分享您对使用 Go 进行开发的反馈

Share your feedback about developing with Go - 分享您对使用 Go 进行开发的反馈


Alice Merrick, for the Go team Go 团队 18 January 2023


Happy 2023! For seven years, the Go Team has conducted a regular survey of Go developers. The results of this survey have helped the team plan and prioritize large changes to the Go ecosystem, such as dependency management, vulnerability scanning, and generics. We want Go to be increasingly usable by and useful to developers, and your feedback has been a critical aspect of making that happen.

​ 2023年新年快乐!Go 团队已经连续七年对 Go 开发者进行定期调查。这些调查结果帮助团队计划和优先考虑对 Go 生态系统的重大改变,例如依赖管理、漏洞扫描和泛型。我们希望 Go 能够越来越适用于开发者,并且您的反馈对实现这一目标至关重要。

So here is the January 2023 edition of the Go Developer Survey! This survey will run through Feb 8th, and we plan to publish anonymous, aggregated results in early March. It should take about 10 minutes to complete, and all questions are optional. Please help to shape Go’s future by sharing your thoughts and experiences.

​ 因此,这里是 2023年1月版的Go开发者调查问卷!本次调查将于2月8日截止,我们计划在3月初发布匿名、汇总的调查结果。填写问卷大约需要10分钟,所有问题都是可选的。请通过分享您的想法和经验来塑造Go的未来。

Take the Go Developer Survey (open January 18th – February 8th)


最后修改 February 5, 2024: 更新 (f57b279)