Go 1.10发布了

Go 1.10 is released - Go 1.10发布了


Brad Fitzpatrick 16 February 2018

Happy Friday, happy weekend! Today the Go team is happy to announce the release of Go 1.10. You can get it from the download page.

周五快乐,周末快乐! 今天Go团队很高兴地宣布Go 1.10的发布。您可以从下载页面获得它。

See the Go 1.10 release notes for all the details.

所有细节见Go 1.10发布说明。

The most exciting part of this release for many people will probably be that the go tool now does automatic caching of build & test results. Of course, one of the hundreds of smaller changes may be your favorite.


To celebrate the release, Go User Groups around the world are holding release parties. See if there’s one in your area, or feel free to organize one!


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release and everyone who helped test the Go 1.10 betas and release candidates to ensure a perfect, bug-free final release. However, if you do notice any bugs or unexpected changes not noted in the release notes, be sure to file a bug.

感谢所有为这个版本做出贡献的人,以及所有帮助测试Go 1.10测试版和候选版以确保最终版本完美无缺的人。然而,如果您注意到任何错误或发布说明中没有提到的意外变化,请务必提交一个错误。

Enjoy the weekend, and enjoy the new release!


P.S. Many of this year’s Go conferences are accepting talk proposals this month. We always love to see new speakers and encourage you to think about proposing a talk. For more information, see golang.org/wiki/NewSpeakers.

P.S. 今年的许多Go会议都在这个月接受演讲建议。我们总是喜欢看到新的演讲者,并鼓励您考虑提出一个演讲。更多信息,请参见 golang.org/wiki/NewSpeakers。

最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (602584e)