Go 1.12发布了

Go 1.12 is released - Go 1.12发布了


Andrew Bonventre 25 February 2019

Today the Go team is happy to announce the release of Go 1.12. You can get it from the download page.

今天,Go团队很高兴地宣布Go 1.12的发布。您可以从下载页面获得它。

For details about the changes in Go 1.12, see the Go 1.12 release notes.

有关Go 1.12中的变化的详细信息,请参阅Go 1.12发布说明。

Some of the highlights include opt-in support for TLS 1.3, improved modules support (in preparation for being the default in Go 1.13), support for windows/arm, and improved macOS & iOS forwards compatibility.

其中的一些亮点包括对TLS 1.3的选择支持,改进的模块支持(为成为Go 1.13的默认模块做准备),对windows/arm的支持,以及改进的macOS & iOS forwards兼容性。

As always, we also want to thank everyone who contributed to this release by writing code, filing bugs, providing feedback, and/or testing the betas and release candidates. Your contributions and diligence helped to ensure that Go 1.12 is as stable as possible. That said, if you do notice any problems, please file an issue.

一如既往,我们也要感谢每一个通过编写代码、提交错误、提供反馈和/或测试测试版和候选版而为这个版本做出贡献的人。您的贡献和勤奋有助于确保Go 1.12尽可能的稳定。尽管如此,如果您发现任何问题,请提交问题。

Enjoy the new release!


最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (602584e)