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BasicAuth net/http 到 Fiber - net/http 中间件到 Fiber
Basic Authentication middleware for Fiber that provides an HTTP basic authentication. It calls the next handler for valid credentials and 401 Unauthorized or a custom response for missing or invalid credentials.
Fiber 的基本身份验证中间件,提供 HTTP 基本身份验证。它为有效凭据调用下一个处理程序,并为缺失或无效凭据提供 401 未授权或自定义响应。
Signatures 签名
Examples 示例
Import the middleware package that is part of the Fiber web framework
导入 Fiber Web 框架的一部分中间件包
After you initiate your Fiber app, you can use the following possibilities:
在启动 Fiber 应用后,您可以使用以下可能性:
Config 配置
Property 属性 | Type 输入 | Description 说明 | Default 默认 |
Next 下一步 | func(*fiber.Ctx) bool | Next defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true. 接下来定义一个函数,在返回 true 时跳过此中间件。 | nil |
Users 用户 | map[string]string | Users defines the allowed credentials. 用户定义允许的凭据。 | map[string]string{} |
Realm 领域 | string | Realm is a string to define the realm attribute of BasicAuth. The realm identifies the system to authenticate against and can be used by clients to save credentials. 领域是一个字符串,用于定义 BasicAuth 的领域属性。领域标识要进行身份验证的系统,客户端可以使用它来保存凭据。 | "Restricted" |
Authorizer 授权者 | func(string, string) bool | Authorizer defines a function to check the credentials. It will be called with a username and password and is expected to return true or false to indicate approval. 授权者定义一个函数来检查凭据。它将使用用户名和密码调用,并希望返回 true 或 false 来指示批准。 | nil |
Unauthorized 未授权 | fiber.Handler | Unauthorized defines the response body for unauthorized responses. Unauthorized 定义未授权响应的响应主体。 | nil |
ContextUsername | interface{} | ContextUsername is the key to store the username in Locals. ContextUsername 是将用户名存储在 Locals 中的键。 | "username" |
ContextPassword | interface{} | ContextPassword is the key to store the password in Locals. ContextPassword 是将密码存储在 Locals 中的键。 | "password" |
Default Config 默认配置