
GopherCon 2015 Roundup - 2015年GopherCon综述


Andrew Gerrand 28 July 2015

A few weeks ago, Go programmers from around the world descended on Denver, Colorado for GopherCon 2015. The two-day, single-track conference attracted more than 1,250 attendees—nearly double last year’s number—and featured 22 talks presented by Go community members.

几周前,来自世界各地的Go程序员来到科罗拉多州丹佛市参加GopherCon 2015。这场为期两天的单轨会议吸引了超过1250名与会者–几乎是去年的两倍,并且有22场由Go社区成员主持的讲座。


The Cowboy Gopher (a toy given to each attendee) watches over the ranch.


Photograph by Nathan Youngman. Gopher by Renee French.

摄影:Nathan Youngman。地鼠由Renee French拍摄。

Today the organizers have posted the videos online so you can now enjoy the conference from afar:


Day 1: 第1天。

  • Go, Open Source, Community — Russ Cox (video) (text) Go、开源、社区–Russ Cox (视频) (文字)
  • Go kit: A Standard Library for Distributed Programming — Peter Bourgon (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Go kit/go-kit.pdf)) Go套件。分布式编程的标准库 - Peter Bourgon (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Delve Into Go — Derek Parker (video) (slides) 深入了解Go - Derek Parker (视频) (幻灯片)
  • How a complete beginner learned Go as her first backend language in 5 weeks — Audrey Lim (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Audrey Lim - How a Complete Beginner Picked Up Go as Her First Backend Language in 5 weeks/audreylim_slides.pdf)) 一个完全的初学者如何在5周内学会Go作为她的第一个后端语言 - Audrey Lim (视频) (幻灯片)
  • A Practical Guide to Preventing Deadlocks and Leaks in Go — Richard Fliam (video) Go中防止死锁和泄漏的实用指南 - Richard Fliam (视频)
  • Go GC: Solving the Latency Problem — Rick Hudson (video) (slides) Go GC:解决延迟问题 - Rick Hudson (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Simplicity and Go — Katherine Cox-Buday (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Katherine Cox-Buday: Simplicity %26 Go/Simplicity %26 Go.pdf)) 简洁性与Go - Katherine Cox-Buday (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Rebuilding Parse.com in Go - an opinionated rewrite — Abhishek Kona (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Abhishek Kona Rewriting Parse in GO/myslides.pdf)) 在Go中重建Parse.com–一个有观点的重写–Abhishek Kona (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Prometheus: Designing and Implementing a Modern Monitoring Solution in Go — Björn Rabenstein (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Björn Rabenstein - Prometheus/slides.pdf)) 普罗米修斯。在Go中设计和实施现代监控解决方案 - Björn Rabenstein (视频) (幻灯片)
  • What Could Go Wrong? — Kevin Cantwell (video) 什么会出错?- Kevin Cantwell (视频)
  • The Roots of Go — Baishampayan Ghose (video) (slides) Go的根源 - Baishampayan Ghose (视频) (幻灯片)

Day 2: 第二天。

  • The Evolution of Go — Robert Griesemer (video) (slides) Go的演变 - Robert Griesemer (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Static Code Analysis Using SSA — Ben Johnson (video) (slides) 使用SSA进行静态代码分析 - Ben Johnson (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Go on Mobile — Hana Kim (video) (slides) 移动版Go - Hana Kim (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Go Dynamic Tools — Dmitry Vyukov (video) (slides) Go动态工具 - Dmitry Vyukov (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Embrace the Interface — Tomás Senart (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Tomás Senart - Embrace the Interface/ETI.pdf)) 拥抱界面 - Tomás Senart (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Uptime: Building Resilient Services with Go — Blake Caldwell (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Blake Caldwell - Uptime: Building Resilient Services with Go/2015-GopherCon-Talk-Uptime.pdf)) 正常运行时间。用Go构建有弹性的服务 - Blake Caldwell (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Cayley: Building a Graph Database — Barak Michener (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Barak Michener - Cayley: Building a Graph Database/Cayley - Building a Graph Database.pdf)) Cayley。构建图形数据库 - Barak Michener (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Code Generation For The Sake Of Consistency — Sarah Adams (video) 为了一致性而进行的代码生成 - Sarah Adams (视频)
  • The Many Faces of Struct Tags — Sam Helman and Kyle Erf (video) ([slides](https://github.com/gophercon/2015-talks/blob/master/Sam Helman %26 Kyle Erf - The Many Faces of Struct Tags/StructTags.pdf)) Struct Tags的多面性 - Sam Helman 和 Kyle Erf (视频) (幻灯片)
  • Betting the Company on Go and Winning — Kelsey Hightower (video) 将公司押在Go上并赢得胜利 - Kelsey Hightower (视频)
  • How Go Was Made — Andrew Gerrand (video) (slides) Go是如何诞生的 - Andrew Gerrand (视频) (幻灯片)

The hack day was also a ton of fun, with hours of lightning talks and a range of activities from programming robots to a Magic: the Gathering tournament.


Huge thanks to the event organizers Brian Ketelsen and Eric St. Martin and their production team, the sponsors, the speakers, and the attendees for making this such a fun and action-packed conference. Hope to see you there next year!

非常感谢活动组织者Brian Ketelsen和Eric St. Martin以及他们的制作团队、赞助商、演讲者和参会者,他们使这次会议变得如此有趣和充满行动。希望明年能在那里见到您!

最后修改 February 5, 2024: 更新 (f57b279)