Go 2草案设计

Go 2 Draft Designs - Go 2草案设计


28 August 2018

Yesterday, at our annual Go contributor summit, attendees got a sneak peek at preliminary drafts of possible designs for changes to error handling and generics. The development of Go 2 was announced last year and we are excited to share updates with you today.

昨天,在我们的年度Go贡献者峰会上,与会者偷看了错误处理和泛型变化的可能设计的初步草案。Go 2的开发是在去年宣布的,我们很高兴今天能与大家分享更新。

For a quick overview, watch this short message we just played at Gophercon 2018:

要想快速了解情况,请观看我们刚刚在Gophercon 2018上播放的这段短消息:

We invite everyone in the Go community to learn more about the designs and help us improve them.


最后修改 February 26, 2024: 更新 (a3a5e72)