
Concurrency is not parallelism - 并发不是并行


Andrew Gerrand

16 January 2013

If there’s one thing most people know about Go, is that it is designed for concurrency. No introduction to Go is complete without a demonstration of its goroutines and channels.

​ 如果说大多数人对Go有什么了解,那就是它是为并发而设计的。如果不展示Go的goroutines和channel,对Go的介绍就不完整。

But when people hear the word concurrency they often think of parallelism, a related but quite distinct concept. In programming, concurrency is the composition of independently executing processes, while parallelism is the simultaneous execution of (possibly related) computations. Concurrency is about dealing with lots of things at once. Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once.

​ 但是,当人们听到并发这个词时,他们往往会想到并行,这是一个相关的但又相当不同的概念。在编程中,并发是独立执行进程的组合,而并行是同时执行(可能相关的)计算。并发是指一次处理很多事情。并行是指一次做很多事情。

To clear up this conflation, Rob Pike gave a talk at Heroku’s Waza conference entitled Concurrency is not parallelism, and a video recording of the talk was released a few months ago.

​ 为了澄清这种混淆,Rob Pike在Heroku的Waza会议上发表了题为 “并发不是并行 “的演讲,几个月前发布了该演讲的视频记录。

The slides are available at go.dev/talks (use the left and right arrow keys to navigate).

​ 幻灯片可以在go.dev/talks上找到(使用左右方向键进行导航)。

To learn about Go’s concurrency primitives, watch Go concurrency patterns (slides).

​ 要了解Go的并发原语,请观看Go并发模式(幻灯片)

最后修改 February 26, 2024: 更新 (9f9faec)