Go 1.1发布了

Go 1.1 is released - Go 1.1发布了


Andrew Gerrand 13 May 2013

It is our great pleasure to announce the release of Go 1.1.

我们非常高兴地宣布Go 1.1的发布。


In March last year we released Go 1.0, and since then we have released three minor “point releases”. The point releases were made to fix only critical issues, so the Go 1.0.3 you use today is still, in essence, the Go 1.0 we released in March 2012.

去年3月,我们发布了Go 1.0,此后我们又发布了三个小的 “点 “版本。这些点发布只是为了修复关键问题,所以您今天使用的Go 1.0.3本质上仍然是我们在2012年3月发布的Go 1.0。

Go 1.1 includes many improvements over 1.0.

与1.0相比,Go 1.1包括许多改进。

The most significant improvements are performance-related. We have made optimizations in the compiler and linker, garbage collector, goroutine scheduler, map implementation, and parts of the standard library. It is likely that your Go code will run noticeably faster when built with Go 1.1.

最重要的改进是与性能有关的。我们在编译器和链接器、垃圾收集器、goroutine调度器、map实现以及部分标准库中进行了优化。当使用 Go 1.1 构建时,您的 Go 代码很可能会明显加快运行速度。

There are some minor changes to the language itself, two of which are worth singling out here: the changes to return requirements will lead to more succinct and correct programs, and the introduction of method values provides an expressive way to bind a method to its receiver as a function value.


Concurrent programming is safer in Go 1.1 with the addition of a race detector for finding memory synchronization errors in your programs. We will discuss the race detector more in an upcoming article, but for now the manual is a great place to get started.


The tools and standard library have been improved and expanded. You can read the full story in the release notes.


As per our compatibility guidelines, Go 1.1 remains compatible with Go 1.0 and we recommend all Go users upgrade to the new release.

根据我们的兼容性准则,Go 1.1仍然与Go 1.0兼容,我们建议所有Go用户升级到新版本。

All this would not have been possible without the help of our contributors from the open source community. Since Go 1.0, the core received more than 2600 commits from 161 people outside Google. Thank you everyone for your time and effort. In particular, we would like to thank Shenghou Ma, Rémy Oudompheng, Dave Cheney, Mikio Hara, Alex Brainman, Jan Ziak, and Daniel Morsing for their outstanding contributions.

如果没有我们来自开源社区的贡献者的帮助,这一切是不可能实现的。自Go 1.0以来,该核心收到了来自Google以外161人的2600多个提交。感谢大家的时间和努力。特别是,我们要感谢马胜侯、Rémy Oudompheng、Dave Cheney、Mikio Hara、Alex Brainman、Jan Ziak和Daniel Morsing的杰出贡献。

To grab the new release, follow the usual installation instructions. Happy hacking!


Thanks to Renée French for the gopher!

感谢Renée French的打地鼠!

最后修改 February 23, 2024: 将go语言修改为Go语言 (602584e)