Go 1.11发布了

Go 1.11 is released - Go 1.11发布了


Andrew Bonventre 24 August 2018

Who says releasing on Friday is a bad idea?


Today the Go team is happy to announce the release of Go 1.11. You can get it from the download page.

今天Go团队很高兴地宣布Go 1.11的发布。您可以从下载页面获得它。

There are many changes and improvements to the toolchain, runtime, and libraries, but two features stand out as being especially exciting: modules and WebAssembly support.


This release adds preliminary support for a new concept called “modules,” an alternative to GOPATH with integrated support for versioning and package distribution. Module support is considered experimental, and there are still a few rough edges to smooth out, so please make liberal use of the issue tracker.

这个版本增加了对一个新概念的初步支持,称为 “模块”,是对GOPATH的替代,集成了对版本和包分发的支持。模块支持被认为是实验性的,仍有一些粗糙的边缘需要磨平,所以请自由使用问题跟踪器。

Go 1.11 also adds an experimental port to WebAssembly (js/wasm). This allows programmers to compile Go programs to a binary format compatible with four major web browsers. You can read more about WebAssembly (abbreviated “Wasm”) at webassembly.org and see this wiki page on how to get started with using Wasm with Go. Special thanks to Richard Musiol for contributing the WebAssembly port!

Go 1.11还增加了对WebAssembly(js/wasm)的实验性移植。这使得程序员可以将Go程序编译成与四个主要网络浏览器兼容的二进制格式。您可以在webassembly.org上阅读更多关于WebAssembly(缩写为 “Wasm”)的信息,并查看这个wiki页面,了解如何开始使用Wasm与Go。特别感谢Richard Musiol对WebAssembly移植的贡献!

We also want to thank everyone who contributed to this release by writing code, filing bugs, providing feedback, and/or testing the betas and release candidates. Your contributions and diligence helped to ensure that Go 1.11 is as bug-free as possible. That said, if you do notice any problems, please file an issue.

我们也要感谢每一个通过编写代码、提交错误、提供反馈和/或测试测试版和候选版而为这个版本做出贡献的人。您的贡献和勤奋有助于确保Go 1.11尽可能的没有错误。也就是说,如果您发现任何问题,请提出问题。

For more detail about the changes in Go 1.11, see the release notes.

关于Go 1.11的更多细节变化,请参见发布说明。

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the release!


最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (602584e)