
Module Mirror and Checksum Database Launched - 模块镜像和校验数据库发布


Katie Hockman 29 August 2019

We are excited to share that our module mirror, index, and checksum database are now production ready! The go command will use the module mirror and checksum database by default for Go 1.13 module users. See proxy.golang.org/privacy for privacy information about these services and the go command documentation for configuration details, including how to disable the use of these servers or use different ones. If you depend on non-public modules, see the documentation for configuring your environment.

我们很高兴地与大家分享,我们的模块镜像、索引和校验数据库现在已经准备好生产了! Go命令将为Go 1.13模块用户默认使用模块镜像和校验数据库。关于这些服务的隐私信息,请参见proxy.golang.org/privacy;关于配置细节,请参见go命令文档,包括如何禁用这些服务器或使用不同的服务器。如果您依赖于非公开的模块,请参阅配置环境的文档。

This post will describe these services and the benefits of using them, and summarizes some of the points from the Go Module Proxy: Life of a Query talk at Gophercon 2019. See the recording if you are interested in the full talk.

这篇文章将介绍这些服务和使用它们的好处,并总结了Go模块代理的一些要点。在Gophercon 2019上的查询生活讲座。如果您对完整的讲座感兴趣,请看录音。

Module Mirror 模块镜像

Modules are sets of Go packages that are versioned together, and the contents of each version are immutable. That immutability provides new opportunities for caching and authentication. When go get runs in module mode, it must fetch the module containing the requested packages, as well as any new dependencies introduced by that module, updating your go.mod and go.sum files as needed. Fetching modules from version control can be expensive in terms of latency and storage in your system: the go command may be forced to pull down the full commit history of a repository containing a transitive dependency, even one that isn’t being built, just to resolve its version.

模块是由Go包组成的集合,这些包的版本在一起,每个版本的内容都是不可改变的。这种不可变性为缓存和认证提供了新的机会。当go get在模块模式下运行时,它必须获取包含所请求的包的模块,以及由该模块引入的任何新的依赖关系,根据需要更新您的go.mod和go.sum文件。从版本控制中获取模块在延迟和系统中的存储方面是很昂贵的:go命令可能被迫拉下包含横向依赖的版本库的全部提交历史,即使是一个没有被构建的版本。

The solution is to use a module proxy, which speaks an API that is better suited to the go command’s needs (see go help goproxy). When go get runs in module mode with a proxy, it will work faster by only asking for the specific module metadata or source code it needs, and not worrying about the rest. Below is an example of how the go command may use a proxy with go get by requesting the list of versions, then the info, mod, and zip file for the latest tagged version.

解决方法是使用模块代理,它所讲的 API 更适合 go 命令的需要(见 go help goproxy)。当go get在模块模式下使用代理运行时,它将只询问它所需要的特定模块元数据或源代码,而不担心其他问题,从而使工作更快。下面是一个例子,说明go命令如何使用代理与go get一起请求版本列表,然后请求最新标记版本的信息、mod和zip文件。


A module mirror is a special kind of module proxy that caches metadata and source code in its own storage system, allowing the mirror to continue to serve source code that is no longer available from the original locations. This can speed up downloads and protect you from disappearing dependencies. See Go Modules in 2019 for more information.


The Go team maintains a module mirror, served at proxy.golang.org, which the go command will use by default for module users as of Go 1.13. If you are running an earlier version of the go command, then you can use this service by setting GOPROXY=https://proxy.golang.org in your local environment.

Go团队维护着一个模块镜像,在proxy.golang.org上提供服务,从Go 1.13开始,go命令将默认为模块用户使用。如果您运行的是早期版本的 go 命令,那么您可以通过在本地环境中设置 GOPROXYhttps://proxy.golang.org 来使用该服务。

Checksum Database 校验和数据库

Modules introduced the go.sum file, which is a list of SHA-256 hashes of the source code and go.mod files of each dependency when it was first downloaded. The go command can use the hashes to detect misbehavior by an origin server or proxy that gives you different code for the same version.

模块引入了 go.sum 文件,它是每个依赖项的源代码和 go.mod 文件在首次下载时的 SHA-256 哈希值的列表。go命令可以使用这些哈希值来检测原生服务器或代理的错误行为,这些错误行为为您提供了相同版本的不同代码。

The limitation of this go.sum file is that it works entirely by trust on your first use. When you add a version of a dependency that you’ve never seen before to your module (possibly by upgrading an existing dependency), the go command fetches the code and adds lines to the go.sum file on the fly. The problem is that those go.sum lines aren’t being checked against anyone else’s: they might be different from the go.sum lines that the go command just generated for someone else, perhaps because a proxy intentionally served malicious code targeted to you.


Go’s solution is a global source of go.sum lines, called a checksum database, which ensures that the go command always adds the same lines to everyone’s go.sum file. Whenever the go command receives new source code, it can verify the hash of that code against this global database to make sure the hashes match, ensuring that everyone is using the same code for a given version.


The checksum database is served by sum.golang.org, and is built on a Transparent Log (or “Merkle tree”) of hashes backed by Trillian. The main advantage of a Merkle tree is that it is tamper proof and has properties that don’t allow for misbehavior to go undetected, which makes it more trustworthy than a simple database. The go command uses this tree to check “inclusion” proofs (that a specific record exists in the log) and “consistency” proofs (that the tree hasn’t been tampered with) before adding new go.sum lines to your module’s go.sum file. Below is an example of such a tree.

该校验数据库由sum.golang.org提供,建立在Trillian支持的哈希值透明日志(或 “Merkle树”)上。Merkle树的主要优点是它是防篡改的,并且具有不允许不当行为不被发现的特性,这使得它比简单的数据库更值得信赖。在向您的模块的go.sum文件添加新的go.sum行之前,go命令使用这种树来检查 “包含性 “证明(即日志中存在特定的记录)和 “一致性 “证明(即树没有被篡改)。下面是这样一个树的例子。


The checksum database supports a set of endpoints used by the go command to request and verify go.sum lines. The /lookup endpoint provides a “signed tree head” (STH) and the requested go.sum lines. The /tile endpoint provides chunks of the tree called tiles which the go command can use for proofs. Below is an example of how the go command may interact with the checksum database by doing a /lookup of a module version, then requesting the tiles required for the proofs.

校验数据库支持一组端点,由go命令用来请求和验证go.sum行。/lookup端点提供了一个 “签名树头”(STH)和所请求的go.sum行。/tile端点提供被称为tiles的树块,go命令可以用它来进行证明。下面是一个例子,说明go命令如何与校验数据库进行交互,即通过对模块版本进行/查询,然后请求证明所需的瓦片。


This checksum database allows the go command to safely use an otherwise untrusted proxy. Because there is an auditable security layer sitting on top of it, a proxy or origin server can’t intentionally, arbitrarily, or accidentally start giving you the wrong code without getting caught. Even the author of a module can’t move their tags around or otherwise change the bits associated with a specific version from one day to the next without the change being detected.


If you are using Go 1.12 or earlier, you can manually check a go.sum file against the checksum database with gosumcheck:

如果您使用的是Go 1.12或更早的版本,您可以用gosumcheck手动检查go.sum文件和校验数据库:

$ go get golang.org/x/mod/gosumcheck
$ gosumcheck /path/to/go.sum

In addition to verification done by the go command, third-party auditors can hold the checksum database accountable by iterating over the log looking for bad entries. They can work together and gossip about the state of the tree as it grows to ensure that it remains uncompromised, and we hope that the Go community will run them.


Module Index 模块索引

The module index is served by index.golang.org, and is a public feed of new module versions that become available through proxy.golang.org. This is particularly useful for tool developers that want to keep their own cache of what’s available in proxy.golang.org, or keep up-to-date on some of the newest modules that people are using.


Feedback or bugs 反馈或bug

We hope these services improve your experience with modules, and encourage you to file issues if you run into problems or have feedback!


最后修改 February 5, 2024: 更新 (f57b279)