参与2017年 Go 用户调查

Participate in the 2017 Go User Survey - 参与2017年 Go 用户调查


Steve Francia 16 November 2017

The Go project wants to hear from you (again)! Go项目希望听到您的意见(再次)!您的意见是什么?

Last year we conducted the first ever Go user survey. Thanks to all of you, it was an overwhelming success with over 3500 responses. The survey provided key insights and helped us better plan and prioritize.


We invite you to participate in the 2017 Go User Survey.


The Go User Survey - Go用户调查

Who: If you currently use Go, have used Go in the past, or have any interest in the language, please help by sharing your feedback to improve Go for you and your fellow Gophers.


Where: Please take this 15-minute survey by Friday December 8th: 2017 Go User Survey


The survey is anonymous and confidential.


Why: The Go project leadership depends on your feedback to guide the future of the Go project. Your responses will help to understand what’s going well and what’s not, as well as help us prioritize improvements for the Go language, libraries and tools.


A few weeks after the survey closes, we will publish the anonymous aggregate results to the Go blog. See the 2016 Go user survey results to learn what insights were gained from last year’s survey.


Spread the word! 传播消息!

Please help us spread the word by sharing this post on your social network feeds, at meetups, around your office and in other communities.


最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (602584e)