Contributors Summit 2019

Contributors Summit 2019


Carmen Andoh and contributors 15 August 2019

Introduction 简介

For the third year in a row, the Go team and contributors convened the day before GopherCon to discuss and plan for the future of the Go project. The event included self-organizing into breakout groups, a town-hall style discussion about the proposal process in the morning, and afternoon break-out roundtable discussions based on topics our contributors chose. We asked five contributors to write about their experience in various discussions at this year’s summit.



(Photo by Steve Francia.)

Compiler and Runtime (report by Lynn Boger) 编译器和运行时(报告人:Lynn Boger)

The Go contributors summit was a great opportunity to meet and discuss topics and ideas with others who also contribute to Go.


The day started out with a time to meet everyone in the room. There was a good mix of the core Go team and others who actively contribute to Go. From there we decided what topics were of interest and how to split the big group into smaller groups. My area of interest is the compiler, so I joined that group and stayed with them for most of the time.


At our first meeting, a long list of topics were brought up and as a result the compiler group decided to keep meeting throughout the day. I had a few topics of interest that I shared and many that others suggested were also of interest to me. Not all items on the list were discussed in detail; here is my list of those topics which had the most interest and discussion, followed by some brief comments that were made on other topics.


Binary size. There was a concern expressed about binary size, especially that it continues to grow with each release. Some possible reasons were identified such as increased inlining and other optimizations. Most likely there is a set of users who want small binaries, and another group who wants the best performance possible and maybe some don’t care. This led to the topic of TinyGo, and it was noted that TinyGo was not a full implementation of Go and that it is important to keep TinyGo from diverging from Go and splitting the user base. More investigation is required to understand the need among users and the exact reasons contributing to the current size. If there are opportunities to reduce the size without affecting performance, those changes could be made, but if performance were affected some users would prefer better performance.


Vector assembly. How to leverage vector assembly in Go was discussed for a while and has been a topic of interest in the past. I have split this into three separate possibilities, since they all relate to the use of vector instructions, but the way they are used are different, starting with the topic of vector assembly. This is another case of a compiler trade off.


For most targets, there are critical functions in standard packages such as crypto, hash, math and others, where the use of assembly is necessary to get the best possible performance; however having large functions written in assembly makes them difficult to support and maintain and could require different implementations for each target platform. One solution is to make use of macro assembly or other high-level generation techniques to make the vector assembly easier to read and understand.


Another side to this question is whether the Go compiler can directly generate SIMD vector instructions when compiling a Go source file, by enhancing the Go compiler to transform code sequences to “simdize” the code to make use of vector instructions. Implementing SIMD in the Go compiler would add complexity and compile time, and might not always result in code that performs better. The way the code is transformed could in some cases depend on the target platform so that would not be ideal.

这个问题的另一个方面是,Go编译器是否可以在编译Go源文件时直接生成SIMD矢量指令,通过增强Go编译器来转换代码序列,使代码 “模拟化 “以利用矢量指令。在Go编译器中实施SIMD会增加复杂性和编译时间,而且不一定能使代码表现得更好。代码转换的方式在某些情况下可能取决于目标平台,所以这并不理想。

Another way to leverage vector instructions in Go is to provide a way to make it easier to make use of vector instructions from within the Go source code. Topics discussed were intrinsics, or implementations that exist in other compilers like Rust. In gcc some platforms provide inline asm, and Go possibly could provide this capability, but I know from experience that intermixing inline asm with Go code adds complexity to the compiler in terms of tracking register use and debugging. It allows the user to do things the compiler might not expect or want, and it does add an extra level of complexity. It could be inserted in places that are not ideal.


In summary, it is important to provide a way to leverage the available vector instructions, and make it easier and safer to write. Where possible, functions use as much Go code as possible, and potentially find a way to use high level assembly. There was some discussion of designing an experimental vector package to try and implement some of these ideas.


New calling convention. Several people were interested in the topic of the ABI changes to provide a register based calling convention. The current status was reported with details. There was discussion on what remained to be done before it could be used. The ABI specification needs to be written first and it was not clear when that would be done. I know this will benefit some target platforms more than others and a register calling convention is used in most compilers for other platforms.


General optimizations. Certain optimizations that are more beneficial for some platforms other than x86 were discussed. In particular, loop optimizations such as hoisting of invariants and strength reduction could be done and provide more benefit on some platforms. Potential solutions were discussed, and implementation would probably be up to the targets that find those improvements important.


Feedback-directed optimizations. This was discussed and debated as a possible future enhancement. In my experience, it is hard to find meaningful programs to use for collecting performance data that can later be used to optimize code. It increases compile time and takes a lot of space to save the data which might only be meaningful for a small set of programs.


Pending submissions. A few members in the group mentioned changes they had been working on and plan to submit soon, including improvements to makeslice, and a rewrite of rulegen.


Compile time concerns. Compile time was discussed briefly. It was noted that phase timing was added to the GOSSAFUNC output.


Compiler contributor communication. Someone asked if there was a need for a Go compiler mailing list. It was suggested that we use golang-dev for that purpose, adding compiler to the subject line to identify it. If there is too much traffic on golang-dev, then a compiler-specific mailing list can be considered at some later point in time.


Community. I found the day very beneficial in terms of connecting with people who have been active in the community and have similar areas of interest. I was able to meet many people who I’ve only known by the user name appearing in issues or mailing lists or CLs. I was able to discuss some topics and existing issues and get direct interactive feedback instead of waiting for online responses. I was encouraged to write issues on problems I have seen. These connections happened not just during this day but while running into others throughout the conference, having been introduced on this first day, which led to many interesting discussions. Hopefully these connections will lead to more effective communication and improved handling of issues and code changes in the future.


Tools (report by Paul Jolly) 工具(报告人:Paul Jolly)

The tools breakout session during the contributor summit took an extended form, with two further sessions on the main conference days organized by the golang-tools group. This summary is broken down into two parts: the tools session at the contributor workshop, and a combined report from the golang-tools sessions on the main conference days.


Contributor summit. The tools session started with introductions from ~25 folks gathered, followed by a brainstorming of topics, including: gopls, ARM 32-bit, eval, signal, analysis, go/packages api, refactoring, pprof, module experience, mono repo analysis, go mobile, dependencies, editor integrations, compiler opt decisions, debugging, visualization, documentation. A lot of people with lots of interest in lots of tools!

贡献者峰会。在工具会议上,首先有大约25位与会者进行了介绍,然后是主题的头脑风暴,包括:gopls、ARM 32位、评估、信号、分析、go/packages api、重构、pprof、模块经验、mono repo分析、go移动、依赖项、编辑器集成、编译器选择决策、调试、可视化、文档。很多人对很多工具有很大的兴趣!

The session focused on two areas (all that time allowed): gopls and visualizations. Gopls (pronounced: “go please”) is an implementation of the Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Go. Rebecca Stambler, the gopls lead author, and the rest of the Go tools team were interested in hearing people’s experiences with gopls: stability, missing features, integrations in editors working, etc? The general feeling was that gopls was in really good shape and working extremely well for the majority of use cases. Integration test coverage needs to be improved, but this is a hard problem to get “right” across all editors. We discussed a better means of users reporting gopls errors they encounter via their editor, telemetry/diagnostics, gopls performance metrics, all subjects that got more detailed coverage in golang-tools sessions that followed on the main conference days (see below). A key area of discussion was how to extend gopls, e.g., in the form of additional go/analysis vet-like checks, lint checks, refactoring, etc. Currently there is no good solution, but it’s actively under investigation. Conversation shifted to the very broad topic of visualizations, with a demo-based introduction from Anthony Starks (who, incidentally, gave an excellent talk about Go for information displays at GopherCon 2018).

会议集中在两个领域(所有允许的时间):Gopls和可视化。Gopls(读作:“go please”)是Go语言服务器协议(LSP)服务器的一个实现。gopls的主要作者Rebecca Stambler和Go工具团队的其他成员很想听听大家对gopls的经验:稳定性、缺失的功能、在编辑器中的集成工作等?普遍的感觉是,gopls的状况非常好,对于大多数的使用情况来说工作得非常好。集成测试的覆盖率需要改进,但这是一个很难在所有编辑器中得到 “正确 “的问题。我们讨论了如何让用户通过他们的编辑器报告他们遇到的gopls错误,遥测/诊断,gopls的性能指标,所有这些主题在主要会议日的golang-tools会议上得到了更详细的报道(见下文)。讨论的一个关键领域是如何扩展gopls,例如,以额外的go/analysis vet-like检查、lint检查、重构等形式。目前还没有很好的解决方案,但正在积极调查中。谈话转向了非常广泛的可视化话题,Anthony Starks做了基于演示的介绍(顺便说一下,他在GopherCon 2018上做了一个关于Go用于信息显示的出色演讲)。

Conference days. The golang-tools sessions on the main conference days were a continuation of the monthly calls that have been happening since the group’s inception at GopherCon 2018. Full notes are available for the day 1 and day 2 sessions. These sessions were again well attended with 25-30 people at each session. The Go tools team was there in strength (a good sign of the support being put behind this area), as was the Uber platform team. In contrast to the contributor summit, the goal from these sessions was to come away with specific action items.

会议日。主要会议日的golang-tools会议是自该小组在GopherCon 2018上成立以来每月电话会议的延续。第1天和第2天的会议都有完整的笔记。这些会议再次得到广泛参与,每场会议有25-30人参加。Go工具团队在那里很有实力(这是一个很好的迹象,说明这个领域得到了支持),Uber平台团队也是如此。与贡献者峰会不同的是,这些会议的目标是带着具体的行动项目离开。

Gopls. Gopls “readiness” was a major focus for both sessions. This answer effectively boiled down to determining when it makes sense to tell editor integrators “we have a good first cut of gopls” and then compiling a list of “blessed” editor integrations/plugins known to work with gopls. Central to this “certification” of editor integrations/plugins is a well-defined process by which users can report problems they experience with gopls. Performance and memory are not blockers for this initial “release”. The conversation about how to extend gopls, started in the contributor summit the day before, continued in earnest. Despite the many obvious benefits and attractions to extending gopls (custom go/analysis checks, linter support, refactoring, code generation…), there isn’t a clear answer on how to implement this in a scalable way. Those gathered agreed that this should not be seen as a blocker for the initial “release”, but should continue to be worked on. In the spirit of gopls and editor integrations, Heschi Kreinick from the Go tools team brought up the topic of debugging support. Delve has become the de facto debugger for Go and is in good shape; now the state of debugger-editor integration needs to be established, following a process similar to that of gopls and the “blessed” integrations.

Gopls。Gopls的 “准备情况 “是两个会议的主要焦点。这个答案实际上可以归结为确定什么时候告诉编辑器集成商 “我们有一个很好的gopls的第一部分 “是有意义的,然后编制一个 “受祝福的 “编辑器集成/插件的列表,已知可以与gopls一起使用。编辑器集成/插件的 “认证 “的核心是一个定义明确的过程,用户可以通过这个过程报告他们在使用gopls时遇到的问题。性能和内存不是这个初始 “版本 “的障碍。在前一天的贡献者峰会上开始的关于如何扩展gopls的对话继续认真进行。尽管扩展gopls有许多明显的好处和吸引力(自定义go/分析检查、linter支持、重构、代码生成……),但对于如何以可扩展的方式实现,还没有一个明确的答案。参加会议的人一致认为,这不应该被看作是最初 “发布 “的障碍,而应该继续努力。本着gopls和编辑器整合的精神,Go工具团队的Heschi Kreinick提出了调试支持的话题。Delve已经成为Go事实上的调试器,并且状态良好;现在需要建立调试器-编辑器集成的状态,遵循与gopls和 “祝福 “集成类似的过程。

Go Discovery Site. The second golang-tools session started with an excellent introduction to the Go Discovery Site by Julie Qiu from the Go tools team, along with a quick demo. Julie talked about the plans for the Discovery Site: open sourcing the project, what signals are used in search ranking, how will ultimately be replaced, how submodules should work, how users can discover new major versions.

Go发现站点。第二场golang-tools会议开始时,来自Go工具团队的Julie Qiu对Go发现网站进行了精彩的介绍,并进行了快速的演示。Julie谈到了发现网站的计划:项目的开源,搜索排名中使用的信号,godoc.org最终将如何被取代,子模块应该如何工作,用户如何发现新的主要版本。

Build Tags. Conversation then moved to build tag support within gopls. This is an area that clearly needs to be better understood (use cases are currently being gathered in issue 33389). In light of this conversation, the session wrapped up with Alexander Zolotov from the JetBrains GoLand team suggesting that the gopls and GoLand teams should share experience in this and more areas, given GoLand has already gained lots of experience.

构建标签。然后,对话转向了gopls内的构建标签支持。这显然是一个需要更好地理解的领域(目前正在33389问题中收集使用案例)。鉴于这一对话,会议结束时,来自JetBrains GoLand团队的Alexander Zolotov建议gopls和GoLand团队应该在这一领域和更多领域分享经验,因为GoLand已经获得了很多经验。

Join Us! We could easily have talked about tools-related topics for days! The good news is that the golang-tools calls will continue for the foreseeable future. Anyone interested in Go tooling is very much encouraged to join: the wiki has more details.

加入我们! 我们可以很容易地谈论与工具有关的话题好几天! 好消息是,在可预见的未来,golang-tools的调用将继续进行。我们非常鼓励任何对Go工具感兴趣的人加入:wiki上有更多细节。

Enterprise Use (report by Daniel Theophanes) 企业使用(报告人:Daniel Theophanes)

Actively asking after the needs of less vocal developers will be the largest challenge, and greatest win, for the Go language. There is a large segment of programmers who don’t actively participate in the Go community. Some are business associates, marketers, or quality assurance who also do development. Some will wear management hats and make hiring or technology decisions. Others just do their job and return to their families. And lastly, many times these developers work in businesses with strict IP protection contracts. Even though most of these developers won’t end up directly participating in open source or the Go community proposals, their ability to use Go depends on both.


The Go community and Go proposals need to understand the needs of these less vocal developers. Go proposals can have a large impact on what is adopted and used. For instance, the vendor folder and later the Go modules proxy are incredibly important for businesses that strictly control source code and typically have fewer direct conversations with the Go community. Having these mechanisms allow these organizations to use Go at all. It follows that we must not only pay attention to current Go users, but also to developers and organizations who have considered Go, but have chosen against it. We need to understand these reasons.


Similarly, should the Go community pay attention to “enterprise” environments it would unlock many additional organizations who can utilize Go. By ensuring active directory authentication works, users who would be forced to use a different ecosystem can keep Go on the table. By ensuring WSDL just works, a section of users can pick Go up as a tool. No one suggested blindly making changes to appease non-Go users. But rather we should be aware of untapped potential and unrecognized hindrances in the Go language and ecosystem.

同样地,如果Go社区关注 “企业 “环境,就会释放出更多可以利用Go的组织。通过确保活动目录认证的工作,那些将被迫使用不同生态系统的用户可以继续使用Go。通过确保WSDL只是工作,一部分用户可以把Go作为一个工具来使用。没有人建议盲目地做出改变来讨好非Go用户。而是我们应该意识到Go语言和生态系统中未被开发的潜力和未被认识的阻碍。

While several different possibilities to actively solicit this information from the outside were discussed, this is a problem we fundamentally need your help. If you are in an organization that doesn’t use Go even though it was considered, let us know why Go wasn’t chosen. If you are in an organization where Go is only used for a subsection of programming tasks, but not others, why isn’t it used for more? Are there specific blockers to adoption?


Education (report by Andy Walker) 教育(Andy Walker的报告)

One of the roundtables I was involved in at the Contributors Summit this year was on the topic of Go education, specifically what kind of resources we make available to the new Go programmer, and how we can improve them. Present were a number of very passionate organizers, engineers and educators, each of whom had a unique perspective on the subject, either through tools they’d designed, documents they’d written or workshops they’d given to developers of all stripes.


Early on, talk turned to whether or not Go makes a good first programming language. I wasn’t sure, and advocated against it. Go isn’t a good first language, I argued, because it isn’t intended to be. As Rob Pike wrote back in 2012, “the language was designed by and for people who write—and read and debug and maintain—large software systems”. To me, this guiding ethos is clear: Go is a deliberate response to perceived flaws in the processes used by experienced engineers, not an attempt to create an ideal programming language, and as such a certain basic familiarity with programming concepts is assumed.

早期,讨论转向Go是否是一种好的第一种编程语言。我不确定,并主张反对。我认为,Go并不是一门好的第一语言,因为它并不打算成为这样的语言。正如Rob Pike在2012年写的那样,“这门语言是由那些编写、阅读、调试和维护大型软件系统的人设计的”。对我来说,这一指导思想很清楚:Go是对有经验的工程师所使用的程序中的缺陷的刻意回应,而不是试图创造一种理想的编程语言,因此假定对编程概念有一定的基本熟悉程度。

This is evident in the official documentation at It jumps right into how to install the language before passing the user on to the tour, which is geared towards programmers who are already familiar with a C-like language. From there, they are taken to How to Write Go Code, which provides a very basic introduction to the classic non-module Go workspace, before moving immediately on to writing libraries and testing. Finally, we have Effective Go, and a series of references including the spec, rounded out by some examples. These are all decent resources if you’re already familiar with a C-like language, but they still leave a lot to be desired, and there’s nothing to be found for the raw beginner or even someone coming directly from a language like Python.

这在的官方文档中很明显。它在把用户带到参观之前就直接进入了如何安装语言的问题,这是为那些已经熟悉类似C语言的程序员准备的。在那里,他们被带到了如何编写Go代码,它对经典的非模块Go工作区进行了非常基本的介绍,然后立即转向编写库和测试。最后,我们有了Effective Go,以及一系列的参考资料,包括规范,并以一些例子作为补充。如果您已经熟悉了一种类似C语言,这些都是不错的资源,但它们仍然有很多不足之处,对于原始的初学者,甚至是直接从Python这样的语言来的人来说,没有什么可以找到的。

As an accessible, interactive starting point, the tour is a natural first target towards making the language more beginner friendly, and I think a lot of headway can be made targeting that alone. First, it should be the first link in the documentation, if not the first link in the bar at the top of, front and center. We should encourage the curious user to jump right in and start playing with the language. We should also consider including optional introductory sections on coming from other common languages, and the differences they are likely to encounter in Go, with interactive exercises. This would go a long way to helping new Go programmers in mapping the concepts they are already familiar with onto Go.


For experienced programmers, an optional, deeper treatment should be given to most sections in the tour, allowing them to drill down into more detailed documentation or interactive exercises enumerating the design decisions principles of good architecture in Go. They should find answers to questions like:


  • Why are there so many integer types when I am encouraged to use int most of the time?
  • Is there ever a good reason to pick a value receiver?
  • Why is there a plain int, but no plain float?
  • What are send- and receive-only channels, and when would I use them?
  • How do I effectively compose concurrency primitives, and when would I not want to use channels?
  • What is uint good for? Should I use it to restrict my user to positive values? Why not?
  • 为什么有这么多的整数类型,而我被鼓励在大多数时候使用int? 是否有很好的理由去选择一个值接收器? 为什么有一个普通int,而没有普通float? 什么是只发送和只接收的通道,我什么时候会使用它们? 我如何有效地组成并发原语,什么时候我不想使用通道? uint有什么用?我应该用它来限制我的用户使用正值吗?为什么不呢?

The tour should be someplace they can revisit upon finishing the first run-through to dive more deeply into some of the more interesting choices in language design.


But we can do more. Many people seek out programming as a way to design applications or scratch a particular itch, and they are most likely to want to target the interface they are most familiar with: the browser. Go does not have a good front-end story yet. Javascript is still the only language that really provides both a frontend and a backend environment, but WASM is fast becoming a first-order platform, and there are so many places we could go with that. We could provide something like vecty in The Go Play Space, or perhaps Gio, targeting WASM, for people to get started programming in the browser right away, inspiring their imagination, and provide them a migration path out of our playground into a terminal and onto GitHub.

但我们可以做得更多。许多人寻求编程作为设计应用程序的一种方式,或者是挠痒痒,而他们最有可能想针对他们最熟悉的界面:浏览器。Go还没有一个好的前端故事。Javascript仍然是唯一能真正提供前端和后端环境的语言,但WASM正迅速成为一个一阶平台,我们有很多地方可以利用。我们可以在The Go Play Space中提供类似vecty的东西,或者是针对WASM的Gio,让人们立即开始在浏览器中编程,激发他们的想象力,并为他们提供一条从我们的游乐场迁移到终端和GitHub上的路径。

So, is Go a good first language? I honestly don’t know, but it’s certainly true there are a significant number of people entering the programming profession with Go as their starting point, and I am very interested in talking to them, learning about their journey and their process, and shaping the future of Go education with their input.


Learning Platforms (report by Ronna Steinberg) 学习平台(报告人:Ronna Steinberg)

We discussed what a learning platform for Go should look like and how we can combine global resources to effectively teach the language. We generally agreed that teaching and learning is easier with visualization and that a REPL is very gratifying. We also overviewed some existing solutions for visualization with Go: templates, Go WASM, GopherJS as well as SVG and GIFs generation.

我们讨论了Go的学习平台应该是什么样子的,以及我们如何结合全球资源来有效地教授Go语言。我们普遍认为,可视化的教学更容易,而REPL是非常令人满意的。我们还概述了一些现有的Go可视化解决方案:模板、Go WASM、GopherJS以及SVG和GIFs生成。

Compiler errors not making sense to the new developer was also brought up and we considered ideas of how to handle it, perhaps a bank of errors and how they would be useful. One idea was a wrapper for the compiler that explains your errors to you, with examples and solutions.


A new group convened for a second round later and we focused more on what UX should the Go learning platform have, and if and how we can take existing materials (talks, blog posts, podcasts, etc) from the community and organize them into a program people can learn from. Should such a platform link to those external resources? Embed them? Cite them? We agreed that a portal-like-solution (of external links to resources) makes navigation difficult and takes away from the learning experience, which led us to the conclusion that such contribution cannot be passive, and contributors will likely have to opt in to have their material on the platform. There was then much excitement around the idea of adding a voting mechanism to the platform, effectively turning the learners into contributors, too, and incentivizing the contributors to put their materials on the platform.


(If you are interested in helping in educational efforts for Go, please email Carmen Andoh

(如果您有兴趣帮助Go的教育工作,请发邮件给Carmen Andoh。

Thank You! 谢谢大家!

Thanks to all the attendees for the excellent discussions on contributor day, and thanks especially to Lynn, Paul, Daniel, Andy, and Ronna for taking the time to write these reports.


最后修改 February 5, 2024: 更新 (f57b279)