Go 发布周期(v18)

Go Release Cycle - Go 发布周期


Ian Lance Taylor edited this page on Jun 29 · 18 revisions

​ 本维基页面由Go团队维护。请向 golang-dev 发送评论提交问题,而不是直接进行修改。

​ 短链接:https://go.dev/s/release。


​ 在Go 1.0和Go 1.1之间经过了14个月的时间,Go团队采用了一个发布时间表来简化工作、完成和发布的过程。总体目标是每六个月发布一个主要版本,分为三个月的总体开发,然后是三个月的测试和完善,称为发布冻结期。一个版本的维护是通过发布小版本来纠正关键问题,如崩溃或安全问题。

​ 请注意,这个页面记录了我们在即将发布的版本中打算做什么。如果您熟悉我们过去所做的事情,请特别注意历史部分所描述的差异。


The current release cycle is aligned to start on February 1 and August 1 of each year. The target milestones for a release cycle are as described below. We try to hit the targets as closely as possible, while still delivering a quality release.

​ 目前的发布周期被安排在每年的2月1日和8月1日开始。一个发布周期的目标里程碑如下所述。我们尽可能地达到目标,同时仍然提供一个高质量的版本。

Betas, release candidates, and releases have traditionally been cut and issued mid-week, often on Wednesdays. We avoid Mondays to give the Go team a work day before to prepare for the cut, and we avoid Fridays to give the Go team a work day after in case the cut runs into unexpected problems.



January 15 / July 15: Planning for release begins.


Planning of major work for upcoming release cycle is announced on golang-dev.


Examples: Go 1.4, Go 1.5, Go 1.6.

例如。Go 1.4, Go 1.5, Go 1.6。

February 1 / August 1: Release work begins.


This milestone is delayed if the previous release has not yet been issued, but note that later milestones are not delayed. That is, failure to get one release out on time takes time away from the development cycle of the subsequent release.


Note that incoming bug reports should be handled and bugs fixed during ordinary release work. It is not appropriate to leave all bug fixes for the release freeze. See the history section for more discussion.


May 1 / November 1: Release freeze begins.


This milestone begins the second half of the release cycle, the release freeze. The release freeze applies to the entire main repository as well as to the code in subrepositories that is needed to build the binaries included in the release, particularly godoc and all its dependencies in the tools subrepository.

这个里程碑开始了发布周期的后半段,即发布冻结期。发布冻结适用于整个主仓库以及子仓库中构建二进制文件所需的代码,特别是 godoc 及其在工具子仓库中的所有依赖项。

Changes that were mailed before the freeze can be submitted if they are reviewed promptly after the freeze begins. During the freeze, only bug fixes and doc updates are accepted. On occasion new work may be done during the freeze, but only in exceptional circumstances and typically only if the work was proposed and approved before the cutoff. Such changes must be low risk.


This part of the release cycle is focused on improving the quality of the release, by testing it and fixing bugs that are found. However, every fix must be evaluated to balance the benefit of a possible fix against the cost of now having not as well tested code (the fix) in the release. Early in the release cycle, the balance tends toward accepting a fix. Late in the release cycle, the balance tends toward rejecting a fix, unless a case can be made that the fix is both low risk and high reward.


Examples of low risk changes appropriate late in the cycle include changes to documentation and fixes to new features being introduced in the current release (since there is no chance of introducing a regression compared to an earlier release).


By the end of the first month of the freeze, nearly all known bugs should have been fixed or explicitly postponed (either to the next release or indefinitely). There should be few known bugs left, perhaps only the ones that have proven too elusive to chase down.


June 1 / December 1: Beta 1 issued.


A beta release is meant to encourage testing to discover new bugs. Issuing a beta is an indication that the Go team has fixed nearly all the known bugs that are planned to be fixed for the release, and now it is time to look for as yet unknown bugs.


The first beta includes a complete draft of the eventual release notes, but marked clearly as a draft to avoid confusion when people link to them on the internet.


If a release is ahead of schedule, it is acceptable and even encouraged to issue a beta a few weeks ahead of this target.


As bugs are reported and fixed, additional betas may be released, provided there are significant code changes to test anew. Typically betas should not be issued more frequently than two weeks. It is important not to issue too many betas, nor too many release candidates: we are asking our users for their time to help us test the release and must not waste their good will by making too many requests.


A beta is not expected to be bug-free and should not be used in production settings where failures or misbehavior cannot be tolerated. Organizations can run integration or other tests against a beta or even use it in a canary setting, but they should be discouraged from deploying the beta for unrestricted production usage.


July 1 / January 1: Release candidate 1 issued.


A release candidate is meant to be as close as possible to the actual release bits. Issuing a release candidate is an indication that the Go team has high confidence that the tree is free of critical bugs.


Once a release candidate is issued, only documentation changes and changes to address critical bugs should be made. In general the bar for bug fixes at this point is even slightly higher than the bar for bug fixes in a minor release. We may prefer to issue a release with a known but very rare crash than to issue a release with a new but not production-tested fix.


If a release is ahead of schedule, it is acceptable and even encouraged to issue a release candidate a few weeks ahead of this target. Extended release testing is a great way to deliver a robust release.


If critical bugs are reported and fixed, additional release candidates may be issued, but typically not more than one every two weeks.


Again, a release candidate is meant to be bug-free, as much as possible. Organizations are encouraged to deploy it in production settings after appropriate organization-specific testing.


One of the criteria for issuing a release candidate is that Google be using that version of the code for new production builds by default: if we at Google are not willing to run it for production use, we shouldn’t be asking others to. We may issue the release candidate a few days in advance of Google changing over, depending on how the calendar falls. For example, the change inside Google makes more sense to do on Mondays, so we may issue the release candidate the Wednesday before or the Wednesday after Google converts to the new release by default.


The calm period between a release candidate and the final release is a good time for additional testing or for discussing the next release (see the January 15 milestone above).


August 1 / February 1: Release issued.


Finally, the release itself!


A release should not contain significant changes since the last release candidate: it is important that all code in the release has been well tested. Issuing a release is an indication that release testing has confirmed the release candidate’s high confidence that the tree is free of critical bugs.


One of the criteria for issuing a release is that the release candidate has been available for four weeks and any problems that need to be addressed have been.


If a release process has run ahead of schedule, with an early beta and early release candidate, release candidate testing should absorb any extra time, leaving the actual release on time, not early. This improves the stability of the release, and it also gives developers working on the Go release more time to think about and plan the next release before code changes start pouring in again.


If a release is behind schedule, it is acceptable (but certainly not ideal) to issue a release sooner than four weeks after the release candidate, but no sooner than two weeks after. Abbreviated release testing is a great way to deliver a buggy release.


Because Google runs the release candidate as the default version of Go, four weeks of release testing means that at the least Google has been using this version of Go for four weeks before it becomes an official release. While Google’s successful use does not guarantee the absence of problems, our experience has been that it certainly helps improve the quality of the release. We strongly encourage other organizations to test release candidates as aggressively as they are able and to report problems that they find.


Once a release is issued, work on the next release, including code reviews and submission of new code, can begin, and the cycle repeats. Note that if a release is delayed, so is work on the next release.


Release Maintenance 发布维护

A minor release is issued to address one or more critical problems for which there is no workaround (typically related to stability or security). The only code changes included in the release are the fixes for the specific critical problems. Important documentation-only changes and safe test updates (such as disabling tests), may also be included as well, but nothing more.


Minor releases to address non-security problems for Go 1.x stop once Go 1.x+2 is released.

解决Go 1.x的非安全问题的小版本在Go 1.x+2发布后就停止了。

Minor releases to address security problems for Go 1.x stop once Go 1.x+2 is released. For more about security updates, see the security policy.

解决Go 1.x的安全问题的小版本在Go 1.x+2发布后就停止了。关于安全更新的更多信息,请参见安全政策。

See also the MinorReleases wiki page.

也请参见 MinorReleases 维基页面。

Freeze Exceptions 冻结的例外情况

Any exceptions to the freeze must be communicated to and explicitly approved by the Go Release Team before the freeze. If you’d like to request an exception, please file an issue in the issue tracker with “[freeze exception]” as a suffix and include “CC @golang/release” (example). We will address any requests on a case-by-case basis with a strong preference for not permitting changes after the freeze.

任何冻结的例外情况都必须在冻结前与Go发布团队沟通并得到明确的批准。如果您想申请一个例外,请在问题跟踪器中以"[冻结例外]“为后缀提交一个问题,并包括 “CC @golang/release”(示例)。我们将根据具体情况处理任何请求,强烈建议不允许在冻结后进行修改。

History 历史

The Go release cycle was discussed and adopted after the fourteen month effort to release Go 1.1. Go 1.2, Go 1.3, and Go 1.4 followed a six-month cycle beginning and ending (alternately) on December 1 and June 1. After experience with calendar problems in that cycle, we extended Go 1.5’s development phase by two months to shift the cycle to begin and end on February 1 and August 1, as described above.

Go的发布周期是在经过14个月的努力发布Go 1.1后讨论并通过的。Go 1.2、Go 1.3和Go 1.4遵循6个月的周期,从12月1日和6月1日交替开始和结束。在经历了该周期的日历问题后,我们将Go 1.5的开发阶段延长了两个月,将该周期转移到2月1日和8月1日开始和结束,如上所述。

The original proposal did not contain enough detail about the milestones during the freeze, and over the course of a few releases development work took over much of the freeze. Compared to the goal set above of issuing a beta one month into the release freeze, the first betas for Go 1.3, Go 1.4, Go 1.5, and Go 1.6 were three, four, five, and six weeks late, respectively. (Go 1.6 beta 1 was only two weeks late, but it was full of known bugs that we still intended to fix, primarily to get something out for testing before the winter holidays. Go 1.6’s first real beta by the above definition was beta 2.)

最初的建议没有包含关于冻结期间的里程碑的足够细节,在几个版本的过程中,开发工作占据了冻结期的大部分时间。与上面设定的在发布冻结期一个月内发布测试版的目标相比,Go 1.3、Go 1.4、Go 1.5和Go 1.6的第一个测试版分别晚了三、四、五和六周。(Go 1.6 beta1只晚了两周,但它充满了已知的错误,我们仍然打算修复,主要是为了在寒假前推出一些测试。按照上述定义,Go 1.6的第一个真正的测试版是测试版2)。

When the beta is late, everything that follows the beta—shaking out the final bugs, thorough testing of the release candidates, and the shipping of the release—gets rushed, leading to more bugs in the final release and usually a delay in starting the next cycle.


The beta was ready later and later in those four cycles primarily because we both postponed too many bugs to the freeze and then allowed too many non-essential bug fixes during the freeze.


For Go 1.7 and later we will need to make sure that bugs are fixed before the freeze. That is, we need to follow the schedule above, not what we’ve done in the past.

对于Go 1.7及以后的版本,我们将需要确保在冻结前修复bug。也就是说,我们需要遵循上面的时间表,而不是我们过去的做法。

最后修改 March 10, 2024: 更新 (ddf4687)