参与2018年 Go 用户调查

Participate in the 2018 Go User Survey - 参与2018年 go 用户调查


Ran Tao, Steve Francia 8 November 2018

The Go project wants to hear from you, the Go community! Go项目希望听到您–Go社区的声音!

In 2017 & 2016, thousands of you helped the project by lending your voice via the Go user survey. In October, hundreds of companies helped us understand how enterprises are using Go by taking the Go company questionnaire. These surveys and questionnaires have played an enormous role in driving changes to our language and community, from our new code of conduct, to our latest release Go 1.11.

在2017年和2016年,成千上万的人通过Go用户调查来帮助项目,发出您的声音。10月,数百家公司通过参加Go公司问卷调查帮助我们了解企业如何使用Go。这些调查和问卷在推动我们的语言和社区的变化方面发挥了巨大的作用,从我们新的行为准则,到我们最新的版本Go 1.11。

Today we are conducting the 2018 Go user survey. We’d like to hear from all Go users in order to help us to create the best programming language that fits the needs and desires of the people closest to it. Please help us shape the future of Go by participating in the 15-minute 2018 Go user survey by November 30th: Go User Survey 2018.


This survey is confidential and anonymous. For more information, please refer to Google’s privacy policy here.


Spread the word! 传播信息!

We need as many Gophers as possible to participate in this survey to help us better understand our global user base. We’d be grateful if you would spread the word by sharing this post on your social network feeds, around the office, at meetups, and in other communities.


最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (602584e)