最近的两次 Go 讲座

Two recent Go talks - 最近的两次 Go 讲座


Andrew Gerrand 2 January 2013

Introduction 简介

Late last year I wrote a couple of Go talks and presented them at Strange Loop, Øredev, and various other venues. The talks are designed to give insight into the practice of Go programming, each describing the construction of a real program and demonstrating the power and depth of the Go language and its libraries and tools.

去年年底,我写了几篇 Go 讲座,并在 Strange Loop、Øredev 和其他各种场合发表。这些讲座旨在让大家深入了解Go编程的实践,每个讲座都描述了一个真实程序的构建,并展示了Go语言及其库和工具的力量和深度。

The following videos are, in my opinion, the best recordings of these talks.


Go: a simple programming environment - Go:一个简单的编程环境

Go is a general-purpose language that bridges the gap between efficient statically typed languages and productive dynamic language. But it’s not just the language that makes Go special – Go has broad and consistent standard libraries and powerful but simple tools.


This talk gives an introduction to Go, followed by a tour of some real programs that demonstrate the power, scope, and simplicity of the Go programming environment.


See the slide deck (use the left and right arrows to navigate).


Go: code that grows with grace - Go:优雅成长的代码

One of Go’s key design goals is code adaptability; that it should be easy to take a simple design and build upon it in a clean and natural way. In this talk I describe a simple “chat roulette” server that matches pairs of incoming TCP connections, and then use Go’s concurrency mechanisms, interfaces, and standard library to extend it with a web interface and other features. While the function of the program changes dramatically, Go’s flexibility preserves the original design as it grows.

Go的关键设计目标之一是代码的适应性;即应该很容易采用一个简单的设计,并以一种干净自然的方式在此基础上进行构建。在这次演讲中,我描述了一个简单的 “聊天轮盘 “服务器,它可以匹配进入的TCP连接对,然后使用Go的并发机制、接口和标准库,用网络接口和其他功能来扩展它。虽然程序的功能发生了巨大的变化,但Go的灵活性在其发展过程中保留了原有的设计。

See the slide deck (use the left and right arrows to navigate).


最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (76350eb)