

📦 Fiber

New 新

This method creates a new App named instance. You can pass optional config when creating a new instance.

​ 此方法创建一个名为实例的新应用。您可以在创建新实例时传递可选配置。

Signature 签名

func New(config ...Config) *App

Example 示例

// Default config
app := fiber.New()

// ...

Config 配置

You can pass an optional Config when creating a new Fiber instance.

​ 在创建新 Fiber 实例时,您可以传递一个可选的配置。

Example 示例

// Custom config
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
    Prefork:       true,
    CaseSensitive: true,
    StrictRouting: true,
    ServerHeader:  "Fiber",
    AppName: "Test App v1.0.1",

// ...

Config fields 配置字段

Property 属性Type 输入Description 说明Default 默认
AppNamestringThis allows to setup app name for the app 这允许为应用设置应用名称""
BodyLimitintSets the maximum allowed size for a request body, if the size exceeds the configured limit, it sends 413 - Request Entity Too Large response. 设置请求正文允许的最大大小,如果大小超过配置的限制,它将发送 413 - Request Entity Too Large 响应。4 * 1024 * 1024
CaseSensitiveboolWhen enabled, /Foo and /foo are different routes. When disabled, /Fooand /foo are treated the same. 启用时, /Foo/foo 是不同的路由。禁用时, /Foo/foo 被视为相同。false
ColorSchemeColorsYou can define custom color scheme. They’ll be used for startup message, route list and some middlewares. 您可以定义自定义配色方案。它们将用于启动消息、路由列表和一些中间件。DefaultColors
CompressedFileSuffixstringAdds a suffix to the original file name and tries saving the resulting compressed file under the new file name. 向原始文件名添加后缀,并尝试以新文件名保存生成的压缩文件。".fiber.gz"
Concurrency 并发性intMaximum number of concurrent connections. 最大并发连接数。256 * 1024
DisableDefaultContentTypeboolWhen set to true, causes the default Content-Type header to be excluded from the Response. 设置为 true 时,将导致默认 Content-Type 标头从响应中排除。false
DisableDefaultDateboolWhen set to true causes the default date header to be excluded from the response. 设置为 true 时,将从响应中排除默认日期标头。false
DisableHeaderNormalizingboolBy default all header names are normalized: conteNT-tYPE -> Content-Type 默认情况下,所有标头名称都已规范化:conteNT-tYPE -> Content-Typefalse
DisableKeepaliveboolDisable keep-alive connections, the server will close incoming connections after sending the first response to the client 禁用保持活动连接,服务器在向客户端发送第一个响应后将关闭传入连接false
DisablePreParseMultipartFormboolWill not pre parse Multipart Form data if set to true. This option is useful for servers that desire to treat multipart form data as a binary blob, or choose when to parse the data. 如果设置为 true,则不会预先解析多部分表单数据。此选项对于希望将多部分表单数据视为二进制 blob 或选择何时解析数据的服务器很有用。false
DisableStartupMessageboolWhen set to true, it will not print out debug information 设置为 true 时,它不会打印出调试信息false
ETagboolEnable or disable ETag header generation, since both weak and strong etags are generated using the same hashing method (CRC-32). Weak ETags are the default when enabled. 启用或禁用 ETag 头生成,因为弱 ETag 和强 ETag 都使用相同的哈希方法 (CRC-32) 生成。启用时,弱 ETag 为默认值。false
EnableIPValidationboolIf set to true, c.IP() and c.IPs() will validate IP addresses before returning them. Also, c.IP() will return only the first valid IP rather than just the raw header value that may be a comma seperated string. 如果设置为 true, c.IP()c.IPs() 将在返回 IP 地址之前验证它们。此外, c.IP() 将仅返回第一个有效 IP,而不是可能为逗号分隔字符串的原始头值。 WARNING: There is a small performance cost to doing this validation. Keep disabled if speed is your only concern and your application is behind a trusted proxy that already validates this header. 警告:执行此验证会产生少量性能开销。如果速度是您唯一关注的问题,并且您的应用程序位于已验证此头的受信任代理之后,请保持禁用状态。false
EnablePrintRoutesboolEnablePrintRoutes enables print all routes with their method, path, name and handler.. EnablePrintRoutes 启用打印所有具有其方法、路径、名称和处理程序的路由。false
EnableSplittingOnParsersboolEnableSplittingOnParsers splits the query/body/header parameters by comma when it’s true. 当 EnableSplittingOnParsers 为 true 时,它会按逗号拆分查询/正文/头参数。 For example, you can use it to parse multiple values from a query parameter like this: /api?foo=bar,baz == foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz 例如,您可以使用它来解析查询参数中的多个值,如下所示: /api?foo=bar,baz == foo[]=bar&foo[]=bazfalse
EnableTrustedProxyCheckboolWhen set to true, fiber will check whether proxy is trusted, using TrustedProxies list. 如果设置为 true,fiber 将使用 TrustedProxies 列表检查代理是否受信任。 默认情况下, 将从 X-Forwarded-Proto、X-Forwarded-Protocol、X-Forwarded-Ssl 或 X-Url-Scheme 标头获取值, 将从 标头获取值, 将从 X-Forwarded-Host 标头获取值。 如果 为 true,并且 在 、 和 的列表中,则在禁用 时,、 和 将具有相同的行为,如果 不在列表中,则 将在应用程序处理 tls 连接时返回 https,否则返回 http, 将从 fasthttp 上下文返回 RemoteIP(), 将返回 。 ErrorHandler 当从 fiber 返回错误时执行 ErrorHandler。由顶级应用程序保留已安装的 fiber 错误处理程序,并将其应用于前缀关联的请求。 GETOnly 如果设置为 true,则拒绝所有非 GET 请求。此选项对于仅接受 GET 请求的服务器来说非常有用,可以作为抗拒绝服务攻击的保护。如果设置了 GETOnly,则请求大小受 ReadBufferSize 限制。 IdleTimeout By default c.Protocol() will get value from X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Protocol, X-Forwarded-Ssl or X-Url-Scheme header, c.IP() will get value from ProxyHeader header, c.Hostname() will get value from X-Forwarded-Host header. If EnableTrustedProxyCheck is true, and RemoteIP is in the list of TrustedProxies c.Protocol(), c.IP(), and c.Hostname() will have the same behaviour when EnableTrustedProxyCheck disabled, if RemoteIP isn’t in the list, c.Protocol() will return https in case when tls connection is handled by the app, or http otherwise, c.IP() will return RemoteIP() from fasthttp context, c.Hostname() will return fasthttp.Request.URI().Host()false
ErrorHandlerErrorHandlerErrorHandler is executed when an error is returned from fiber.Handler. Mounted fiber error handlers are retained by the top-level app and applied on prefix associated requests.DefaultErrorHandler
GETOnlyboolRejects all non-GET requests if set to true. This option is useful as anti-DoS protection for servers accepting only GET requests. The request size is limited by ReadBufferSize if GETOnly is set.false
IdleTimeouttime.DurationThe maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alive is enabled. If IdleTimeout is zero, the value of ReadTimeout is used. 启用保持活动时,等待下一个请求的最大时间。如果 IdleTimeout 为零,则使用 ReadTimeout 的值。nil
Immutable 不可变boolWhen enabled, all values returned by context methods are immutable. By default, they are valid until you return from the handler; see issue #185. 启用后,上下文方法返回的所有值都是不可变的。默认情况下,它们在您从处理程序返回之前有效;请参阅问题 #185。false
JSONDecoderutils.JSONUnmarshalAllowing for flexibility in using another json library for decoding. 允许灵活使用另一个 json 库进行解码。json.Unmarshal
JSONEncoderutils.JSONMarshalAllowing for flexibility in using another json library for encoding. 允许灵活使用另一个 json 库进行编码。json.Marshal
Network 网络stringKnown networks are “tcp”, “tcp4” (IPv4-only), “tcp6” (IPv6-only) 已知网络为“tcp”、“tcp4”(仅限 IPv4)、“tcp6”(仅限 IPv6) WARNING: When prefork is set to true, only “tcp4” and “tcp6” can be chosen. 警告:当 prefork 设置为 true 时,只能选择“tcp4”和“tcp6”。NetworkTCP4
PassLocalsToViewsboolPassLocalsToViews Enables passing of the locals set on a fiber.Ctx to the template engine. See our Template Middleware for supported engines. PassLocalsToViews 允许将 fiber.Ctx 上设置的本地变量传递给模板引擎。有关支持的引擎,请参阅我们的模板中间件。false
PreforkboolEnables use of theSO_REUSEPORTsocket option. This will spawn multiple Go processes listening on the same port. learn more about socket sharding. NOTE: if enabled, the application will need to be ran through a shell because prefork mode sets environment variables. If you’re using Docker, make sure the app is ran with CMD ./app or CMD ["sh", "-c", "/app"]. For more info, see this issue comment. 启用 SO_REUSEPORT 套接字选项。这将生成多个侦听同一端口的 Go 进程。详细了解套接字分片。注意:如果启用,则需要通过 shell 运行应用程序,因为 prefork 模式会设置环境变量。如果您使用的是 Docker,请确保使用 CMD ./appCMD ["sh", "-c", "/app"] 运行该应用程序。有关更多信息,请参阅此问题评论。false
ProxyHeaderstringThis will enable c.IP() to return the value of the given header key. By default c.IP()will return the Remote IP from the TCP connection, this property can be useful if you are behind a load balancer e.g. X-Forwarded-**. 这将启用 c.IP() 以返回给定标头键的值。默认情况下, c.IP() 将从 TCP 连接返回远程 IP,如果您位于负载均衡器之后,此属性可能很有用,例如 X-Forwarded-.""
ReadBufferSizeintper-connection buffer size for requests’ reading. This also limits the maximum header size. Increase this buffer if your clients send multi-KB RequestURIs and/or multi-KB headers (for example, BIG cookies). 用于读取请求的每个连接的缓冲区大小。这也限制了最大标头大小。如果您的客户端发送多 KB 的 RequestURI 和/或多 KB 的标头(例如,大型 Cookie),请增加此缓冲区。4096
ReadTimeouttime.DurationThe amount of time allowed to read the full request, including the body. The default timeout is unlimited. 允许读取完整请求(包括正文)的时间量。默认超时时间不限。nil
RequestMethods[]stringRequestMethods provides customizibility for HTTP methods. You can add/remove methods as you wish. RequestMethods 提供了 HTTP 方法的可定制性。您可以根据需要添加/删除方法。DefaultMethods
ServerHeaderstringEnables the Server HTTP header with the given value. 使用给定值启用 Server HTTP 标头。""
StreamRequestBodyboolStreamRequestBody enables request body streaming, and calls the handler sooner when given body is larger then the current limit. StreamRequestBody 启用请求正文流式传输,并在给定正文大于当前限制时尽早调用处理程序。false
StrictRoutingboolWhen enabled, the router treats /foo and /foo/ as different. Otherwise, the router treats /foo and /foo/ as the same. 启用后,路由器将 /foo/foo/ 视为不同。否则,路由器将 /foo/foo/ 视为相同。false
TrustedProxies[]stringContains the list of trusted proxy IP’s. Look at EnableTrustedProxyCheck doc. 包含受信任的代理 IP 列表。请参阅 EnableTrustedProxyCheck 文档。 It can take IP or IP range addresses. If it gets IP range, it iterates all possible addresses. 它可以获取 IP 或 IP 范围地址。如果它获取 IP 范围,它会迭代所有可能的地址。[]string*__*
UnescapePathboolConverts all encoded characters in the route back before setting the path for the context, so that the routing can also work with URL encoded special characters 在为上下文设置路径之前,将路由中的所有编码字符转换回来,以便路由也可以使用 URL 编码的特殊字符false
Views 视图 Beego 的 MVC 简介 MVC 简介 MVC 简介 Beego 的 MVC 简介 Beego 使用典型的模型-视图-控制器 (MVC) 框架。此图说明了如何处理请求处理逻辑: 整个逻辑处理过程如下所述: 数据从侦听端口接收。侦听端口默认设置为 8080。 请求到达端口 8080 后,Beego 开始处理请求的数据ViewsViews is the interface that wraps the Render function. See our Template Middleware for supported engines. Views 是包装 Render 函数的接口。有关支持的引擎,请参阅我们的模板中间件。nil
ViewsLayoutstringViews Layout is the global layout for all template render until override on Render function. See our Template Middleware for supported engines. Views Layout 是所有模板渲染的全局布局,直到在 Render 函数中覆盖。有关支持的引擎,请参阅我们的模板中间件。""
WriteBufferSizeintPer-connection buffer size for responses’ writing. 用于响应写入的每个连接的缓冲区大小。4096
WriteTimeouttime.DurationThe maximum duration before timing out writes of the response. The default timeout is unlimited. 响应写入超时之前的最长持续时间。默认超时时间不限。nil
XMLEncoderutils.XMLMarshalAllowing for flexibility in using another XML library for encoding. 允许使用另一个 XML 库进行编码,从而提高灵活性。xml.Marshal


NewError creates a new HTTPError instance with an optional message.

​ NewError 使用可选消息创建一个新的 HTTPError 实例。

Signature 签名

func NewError(code int, message ...string) *Error

Example 示例

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    return fiber.NewError(782, "Custom error message")


IsChild determines if the current process is a result of Prefork.

​ IsChild 确定当前进程是否是 Prefork 的结果。

Signature 签名

func IsChild() bool

Example 示例

// Prefork will spawn child processes
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
    Prefork: true,

if !fiber.IsChild() {
    fmt.Println("I'm the parent process")
} else {
    fmt.Println("I'm a child process")

// ...
最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)