Tooling Integration 工具集成
You can work with Buffalo using your preferred tools. Here is a list of contributed integrations for shells, IDEs and other tools.
您可以使用您喜欢的工具来使用 Buffalo。这里列出了一些针对 shell、IDE 和其他工具的集成。
zsh Autocomplete zsh 自动补全
If you use zsh
shell, you can use this plugin, created by @1995parham: https://github.com/1995parham/buffalo.zsh
如果您使用 zsh
shell,您可以使用由 @1995parham 创建的此插件:https://github.com/1995parham/buffalo.zsh
bash Autocomplete bash 自动补全
If you use bash
shell, you can try this script, created by @cippaciong, which provides basic autocompletion: https://github.com/cippaciong/buffalo_bash_completion
如果您使用 bash
shell,您可以尝试由 @cippaciong 创建的此脚本,它提供基本自动补全:https://github.com/cippaciong/buffalo_bash_completion
Go extension for Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code 的 Go 扩展
If you use Visual Studio Code
as code editor, you can try this extension: Go.
如果您使用 Visual Studio Code
Next Steps 后续步骤
- Generate a New Project - Create your first Buffalo project! 生成一个新项目 - 创建您的第一个 Buffalo 项目!