
Keeping Your Modules Compatible - 保持您的模块兼容


Jean de Klerk and Jonathan Amsterdam 7 July 2020

Introduction 简介

This post is part 5 in a series.


Note: For documentation on developing modules, see Developing and publishing modules.


Your modules will evolve over time as you add new features, change behaviors, and reconsider parts of the module’s public surface. As discussed in Go Modules: v2 and Beyond, breaking changes to a v1+ module must happen as part of a major version bump (or by adopting a new module path).

您的模块会随着时间的推移而发展,因为您会添加新的功能,改变行为,以及重新考虑模块的部分公共表面。正如《Go Modules: v2 and Beyond》中所讨论的,对 v1+ 模块的突破性改变必须作为主要版本升级的一部分(或通过采用新的模块路径)。

However, releasing a new major version is hard on your users. They have to find the new version, learn a new API, and change their code. And some users may never update, meaning you have to maintain two versions for your code forever. So it is usually better to change your existing package in a compatible way.


In this post, we’ll explore some techniques for introducing non-breaking changes. The common theme is: add, don’t change or remove. We’ll also talk about how to design your API for compatibility from the outset.


Adding to a function 添加到一个函数

Often, breaking changes come in the form of new arguments to a function. We’ll describe some ways to deal with this sort of change, but first let’s look at a technique that doesn’t work.


When adding new arguments with sensible defaults, it’s tempting to add them as a variadic parameter. To extend the function


func Run(name string)

with an additional size argument which defaults to zero, one might propose


func Run(name string, size ...int)

on the grounds that all existing call sites will continue to work. While that is true, other uses of Run could break, like this one:


package mypkg
var runner func(string) = yourpkg.Run

The original Run function works here because its type is func(string), but the new Run function’s type is func(string, ...int), so the assignment fails at compile time.

原有的Run函数在这里工作,因为它的类型是func(string),但新的Run函数的类型是func(string, …int),所以在编译时赋值失败。

This example illustrates that call compatibility is not enough for backward compatibility. There is, in fact, no backward-compatible change you can make to a function’s signature.


Instead of changing a function’s signature, add a new function. As an example, after the context package was introduced, it became common practice to pass a context.Context as the first argument to a function. However, stable APIs could not change an exported function to accept a context.Context because it would break all uses of that function.


Instead, new functions were added. For example, the database/sql package’s Query method’s signature was (and still is)


func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error)

When the context package was created, the Go team added a new method to database/sql:


func (db *DB) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error)

To avoid copying code, the old method calls the new one:


func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) {
    return db.QueryContext(context.Background(), query, args...)

Adding a method allows users to migrate to the new API at their own pace. Since the methods read similarly and sort together, and Context is in the name of the new method, this extension of the database/sql API did not degrade readability or comprehension of the package.

增加一个方法可以让用户按照自己的节奏迁移到新的API。由于这些方法的读取方式类似,并且在一起排序,而且Context在新方法的名称中,这种数据库/sql API的扩展并没有降低包的可读性或理解力。

If you anticipate that a function may need more arguments in the future, you can plan ahead by making optional arguments a part of the function’s signature. The simplest way to do that is to add a single struct argument, as the crypto/tls.Dial function does:

如果您预计一个函数在未来可能需要更多的参数,您可以通过将可选参数作为函数签名的一部分来提前计划。最简单的方法是添加一个结构参数,就像 crypto/tls.Dial 函数那样:

func Dial(network, addr string, config *Config) (*Conn, error)

The TLS handshake conducted by Dial requires a network and address, but it has many other parameters with reasonable defaults. Passing a nil for config uses those defaults; passing a Config struct with some fields set will override the defaults for those fields. In the future, adding a new TLS configuration parameter only requires a new field on the Config struct, a change that is backward-compatible (almost always—see “Maintaining struct compatibility” below).

Dial进行的TLS握手需要一个网络和地址,但它有许多其他参数,有合理的默认值。传递一个nil的config会使用这些默认值;传递一个设置了某些字段的Config结构会覆盖这些字段的默认值。在未来,添加一个新的TLS配置参数只需要在Config结构上添加一个新的字段,这种变化是向后兼容的(几乎总是如此–见下面的 “保持结构兼容性”)。

Sometimes the techniques of adding a new function and adding options can be combined by making the options struct a method receiver. Consider the evolution of the net package’s ability to listen at a network address. Prior to Go 1.11, the net package provided only a Listen function with the signature

有时,添加新函数和添加选项的技术可以通过使选项结构成为方法接收器而结合起来。考虑一下net包监听网络地址的能力的演变。在 Go 1.11 之前,net 包只提供了一个 Listen 函数,其签名为

func Listen(network, address string) (Listener, error)

For Go 1.11, two features were added to net listening: passing a context, and allowing the caller to provide a “control function” to adjust the raw connection after creation but before binding. The result could have been a new function that took a context, network, address and control function. Instead, the package authors added a ListenConfig struct in anticipation that more options might be needed someday. And rather than define a new top-level function with a cumbersome name, they added a Listen method to ListenConfig:

在Go 1.11中,net监听增加了两个功能:传递一个上下文,以及允许调用者提供一个 “控制函数 “来在创建后但在绑定前调整原始连接。其结果可能是一个新的函数,需要一个上下文、网络、地址和控制函数。相反,包的作者添加了一个ListenConfig结构,因为他们预计有一天会需要更多的选项。他们没有定义一个名称繁琐的新顶层函数,而是给ListenConfig添加了一个Listen方法:

type ListenConfig struct {
    Control func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error

func (*ListenConfig) Listen(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (Listener, error)

Another way to provide new options in the future is the “Option types” pattern, where options are passed as variadic arguments, and each option is a function that changes the state of the value being constructed. They are described in more detail by Rob Pike’s post Self-referential functions and the design of options. One widely used example is google.golang.org/grpc’s DialOption.

未来提供新选项的另一种方式是 “选项类型 “模式,其中选项作为变量参数被传递,每个选项是一个改变被构建值状态的函数。Rob Pike的帖子Self-referential functions and the design of options对它们进行了更详细的描述。一个广泛使用的例子是 google.golang.org/grpc 的 DialOption。

Option types fulfill the same role as struct options in function arguments: they are an extensible way to pass behavior-modifying configuration. Deciding which to choose is largely a matter of style. Consider this simple usage of gRPC’s DialOption option type:



This could also have been implemented as a struct option:


notgrpc.Dial("some-target", &notgrpc.Options{
  Authority: "some-authority",
  MaxDelay:  time.Second,
  Block:     true,

Functional options have some downsides: they require writing the package name before the option for each call; they increase the size of the package namespace; and it’s unclear what the behavior should be if the same option is provided twice. On the other hand, functions which take option structs require a parameter which might almost always be nil, which some find unattractive. And when a type’s zero value has a valid meaning, it is clumsy to specify that the option should have its default value, typically requiring a pointer or an additional boolean field.


Either one is a reasonable choice for ensuring future extensibility of your module’s public API.


Working with interfaces 与接口一起工作

Sometimes, new features require changes to publicly-exposed interfaces: for example, an interface needs to be extended with new methods. Directly adding to an interface is a breaking change, though—how, then, can we support new methods on a publicly-exposed interface?


The basic idea is to define a new interface with the new method, and then wherever the old interface is used, dynamically check whether the provided type is the older type or the newer type.


Let’s illustrate this with an example from the archive/tar package. tar.NewReader accepts an io.Reader, but over time the Go team realized that it would be more efficient to skip from one file header to the next if you could call Seek. But, they could not add a Seek method to io.Reader: that would break all implementers of io.Reader.


Another ruled-out option was to change tar.NewReader to accept io.ReadSeeker rather than io.Reader, since it supports both io.Reader methods and Seek (by way of io.Seeker). But, as we saw above, changing a function signature is also a breaking change.


So, they decided to keep tar.NewReader signature unchanged, but type check for (and support) io.Seeker in tar.Reader methods:


package tar

type Reader struct {
  r io.Reader

func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
  return &Reader{r: r}

func (r *Reader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
  if rs, ok := r.r.(io.Seeker); ok {
    // Use more efficient rs.Seek.
  // Use less efficient r.r.Read.

(See reader.go for the actual code.)


When you run into a case where you want to add a method to an existing interface, you may be able to follow this strategy. Start by creating a new interface with your new method, or identify an existing interface with the new method. Next, identify the relevant functions that need to support it, type check for the second interface, and add code that uses it.


This strategy only works when the old interface without the new method can still be supported, limiting the future extensibility of your module.


Where possible, it is better to avoid this class of problem entirely. When designing constructors, for example, prefer to return concrete types. Working with concrete types allows you to add methods in the future without breaking users, unlike interfaces. That property allows your module to be extended more easily in the future.


Tip: if you do need to use an interface but don’t intend for users to implement it, you can add an unexported method. This prevents types defined outside your package from satisfying your interface without embedding, freeing you to add methods later without breaking user implementations. For example, see testing.TB’s private() function.

提示:如果您确实需要使用一个接口,但不打算让用户实现它,您可以添加一个未导出的方法。这可以防止在您的包之外定义的类型在没有嵌入的情况下满足您的接口,使您可以在以后添加方法而不破坏用户的实现。例如,请看 testing.TB 的 private() 函数。

// TB is the interface common to T and B.
type TB interface {
    Error(args ...interface{})
    Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
    // ...

    // A private method to prevent users implementing the
    // interface and so future additions to it will not
    // violate Go 1 compatibility.

This topic is also explored in more detail in Jonathan Amsterdam’s “Detecting Incompatible API Changes” talk (video, slides).

这个话题在Jonathan Amsterdam的 “检测不兼容的API变化 “讲座中也有更详细的探讨(视频,幻灯片)。

Add configuration methods 添加配置方法

So far we’ve talked about overt breaking changes, where changing a type or a function would cause users’ code to stop compiling. However, behavior changes can also break users, even if user code continues to compile. For example, many users expect json.Decoder to ignore fields in the JSON that are not in the argument struct. When the Go team wanted to return an error in that case, they had to be careful. Doing so without an opt-in mechanism would mean that the many users relying on those methods might start receiving errors where they hadn’t before.


So, rather than changing the behavior for all users, they added a configuration method to the Decoder struct: Decoder.DisallowUnknownFields. Calling this method opts a user in to the new behavior, but not doing so preserves the old behavior for existing users.


Maintaining struct compatibility 保持结构的兼容性

We saw above that any change to a function’s signature is a breaking change. The situation is much better with structs. If you have an exported struct type, you can almost always add a field or remove an unexported field without breaking compatibility. When adding a field, make sure that its zero value is meaningful and preserves the old behavior, so that existing code that doesn’t set the field continues to work.


Recall that the authors of the net package added ListenConfig in Go 1.11 because they thought more options might be forthcoming. Turns out they were right. In Go 1.13, the KeepAlive field was added to allow for disabling keep-alive or changing its period. The default value of zero preserves the original behavior of enabling keep-alive with a default period.

记得net包的作者在Go 1.11中添加了ListenConfig,因为他们认为可能会有更多的选项。事实证明他们是对的。在Go 1.13中,KeepAlive字段被添加进来,允许禁用keep-alive或改变其周期。默认值为0,保留了原来的行为,即启用默认周期的keep-alive。

There is one subtle way a new field can break user code unexpectedly. If all the field types in a struct are comparable—meaning values of those types can be compared with == and != and used as a map key—then the overall struct type is comparable too. In this case, adding a new field of uncomparable type will make the overall struct type non-comparable, breaking any code that compares values of that struct type.


To keep a struct comparable, don’t add non-comparable fields to it. You can write a test for that, or rely on the upcoming gorelease tool to catch it.


To prevent comparison in the first place, make sure the struct has a non-comparable field. It may have one already—no slice, map or function type is comparable—but if not, one can be added like so:


type Point struct {
        _ [0]func()
        X int
        Y int

The func() type is not comparable, and the zero-length array takes up no space. We can define a type to clarify our intent:


type doNotCompare [0]func()

type Point struct {
        X int
        Y int

Should you use doNotCompare in your structs? If you’ve defined the struct to be used as a pointer—that is, it has pointer methods and perhaps a NewXXX constructor function that returns a pointer—then adding a doNotCompare field is probably overkill. Users of a pointer type understand that each value of the type is distinct: that if they want to compare two values, they should compare the pointers.

您应该在您的结构中使用doNotCompare吗?如果您定义的结构是作为指针使用的,也就是说,它有指针方法,也许还有一个返回指针的 NewXXX 构造函数,那么添加 doNotCompare 字段可能是多余的。指针类型的用户知道该类型的每个值都是不同的:如果他们想比较两个值,他们应该比较指针。

If you are defining a struct intended to be used as a value directly, like our Point example, then quite often you want it to be comparable. In the uncommon case that you have a value struct that you don’t want compared, then adding a doNotCompare field will give you the freedom to change the struct later without having to worry about breaking comparisons. On the downside, the type won’t be usable as a map key.

如果您定义的结构打算直接作为一个值使用,就像我们的Point例子,那么您经常希望它是可比较的。在不常见的情况下,您有一个不希望被比较的值结构,那么添加一个 doNotCompare 字段将给您自由,以后可以改变这个结构而不必担心破坏比较。缺点是,该类型不能作为地图键使用。

Conclusion 结论

When planning an API from scratch, consider carefully how extensible the API will be to new changes in the future. And when you do need to add new features, remember the rule: add, don’t change or remove, keeping in mind the exceptions—interfaces, function arguments, and return values can’t be added in backwards-compatible ways.


If you need to dramatically change an API, or if an API begins to lose its focus as more features are added, then it may be time for a new major version. But most of the time, making a backwards-compatible change is easy and avoids causing pain for your users.


最后修改 February 5, 2024: 更新 (f57b279)