
Go videos from Google I/O 2012 - 2012年谷歌I/O大会的视频


Andrew Gerrand 2 July 2012

Introduction 简介

Phew! Google I/O is over for another year, and what an event it was. Thanks to our guest speakers and everyone who attended the four Go sessions. It was a lot of fun.

吁! 谷歌I/O大会又结束了,这是一次多么重要的活动。感谢我们的演讲嘉宾和参加四场Go比赛的所有人。这真是太有趣了。

Here are the session videos:


Go concurrency patterns by Rob Pike

Rob Pike的Go并发模式

Concurrency is the key to designing high performance network services. Go’s concurrency primitives (goroutines and channels) provide a simple and efficient means of expressing concurrent execution. In this talk we see how tricky concurrency problems can be solved gracefully with simple Go code.


Go in production 生产中的 Go

Since Go’s release in 2009 many companies (besides Google, of course) have used the language to build cool stuff. In this session Gustavo Niemeyer (Canonical), Keith Rarick (Heroku), Evan Shaw (Iron.io), and Patrick Crosby (StatHat) share their first-hand experience using Go in production environments.

自2009年Go发布以来,许多公司(当然,除了谷歌)已经使用该语言建立了很酷的东西。在本次会议中,Gustavo Niemeyer(Canonical)、Keith Rarick(Heroku)、Evan Shaw(Iron.io)和Patrick Crosby(StatHat)将分享他们在生产环境中使用Go的第一手经验。

Meet the Go team 认识Go团队

A panel discussion with David Symonds, Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson, Andrew Gerrand, and Brad Fitzpatrick.

与David Symonds、Robert Griesemer、Rob Pike、Ken Thompson、Andrew Gerrand和Brad Fitzpatrick进行小组讨论。

Computing Map Tiles with Go on App Engine by Chris Broadfoot and Andrew Gerrand

在App Engine上用Go计算地图碎片 Chris Broadfoot和Andrew Gerrand的演讲

In this talk we use the Maps API and Go on App Engine to build an app to build custom tile sets for Google Maps. The app demonstrates using Go’s suitability for computation in the cloud and App Engine’s key scalability features, such as Task Queues and Backends.

在本讲座中,我们使用地图API和应用引擎上的Go来构建一个应用,为谷歌地图构建自定义的瓦片集。该应用展示了Go在云计算中的适用性以及App Engine的关键可扩展性功能,如任务队列和后端。

最后修改 February 26, 2024: 更新 (9f9faec)