


Overview 概述

Link, typically invoked as “go tool link”, reads the Go archive or object for a package main, along with its dependencies, and combines them into an executable binary.

link,通常以 “go tool link “的形式调用,读取包 main 的 Go 存档或对象及其依赖项,并将它们组合成一个可执行的二进制文件。

Command Line 命令行



go tool link [flags] main.a



-B note
	Add an ELF_NT_GNU_BUILD_ID note when using ELF.
	The value should start with 0x and be an even number of hex digits.
-D address
	Set data segment address.
	=> 设置数据段地址。
-E entry
	Set entry symbol name.
	=> 设置条目符号名称。
-H type
	Set executable format type.
	The default format is inferred from GOOS and GOARCH.
	On Windows, -H windowsgui writes a "GUI binary" instead of a "console binary."
	=> 设置可执行格式类型。
	在Windows上,-H windowsgui 编写 "GUI binary",而不是 "console binary"。
-I interpreter
	Set the ELF dynamic linker to use.
	=> 设置要使用的 ELF 动态链接器。
-L dir1 -L dir2
	Search for imported packages in dir1, dir2, etc,
	after consulting $GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH.
	=> 在dir1、dir2等处搜索导入的软件包。
-R quantum
	Set address rounding quantum.
	=> 设置地址舍入量子。
-T address
	Set text segment address.
	=> 设置文本段地址。
	Print linker version and exit.
	=> 打印链接器版本并退出。
	Set the value of the string variable in importpath named name to value.
	This is only effective if the variable is declared in the source code either uninitialized
	or initialized to a constant string expression. -X will not work if the initializer makes
	a function call or refers to other variables.
	Note that before Go 1.5 this option took two separate arguments.
	=> 将 importpath 中名为 name 的字符串变量的值设置为值。
	注意,在Go 1.5之前,这个选项需要两个单独的参数。
	Disassemble output.
	=> 反汇编输出。
	Link with C/C++ address sanitizer support.
	=> 支持C/C++地址净化器的链接。
-buildid id
	Record id as Go toolchain build id.
	=> 记录ID作为Go工具链的构建ID。
-buildmode mode
	Set build mode (default exe).
	=> 设置构建模式(默认为 exe)。
	Dump call graphs.
	=> 转储调用图。
	Compress DWARF if possible (default true).
	=> 如果可能的话,压缩DWARF(默认为true)。
-cpuprofile file
	Write CPU profile to file.
	=> 将CPU配置文件写到文件中。
	Disable generation of dynamic executables.
	The emitted code is the same in either case; the option
	controls only whether a dynamic header is included.
	The dynamic header is on by default, even without any
	references to dynamic libraries, because many common
	system tools now assume the presence of the header.
	=> 禁用动态可执行文件的生成。
-debugtramp int
	Debug trampolines.
	Dump symbol dependency graph.
	=> 转储符号依赖图。
-extar ar
	Set the external archive program (default "ar").
	Used only for -buildmode=c-archive.
	=> 设置外部存档程序(默认为 "ar")。
	仅用于 -buildmode=c-archive。
-extld linker
	Set the external linker (default "clang" or "gcc").
	=> 设置外部链接器(默认为 "clang "或 "gcc")。
-extldflags flags
	Set space-separated flags to pass to the external linker.
	=> 设置以空格分隔的标志,传递给外部链接器。
	Ignore version mismatch in the linked archives.
	=> 忽略链接存档中的版本不匹配。
	Disable Go package data checks.
	=> 停用 Go 包的数据检查。
-importcfg file
	Read import configuration from file.
	In the file, set packagefile, packageshlib to specify import resolution.
	=> 从 file 中读取导入配置。
	在 file 中,设置packagefile、packageshlib来指定导入解析。
-installsuffix suffix
	Look for packages in $GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH_suffix
	instead of $GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH.
	=> 在$GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH_suffix中寻找包
	而不是在 $GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH。
-k symbol
	Set field tracking symbol. Use this flag when GOEXPERIMENT=fieldtrack is set.
	=> 设置字段跟踪符号。当设置GOEXPERIMENT=fieldtrack时,使用此标志。
-libgcc file
	Set name of compiler support library.
	This is only used in internal link mode.
	If not set, default value comes from running the compiler,
	which may be set by the -extld option.
	Set to "none" to use no support library.
	=> 设置编译器支持库的名称。
	设置为 "none"表示不使用支持库。
-linkmode mode
	Set link mode (internal, external, auto).
	This sets the linking mode as described in cmd/cgo/doc.go.
	=> 设置链接模式(内部、外部、自动)。
	Link against installed Go shared libraries (experimental).
	=> 针对已安装的 Go 共享库进行链接(实验性)。
-memprofile file
	Write memory profile to file.
	=> 将内存配置文件写入 file。
-memprofilerate rate
	Set runtime.MemProfileRate to rate.
	=> 将 runtime.MemProfileRate 设置为 rate。
	Link with C/C++ memory sanitizer support.
	=> 支持用C/C++内存净化器进行链接。
	Dump symbol table.
	=> 转储符号表。
-o file
	Write output to file (default a.out, or a.out.exe on Windows).
	=> 将输出写入 file(默认为a.out,或Windows下的a.out.exe)。
-pluginpath path
	The path name used to prefix exported plugin symbols.
	=> 用来给导出的插件符号加前缀的 path 名称。
-r dir1:dir2:...
	Set the ELF dynamic linker search path.
	=> 设置ELF动态链接器的搜索路径。
	Link with race detection libraries.
	=> 用竞争检测库链接。
	Omit the symbol table and debug information.
	=> 省略符号表和调试信息。
	Generated shared object (implies -linkmode external; experimental).
	=> 生成的共享对象(意味着-linkmode external; 实验性)。
-tmpdir dir
	Write temporary files to dir.
	Temporary files are only used in external linking mode.
	=> 将临时文件写到 dir。
	Reject unsafe packages.
	=> 拒绝不安全的件包。
	Print trace of linker operations.
	=> 打印链接器操作的痕迹。
	Omit the DWARF symbol table.
	=> 省略DWARF符号表。
最后修改 March 10, 2024: 更新 (ddf4687)