参与2016年 Go 用户调查和公司问卷调查

Participate in the 2016 Go User Survey and Company Questionnaire - 参与2016年 Go 用户调查和公司问卷调查


Steve Francia 13 December 2016

The Go project wants to hear from you! Go项目想听听您的意见!

The Go project wants to hear from you! Our goal is to create the best language for developing simple, reliable, scalable software. We are asking you to help by participating in a survey and if applicable, a company questionnaire.

Go项目希望听到您的声音 我们的目标是为开发简单、可靠、可扩展的软件创造最佳语言。我们希望您能通过参与调查和(如果适用)公司问卷来提供帮助。

The Go User Survey Go用户调查

Who: If you use Go, have ever used Go, have ever stopped using Go, or have any interest in the language, please help by sharing your feedback to improve Go for you and your fellow Gophers.

谁:如果您使用 Go,曾经使用过 Go,曾经停止使用 Go,或者对该语言有任何兴趣,请通过分享您的反馈来帮助我们为您和您的 Gophers 同伴改进 Go。

Where: Please take this 20-minute survey by December 22nd: Go User Survey 2016


The survey is anonymous and confidential.


Why: The Go project leadership depends on your feedback to guide the future of the Go project. Your responses will help to understand how we are doing and help plan improvements for the Go language, libraries, and tools.


After the survey closes, we will publish the anonymous aggregate results to the Go blog.


The Go Company Questionnaire - Go公司调查表

Who: If you are in a position to share details like “company name”, “if your company is hiring Go developers”, and “reasons your team or company adopted Go” then please help us by taking this questionnaire. We only need one response per company (or department for larger companies).

谁:如果您能够分享诸如 “公司名称”、“您的公司是否正在招聘Go开发人员 “以及 “您的团队或公司采用Go的原因 “等细节,那么请帮助我们参加这个调查问卷。我们只需要每家公司(大公司的部门)的一个答复。

Where: Please take this 5-minute questionnaire by December 22nd: Go Company Questionnaire 2016


The questionnaire is confidential, but not anonymous.


Why: The Go project would like to better understand the companies using Go.


After the questionnaire closes the Go project leadership will use this information to better understand how companies are utilizing Go and in what ways the project can improve their experience. If you participate we may reach out for further information.


Spread the word! 传播消息!

Please help us spread the word by sharing this post on your social network feeds, at meetups, around your office and in other communities.


The survey & questionnaire close by December 22nd so please share today.


最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (602584e)