go help packages

Many commands apply to a set of packages:

​ 许多命令适用于一组包:

    go <action> [packages]

Usually, [packages] is a list of import paths.

​ 通常,[packages] 是一组导入路径。

An import path that is a rooted path or that begins with a . or .. element is interpreted as a file system path and denotes the package in that directory.

​ 以根路径开始或以 . 或 .. 元素开头的导入路径被解释为文件系统路径,并表示该目录中的包。

Otherwise, the import path P denotes the package found in the directory DIR/src/P for some DIR listed in the GOPATH environment variable (For more details see: ‘go help gopath’).

​ 否则,导入路径 P 表示在 GOPATH 环境变量中某个列出的 DIR/src/P 目录中找到的包(有关详细信息,请参阅:‘go help gopath’)。

If no import paths are given, the action applies to the package in the current directory.

​ 如果未提供导入路径,则该操作将应用于当前目录中的包。

There are four reserved names for paths that should not be used for packages to be built with the go tool:

​ 有四个保留名称的路径不应用于使用 go 工具构建的包:

  • “main” denotes the top-level package in a stand-alone executable.

  • “main” 表示独立可执行程序中的顶层包。

  • “all” expands to all packages found in all the GOPATH trees. For example, ‘go list all’ lists all the packages on the local system. When using modules, “all” expands to all packages in the main module and their dependencies, including dependencies needed by tests of any of those.

  • “all” 展开为所有 GOPATH 树中找到的包。例如,‘go list all’ 列出本地系统上的所有包。使用模块时,“all”会展开为主模块中的所有包及其依赖项,包括这些包的任何测试所需的依赖项。

  • “std” is like all but expands to just the packages in the standard Go library.

  • “std” 类似于 “all”,但仅展开为标准 Go 库中的包。

  • “cmd” expands to the Go repository’s commands and their internal libraries.

  • “cmd” 展开为 Go 存储库的命令及其内部库。

Import paths beginning with “cmd/” only match source code in the Go repository.

​ 以 “cmd/” 开头的导入路径仅匹配 Go 存储库中的源代码。

An import path is a pattern if it includes one or more “…” wildcards, each of which can match any string, including the empty string and strings containing slashes. Such a pattern expands to all package directories found in the GOPATH trees with names matching the patterns.

​ 如果导入路径是模式,如果它包含一个或多个 “…” 通配符,每个通配符都可以匹配任何字符串,包括空字符串和包含斜杠的字符串。这样的模式会展开为所有 GOPATH 树中找到的与模式匹配的包目录。

To make common patterns more convenient, there are two special cases. First, /… at the end of the pattern can match an empty string, so that net/… matches both net and packages in its subdirectories, like net/http. Second, any slash-separated pattern element containing a wildcard never participates in a match of the “vendor” element in the path of a vendored package, so that ./… does not match packages in subdirectories of ./vendor or ./mycode/vendor, but ./vendor/… and ./mycode/vendor/… do. Note, however, that a directory named vendor that itself contains code is not a vendored package: cmd/vendor would be a command named vendor, and the pattern cmd/… matches it. See golang.org/s/go15vendor for more about vendoring.

​ 为了使常见模式更加方便,有两种特殊情况。首先,模式末尾的 /… 可以匹配空字符串,因此 net/… 同时匹配 net 和其子目录中的包,比如 net/http。其次,包含通配符的任何斜杠分隔的模式元素永远不会参与匹配路径中 vendored 包的 “vendor” 元素,因此 ./… 不匹配 ./vendor 或 ./mycode/vendor 子目录中的包,但 ./vendor/… 和 ./mycode/vendor/… 会。但请注意,包含代码的名为 vendor 的目录本身不是 vendored 包:cmd/vendor 将是一个名为 vendor 的命令,模式 cmd/… 会匹配它。有关更多有关供应商的信息,请参阅 golang.org/s/go15vendor。

An import path can also name a package to be downloaded from a remote repository. Run ‘go help importpath’ for details.

​ 导入路径还可以命名要从远程存储库下载的包。运行 ‘go help importpath’ 获取详细信息。

Every package in a program must have a unique import path. By convention, this is arranged by starting each path with a unique prefix that belongs to you. For example, paths used internally at Google all begin with ‘google’, and paths denoting remote repositories begin with the path to the code, such as ‘github.com/user/repo’.

​ 程序中的每个包必须具有唯一的导入路径。按照惯例,通过使用属于您的唯一前缀来实现这一点。例如,在 Google 内部使用的路径都以 ‘google’ 开头,并且表示远程存储库的路径以代码路径开头,例如 ‘github.com/user/repo’。

Packages in a program need not have unique package names, but there are two reserved package names with special meaning. The name main indicates a command, not a library. Commands are built into binaries and cannot be imported. The name documentation indicates documentation for a non-Go program in the directory. Files in package documentation are ignored by the go command.

​ 程序中的包名不需要唯一,但有两个具有特殊含义的保留包名。名称 main 表示命令,而不是库。命令内置为二进制文件,无法导入。名称 documentation 表示目录中非 Go 程序的文档。包文档中的文件会被 go 命令忽略。

As a special case, if the package list is a list of .go files from a single directory, the command is applied to a single synthesized package made up of exactly those files, ignoring any build constraints in those files and ignoring any other files in the directory.

​ 作为特例,如果包列表是来自单个目录的一组 .go 文件,命令将应用于一个由这些文件精确组成的合成包,忽略这些文件中的任何构建约束以及目录中的任何其他文件。

Directory and file names that begin with “.” or “_” are ignored by the go tool, as are directories named “testdata”.

​ 以 “.” 或 “_” 开头的目录和文件名会被 go 工具忽略,与命名为 “testdata” 的目录一样。

最后修改 March 10, 2024: 更新 (ddf4687)