2 分钟阅读
Idempotency 幂等性
Idempotency middleware for Fiber allows for fault-tolerant APIs where duplicate requests — for example due to networking issues on the client-side — do not erroneously cause the same action performed multiple times on the server-side.
Fiber 的幂等性中间件允许容错 API,其中重复请求(例如由于客户端的网络问题)不会错误地导致在服务器端多次执行相同的操作。
Refer to for a better understanding.
Signatures 签名
Examples 示例
Import the middleware package that is part of the Fiber web framework
导入 Fiber Web 框架的一部分中间件包
After you initiate your Fiber app, you can use the following possibilities:
在启动 Fiber 应用后,您可以使用以下可能性:
Default Config 默认配置
Custom Config 自定义配置
Config 配置
Property 属性 | Type 输入 | Description 说明 | Default 默认 |
Next 下一步 | func(*fiber.Ctx) bool | Next defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true. 接下来定义一个函数,在返回 true 时跳过此中间件。 | A function for safe methods 安全方法的函数 |
Lifetime 生存期 | time.Duration | Lifetime is the maximum lifetime of an idempotency key. 生存期是幂等键的最大生存期。 | 30 * time.Minute |
KeyHeader | string | KeyHeader is the name of the header that contains the idempotency key. KeyHeader 是包含幂等键的标头的名称。 | “X-Idempotency-Key” |
KeyHeaderValidate | func(string) error | KeyHeaderValidate defines a function to validate the syntax of the idempotency header. KeyHeaderValidate 定义一个函数来验证幂等性标头的语法。 | A function for UUID validation 用于 UUID 验证的函数 |
KeepResponseHeaders | []string | KeepResponseHeaders is a list of headers that should be kept from the original response. KeepResponseHeaders 是应从原始响应中保留的标头列表。 | nil (keep all headers) nil(保留所有标头) |
Lock | Locker | Lock locks an idempotency key. Lock 锁定幂等性密钥。 | An in-memory locker 内存中储物柜 |
Storage | fiber.Storage | Storage stores response data by idempotency key. Storage 按幂等性密钥存储响应数据。 | An in-memory storage 内存中存储 |
Default Config 默认配置