整理 Go 的Web体验

Tidying up the Go web experience - 整理 go 的Web体验


Russ Cox 18 August 2021

In 2019, which seems like a decade ago, we launched go.dev, a new hub for Go developers, along with the companion site pkg.go.dev, providing information about Go packages and modules.

​ 在2019年,似乎是十年前,我们推出了go.dev,一个新的Go开发者中心,以及提供Go包和模块信息的配套网站pkg.go.dev

The go.dev web site contains useful information for people evaluating Go, but golang.org continued to serve distribution downloads, documentation, and a package reference for the standard library. Other sites — blog.golang.org, play.golang.org, talks.golang.org, and tour.golang.org — hold additional material. It’s all a bit fragmented and confusing.

go.dev网站包含了对评估Go的人有用的信息,但golang.org继续提供分发下载、文档和标准库的包参考。其他网站 —— blog.golang.orgplay.golang.orgtalk.golang.orgtour.golang.org —— 都有额外的材料。这一切都有点零散和混乱。

Over the next month or two we will be merging the golang.org sites into a single coherent web presence, here on go.dev. You may have already noticed that links to the package reference docs for the standard library on golang.org/pkg now redirect to their equivalents on pkg.go.dev, which is a better experience today and will continue to improve. As the next step, the Go blog has moved to go.dev/blog, starting with the post you are reading right now. (Of course, all the old blog posts are here too.)

​ 在接下来的一两个月里,我们将把golang.org的网站合并成一个统一的网站,在go.dev上。您可能已经注意到,golang.org/pkg上的标准库参考文档的链接现在会重定向到pkg.go.dev上的相应内容,这在今天是一个更好的体验,并将继续改进。作为下一步,Go博客已经搬到了go.dev/blog,从您现在正在阅读的这篇文章开始。(当然,所有的旧博客文章也在这里)。

As we move the content to its new home on go.dev, rest assured that all existing URLs will redirect to their new homes: no links will be broken.

​ 当我们把内容转移到go.dev的新家时,请放心,所有现有的URL都会重定向到它们的新家:没有链接会被破坏。

We are excited to have a single coherent web site where everyone can find what they need to know about Go. It’s a small detail, but one long overdue.

​ 我们很高兴能有一个统一的网站,每个人都能在这里找到他们需要了解的关于Go的内容。这是个小细节,但早该如此了。

If you have any ideas or suggestions, or you run into problems, please let us know via the “Report an Issue” link at the bottom of every page. Thanks!

​ 如果您有任何想法或建议,或遇到问题,请通过每个页面底部的 “Report an Issue(报告问题)“链接让我们知道。谢谢!

最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (602584e)