


Overview 概述

Trace is a tool for viewing trace files.

​ trace 是一个查看跟踪文件的工具。

Trace files can be generated with:

​ 跟踪文件可以通过以下方式生成:

  • runtime/trace.Start

  • net/http/pprof package

  • go test -trace

Example usage: Generate a trace file with ‘go test’:

​ 使用实例:用’go test’生成一个跟踪文件:

go test -trace trace.out pkg

View the trace in a web browser:

​ 在网络浏览器中查看跟踪:

go tool trace trace.out

Generate a pprof-like profile from the trace:

​ 从跟踪中生成一个类似于pprof的分析文件:

go tool trace -pprof=TYPE trace.out > TYPE.pprof

Supported profile types are:

​ 支持的分析文件类型有:

  • net: network blocking profile
  • net:网络阻断分析文件
  • sync: synchronization blocking profile
  • sync:同步阻断分析文件
  • syscall: syscall blocking profile
  • syscall:系统调用阻塞分析文件
  • sched: scheduler latency profile
  • sched:调度器延迟分析文件

Then, you can use the pprof tool to analyze the profile:

​ 然后,您可以使用pprof工具来剖析分析文件:

go tool pprof TYPE.pprof

Note that while the various profiles available when launching ‘go tool trace’ work on every browser, the trace viewer itself (the ‘view trace’ page) comes from the Chrome/Chromium project and is only actively tested on that browser.

​ 请注意,虽然在启动“go tool trace”时可用的各种分析文件在所有浏览器中均有效,但跟踪查看器本身(“查看跟踪”页面)来自 Chrome/Chromium 项目,并且仅在此浏览器上经过主动测试。

最后修改 March 10, 2024: 更新 (ddf4687)