
Redirecting godoc.org requests to pkg.go.dev - 将godoc.org的请求重定向到pkg.go.dev


Julie Qiu 15 December 2020

With the introduction of Go modules and the growth of the Go ecosystem, pkg.go.dev was launched in 2019 to provide a central place where developers can discover and evaluate Go packages and modules. Like godoc.org, pkg.go.dev serves Go documentation, but it also supports modules, better search functionality, and signals to help Go users to find the right packages.


As we shared in January 2020, our goal is to eventually redirect traffic from godoc.org to the corresponding page on pkg.go.dev. We’ve also made it possible for users to opt in to redirecting their own requests from godoc.org to pkg.go.dev.


We’ve received a lot of great feedback this year, which has been tracked and resolved through the pkgsite/godoc.org-redirect and pkgsite/design-2020 milestones on the Go issue tracker. Your feedback resulted in support for popular feature requests on pkg.go.dev, open sourcing pkgsite, and most recently, a redesign of pkg.go.dev.


Next Steps 接下来的步骤

The next step in this migration is to redirect all requests from godoc.org to the corresponding page on pkg.go.dev.


This will happen in early 2021, once the work tracked at the pkgsite/godoc.org-redirect milestone is complete.


During this migration, updates will be posted to Go issue 43178.


We encourage everyone to begin using pkg.go.dev today. You can do so by visiting godoc.org?redirect=on, or clicking “Always use pkg.go.dev” in the top right corner of any godoc.org page.

我们鼓励大家今天就开始使用pkg.go.dev。您可以通过访问godoc.org?redirect=on,或在任何godoc.org页面的右上角点击 “永远使用pkg.go.dev “来实现。

FAQs 常见问题

**Will godoc.org URLs continue to work? **godoc.org的URL是否能继续使用?

Yes! We will redirect all requests arriving at godoc.org to the equivalent page on pkg.go.dev, so all your bookmarks and links will continue to take you to the documentation you need.


**What will happen to the golang/gddo repository? **golang/gddo资源库会发生什么?

The gddo repository will remain available for anyone who wants to keep running it themselves, or even fork and improve it. We will mark it archived to make clear that we will no longer accept contributions. However, you will be able to continue forking the repository.

gddo 仓库将继续提供给任何想继续运行它的人,甚至是分叉和改进它。我们会把它归档,以表明我们将不再接受贡献。然而,您将能够继续分叉这个仓库。

**Will api.godoc.org continue to work? **api.godoc.org 还能继续工作吗?

This transition will have no impact on api.godoc.org. Until an API is available for pkg.go.dev, api.godoc.org will continue to serve traffic. See Go issue 36785 for updates on an API for pkg.go.dev.

这次过渡对 api.godoc.org 没有影响。在为pkg.go.dev提供API之前,api.godoc.org将继续提供流量。有关pkg.go.dev的API的更新,请参见Go问题36785。

**Will my godoc.org badges keep working? **我的godoc.org徽章会继续使用吗?

Yes! Badge URLs will redirect to the equivalent URL on pkg.go.dev too. Your page will automatically get a new pkg.go.dev badge. You can also generate a new badge at pkg.go.dev/badge if you would like to update your badge link.


Feedback 反馈意见

As always, feel free to file an issue on the Go issue tracker for any feedback.

如同往常一样,如果有任何反馈,请随时在 Go 问题跟踪器上提交问题。

Contributing 贡献

Pkg.go.dev is an open source project. If you’re interested in contributing to the pkgsite project, check out the contribution guidelines or join the #pkgsite channel on Gophers Slack to learn more.

pkg.go.dev 是一个开源项目。如果您对pkgsite项目的贡献感兴趣,请查看贡献指南或加入Gophers Slack的#pkgsite频道以了解更多信息。

最后修改 February 5, 2024: 更新 (f57b279)