Expvar middleware for Fiber that serves via its HTTP server runtime exposed variants in the JSON format. The package is typically only imported for the side effect of registering its HTTP handlers. The handled path is /debug/vars
适用于 Fiber 的 Expvar 中间件,通过其 HTTP 服务器运行时以 JSON 格式提供公开的变量。通常仅导入该软件包以注册其 HTTP 处理程序。处理的路径是 /debug/vars
Signatures 签名
Examples 示例
Import the middleware package that is part of the Fiber web framework
导入 Fiber Web 框架的一部分中间件包
After you initiate your Fiber app, you can use the following possibilities:
在启动 Fiber 应用后,您可以使用以下可能性:
Visit path /debug/vars
to see all vars and use query r=key
to filter exposed variables.
访问路径 /debug/vars
以查看所有变量并使用查询 r=key
Config 配置
Property 属性 | Type 输入 | Description 说明 | Default 默认 |
Next 下一步 | func(*fiber.Ctx) bool | Next defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true. 接下来定义一个函数,在返回 true 时跳过此中间件。 | nil |
Default Config 默认配置