


Overview 概述

Asm, typically invoked as “go tool asm”, assembles the source file into an object file named for the basename of the argument source file with a .o suffix. The object file can then be combined with other objects into a package archive.

asm,通常以 “go tool asm “调用,将源文件组装成一个对象文件,该文件以参数源文件的基本名称命名,并使用.o后缀。之后,该对象文件可以与其他对象组合成一个包存档。

Command Line 命令行


​ 用法:

go tool asm [flags] file

The specified file must be a Go assembly file. The same assembler is used for all target operating systems and architectures. The GOOS and GOARCH environment variables set the desired target.

​ 指定的 file 必须是一个Go汇编文件。所有的目标操作系统和体系结构都使用同一个汇编器。GOOSGOARCH环境变量设置所需的目标。


​ 标志:

-D name[=value]
	Predefine symbol name with an optional simple value.
	Can be repeated to define multiple symbols.
	=>	用一个可选的简单值预先定义符号名称。
-I dir1 -I dir2
	Search for #include files in dir1, dir2, etc,
	after consulting $GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH.
	=>	搜索dir1、dir2等地方的#include文件。
	Print assembly and machine code.
	=> 	打印汇编和机器代码。

	Print assembler version and exit.
	=> 	打印汇编程序版本并退出。

	Dump instructions as they are parsed.
	=> 	在解析指令的过程中倾倒指令。

	Support references to Go symbols defined in other shared libraries.
	=> 	支持对其他共享库中定义的 Go 符号的引用。

	Write symbol ABI information to output file. Don't assemble.
	=> 	将符号ABI信息写入输出文件。不要组装。

-o file
	Write output to file. The default is foo.o for /a/b/c/foo.s.
	=> 	将输出写入文件。默认是/a/b/c/foo.s的foo.o。

	Generate code that can be linked into a shared library.
	=> 	生成可以被链接到共享库中的代码。

-spectre list
	Enable spectre mitigations in list (all, ret).
	=> 	在列表中启用spectre缓解措施(全部,ret)。

-trimpath prefix
	Remove prefix from recorded source file paths.
	=> 	从记录的源文件路径中移除前缀。


Input language:

​ 输入语言:

The assembler uses mostly the same syntax for all architectures, the main variation having to do with addressing modes. Input is run through a simplified C preprocessor that implements #include, #define, #ifdef/endif, but not #if or ##.

​ 汇编器对所有的架构都使用相同的语法,主要的变化是与寻址模式有关。输入是通过一个简化的C预处理器运行的,它实现了#include、#define、#ifdef/endif,但没有#if或##。

For more information, see

​ 更多信息请参见Go 汇编器速成指南

=== “doc.go”

=== “main.go”

最后修改 March 10, 2024: 更新 (ddf4687)