在Google I/O和Gopher SummerFest上的 go

Go at Google I/O and Gopher SummerFest - 在Google I/O和Gopher SummerFest上的 go


Francesc Campoy 6 October 2014

Introduction 简介

The week of June 23rd was a good week for gophers in San Francisco. Go was a big part of Google I/O on Wednesday and Thursday, and on Monday we took advantage of the large gopher population to run the Go SummerFest, a special instance of the GoSF meetup. This blog post is a recap of both events.

6月23日这一周对旧金山的地鼠来说是个好日子。周三和周四,Go是Google I/O的重要组成部分,周一我们利用大量的地鼠人口举办了Go SummerFest,这是GoSF聚会的一个特殊实例。这篇博文是对这两次活动的回顾。

Gopher SummerFest - Gopher夏日嘉年华


On the Monday, more than 200 gophers gathered at the Google office in San Francisco to hear a series of talks:


  • The State of Go, (slides and video) by Andrew Gerrand.Andrew Gerrand的The State of Go,(幻灯片和视频)。
  • I was wrong, again! (slides and video), by Derek Collison. 我又错了! (幻灯片和视频),作者Derek Collison。
  • Go at Splice (slides), by Matt Aimonetti Go在Splice(幻灯片),作者:Matt Aimonetti
  • Quick testing with quick (slides), by Evan Shaw 快速测试(幻灯片),作者:Evan Shaw
  • Something about Go (no slides), by Blake Mizerany. 关于Go的东西(无幻灯片),作者:Blake Mizerany。

More comments and pictures from the event are available on the meetup event page.


Go at Google I/O Go在谷歌I/O大会上

On the Wednesday and Thursday, Go was at Google I/O in two different formats: the Go booth in the sandbox area and the Go code labs available in the code lab area and all around the world through I/O Extended.

周三和周四,Go以两种不同的形式出现在谷歌I/O大会上:沙盘区的Go展台和代码实验室中的Go代码实验室,以及通过I/O Extended在世界各地提供的Go代码实验室。

The Go booth - Go 展台


The Go booth was part of the Developer Sandbox area.


For the two days of the conference, some gophers from Google and other companies gave a series of talks and demonstrations. The talks were not recorded, but the slides and some screencasts and blog posts will be shared soon.


  • Organizing Go Code, by David Crawshaw. (slides) 组织Go代码,作者David Crawshaw。(幻灯片)
  • Testing Techniques, by Andrew Gerrand. (video and slides) 测试技术,作者:Andrew Gerrand。(视频和幻灯片)
  • Go for Java Developers, by Francesc Campoy. (slides) 面向Java开发者的Go,作者Francesc Campoy。 (幻灯片)
  • Camlistore: Android, ARM, App Engine, Everywhere, by Brad Fitzpatrick. (slides) Camlistore。Android, ARM, App Engine, Everywhere, by Brad Fitzpatrick. (幻灯片)
  • Go Compilation Complexities, by Ian Lance Taylor. (slides) Go编译的复杂性,作者:Ian Lance Taylor。(幻灯片)
  • SourceGraph: a Code Search Engine in Go, by Quinn Slack. (video and slides) SourceGraph:Go中的代码搜索引擎,作者:Quinn Slack。(视频和幻灯片)

We also organized Q&A sessions and lightning talks by members of the Go community:


  • Brad Rydzewski talked about his project drone.io. Brad Rydzewski谈到了他的项目drone.io。
  • Barak Michener presented Cayley, an open source graph database. Barak Michener介绍了Cayley,一个开源的图形数据库。
  • Matt Aimonetti discussed how Go is used at Splice. Matt Aimonetti讨论了Go在Splice的使用情况。
  • Sugu Sougoumarane talked about how vitess solved scalability problems at YouTube. (video) Sugu Sougoumarane谈到了vitess如何解决YouTube的可扩展性问题。(视频)

The Go code lab - Go代码实验室

This year attendees of Google I/O had a code lab area with self-service computers where they could sit and learn Go. The code labs were also available to anyone through the Google I/O extended brand. You can try it yourself at io2014codelabs.appspot.com.

今年Google I/O的与会者有一个代码实验室区,有自助式电脑,他们可以坐在那里学习Go。通过谷歌I/O的扩展品牌,任何人都可以使用代码实验室。您可以在io2014codelabs.appspot.com上自己尝试。


Conclusion 总结

Thanks to the organizers, speakers, and attendees who helped make these events a great success. See you next year. (Or at dotGo this week!)


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