of http.Handler.
这个函数也使 serve 实现了 http 的接口。处理器。
(*Server) SetAccessLogEnabled
SetAccessLogEnabled enables/disables the access log.
SetAccessLogEnabled 启用/禁用访问日志。
(*Server) SetAddr
SetAddr sets the listening address for the server. The address is like ‘:80’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, etc.
(*Server) SetClientMaxBodySize
SetClientMaxBodySize sets the ClientMaxBodySize for server.
(*Server) SetConfig
SetConfig sets the configuration for the server.
(*Server) SetConfigWithMap
SetConfigWithMap sets the configuration for the server using map.
SetConfigWithMap 使用 map 设置服务器的配置。
(*Server) SetCookieDomain
SetCookieDomain sets the CookieDomain for server.
SetCookieDomain 设置服务器的 CookieDomain。
(*Server) SetCookieMaxAge
SetCookieMaxAge sets the CookieMaxAge for server.
SetCookieMaxAge 设置服务器的 CookieMaxAge。
(*Server) SetCookiePath
SetCookiePath sets the CookiePath for server.
SetCookiePath 设置服务器的 CookiePath。
(*Server) SetDumpRouterMap
SetDumpRouterMap sets the DumpRouterMap for server. If DumpRouterMap is enabled, it automatically dumps the route map when server starts.
SetDumpRouterMap 设置服务器的 DumpRouterMap。如果启用了 DumpRouterMap,则会在服务器启动时自动转储路由映射。
(*Server) SetEndpoints
SetEndpoints sets the Endpoints for the server.
SetEndpoints 设置服务器的终结点。
(*Server) SetErrorLogEnabled
SetErrorLogEnabled enables/disables the error log.
(*Server) SetErrorStack
SetErrorStack enables/disables the error stack feature.
SetErrorStack 启用/禁用错误堆栈功能。
(*Server) SetFileServerEnabled
SetFileServerEnabled enables/disables the static file service. It’s the main switch for the static file service. When static file service configuration functions like SetServerRoot, AddSearchPath and AddStaticPath are called, this configuration is automatically enabled.
SetFileServerEnabled 启用/禁用静态文件服务。它是静态文件服务的主开关。调用 SetServerRoot、AddSearchPath 和 AddStaticPath 等静态文件服务配置函数时,将自动启用此配置。
(*Server) SetFormParsingMemory
SetFormParsingMemory sets the FormParsingMemory for server.
(*Server) SetHTTPSAddr
SetHTTPSAddr sets the HTTPS listening ports for the server.
(*Server) SetHTTPSPort
SetHTTPSPort sets the HTTPS listening ports for the server. The listening ports can be multiple like: SetHTTPSPort(443, 500).
(*Server) SetHandler
SetHandler sets the request handler for server.
(*Server) SetIdleTimeout
SetIdleTimeout sets the IdleTimeout for the server.
SetIdleTimeout 设置服务器的 IdleTimeout。
(*Server) SetIndexFiles
SetIndexFiles sets the index files for server.
SetIndexFiles 设置服务器的索引文件。
(*Server) SetIndexFolder
SetIndexFolder enables/disables listing the sub-files if requesting a directory.
如果请求目录,SetIndexFolder 启用/禁用列出子文件。
(*Server) SetKeepAlive
SetKeepAlive sets the KeepAlive for the server.
SetKeepAlive 设置服务器的 KeepAlive。
(*Server) SetListener
SetListener set the custom listener for the server.
SetListener 设置服务器的自定义侦听器。
(*Server) SetLogLevel
SetLogLevel sets logging level by level string.
(*Server) SetLogPath
SetLogPath sets the log path for server. It logs content to file only if the log path is set.
SetLogPath 设置服务器的日志路径。仅当设置了日志路径时,它才会将内容记录到文件中。
(*Server) SetLogStdout
SetLogStdout sets whether output the logging content to stdout.
SetLogStdout 设置是否将日志记录内容输出到 stdout。
(*Server) SetLogger
SetLogger sets the logger for logging responsibility. Note that it cannot be set in runtime as there may be concurrent safety issue.
SetLogger 设置记录器的日志记录责任。请注意,它不能在运行时设置,因为可能存在并发安全问题。
(*Server) SetMaxHeaderBytes
SetMaxHeaderBytes sets the MaxHeaderBytes for the server.
(*Server) SetName
SetName sets the name for the server.
SetName 设置服务器的名称。
(*Server) SetNameToUriType
SetNameToUriType sets the NameToUriType for server.
SetNameToUriType 设置服务器的 NameToUriType。
(*Server) SetOpenApiPath
SetOpenApiPath sets the OpenApiPath for server.
SetOpenApiPath 设置服务器的 OpenApiPath。
(*Server) SetPort
SetPort sets the listening ports for the server. The listening ports can be multiple like: SetPort(80, 8080).
SetPort 设置服务器的侦听端口。侦听端口可以是多个,例如:SetPort(80, 8080)。
(*Server) SetReadTimeout
SetReadTimeout sets the ReadTimeout for the server.
SetReadTimeout 设置服务器的 ReadTimeout。
(*Server) SetRegistrar
SetRegistrar sets the Registrar for server.
(*Server) SetRewrite
SetRewrite sets rewrites for static URI for server.
(*Server) SetRewriteMap
SetRewriteMap sets the rewritten map for server.
SetRewriteMap 为服务器设置重写的映射。
(*Server) SetRouteOverWrite
SetRouteOverWrite sets the RouteOverWrite for server.
SetRouteOverWrite 设置服务器的 RouteOverWrite。
(*Server) SetServerAgent
SetServerAgent sets the ServerAgent for the server.
SetServerAgent 设置服务器的 ServerAgent。
(*Server) SetServerRoot
SetServerRoot sets the document root for static service.
SetServerRoot 设置静态服务的文档根目录。
(*Server) SetSessionCookieMaxAge
SetSessionCookieMaxAge sets the SessionCookieMaxAge for server.
(*Server) SetSessionCookieOutput
SetSessionCookieOutput sets the SetSessionCookieOutput for server.
(*Server) SetSessionIdName
SetSessionIdName sets the SessionIdName for server.
SetSessionIdName 设置服务器的 SessionIdName。
(*Server) SetSessionMaxAge
SetSessionMaxAge sets the SessionMaxAge for server.
SetSessionMaxAge 设置服务器的 SessionMaxAge。
(*Server) SetSessionStorage
SetSessionStorage sets the SessionStorage for server.
SetSessionStorage 设置服务器的 SessionStorage。
(*Server) SetSwaggerPath
SetSwaggerPath sets the SwaggerPath for server.
SetSwaggerPath 设置服务器的 SwaggerPath。
(*Server) SetSwaggerUITemplate
SetSwaggerUITemplate sets the Swagger template for server.
SetSwaggerUITemplate 设置服务器的 Swagger 模板。
(*Server) SetTLSConfig
SetTLSConfig sets custom TLS configuration and enables HTTPS feature for the server.
SetTLSConfig 设置自定义 TLS 配置并为服务器启用 HTTPS 功能。
(*Server) SetView
SetView sets the View for the server.
SetView 设置服务器的视图。
(*Server) SetWriteTimeout
SetWriteTimeout sets the WriteTimeout for the server.
SetWriteTimeout 设置服务器的 WriteTimeout。
(*Server) Shutdown
Shutdown shuts down current server.
(*Server) Start
Start starts listening on configured port. This function does not block the process, you can use function Wait blocking the process.
Start 开始侦听配置的端口。此函数不会阻塞进程,可以使用函数 Wait 阻塞进程。
(*Server) Status
Status retrieves and returns the server status.
(*Server) Use
Use is the alias of BindMiddlewareDefault. See BindMiddlewareDefault.
Use 是 BindMiddlewareDefault 的别名。请参阅 BindMiddlewareDefault。
type ServerConfig
ServerConfig is the HTTP Server configuration manager.
ServerConfig 是 HTTP 服务器配置管理器。
func ConfigFromMap
ConfigFromMap creates and returns a ServerConfig object with given map and default configuration object.
ConfigFromMap 创建并返回具有给定映射和默认配置对象的 ServerConfig 对象。
func NewConfig
NewConfig creates and returns a ServerConfig object with default configurations. Note that, do not define this default configuration to local package variable, as there are some pointer attributes that may be shared in different servers.
NewConfig 创建并返回具有默认配置的 ServerConfig 对象。请注意,不要将此默认配置定义为本地包变量,因为某些指针属性可能在不同的服务器中共享。
type ServerStatus <-2.5.0
ServerStatus is the server status enum type.
type Session
Session is actually an alias of gsession.Session, which is bound to a single request.
Session 实际上是 gsession 的别名。会话,绑定到单个请求。
type UploadFile
UploadFile wraps the multipart uploading file with more and convenient features.
UploadFile 为分段上传文件包装了更多便捷的功能。
(UploadFile) MarshalJSON
MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
MarshalJSON 实现 json 的接口 MarshalJSON。元帅。
(*UploadFile) Save
Save saves the single uploading file to directory path and returns the saved file name.
Save 将单个上传文件保存到目录路径,并返回保存的文件名。
The parameter dirPath
should be a directory path, or it returns error.
该参数 dirPath
Note that it will OVERWRITE the target file if there’s already a same name file exist.
type UploadFiles
UploadFiles is an array type of *UploadFile.
(UploadFiles) Save
Save saves all uploading files to specified directory path and returns the saved file names.
Save 将所有上传文件保存到指定的目录路径,并返回保存的文件名。
The parameter dirPath
should be a directory path or it returns error.
该参数 dirPath
The parameter randomlyRename
specifies whether randomly renames all the file names.
该参数 randomlyRename
type WebSocket
WebSocket wraps the underlying websocket connection and provides convenient functions.
WebSocket 包装底层 websocket 连接,提供便捷的功能。