Soda CLI


Soda CLI

Pop helps you to manage database connections, but it also provides soda, a small CLI toolbox to manage your database. It can help you to create a new database, drop existing ones, and so on.

​ Pop 帮助您管理数据库连接,但它还提供 soda ,一个用于管理数据库的小型 CLI 工具箱。它可以帮助您创建新数据库、删除现有数据库,等等。

Note for Buffalo users: soda commands are embedded into the buffalo command, behind the pop namespace. So every time you want to use a command from soda, just execute buffalo pop instead. You don’t need to install soda CLI. Buffalo 用户注意: soda 命令已嵌入到 buffalo 命令中,位于 pop 命名空间之后。因此,每次您想使用 soda 中的命令时,只需执行 buffalo pop 即可。您无需安装 soda CLI。

Installing CLI Support 安装 CLI 支持

From a release archive 从发行存档

Pre-compiled archives contain Soda with SQLite support.

​ 预编译存档包含带有 SQLite 支持的 Soda。

Download the appropriate version for your platform from Pop releases.

​ 从 Pop 发行版下载适用于您平台的相应版本。

Place it somewhere in your PATH, and ensure the soda binary is executable.

​ 将其放在 PATH 中的某个位置,并确保 soda 二进制文件可执行。

Homebrew (macOS) Homebrew(macOS)

$ brew install gobuffalo/tap/pop

From source 从源代码

For go version 1.16 and later,

​ 对于 go 版本 1.16 及更高版本,

Without sqlite 3 support:

​ 不支持 sqlite 3:

$ go install

With sqlite 3 support (requires GCC or equivalent C compiler):

​ 支持 sqlite 3(需要 GCC 或同等 C 编译器):

$ go install -tags sqlite

If you’re not building your code with buffalo build, you’ll also have to pass -tags sqlite to go build when building your program.

​ 如果您没有使用 buffalo build 构建代码,则在构建程序时还必须将 -tags sqlite 传递给 go build

Creating Databases 创建数据库

Once the database.yml has been configured with the appropriate settings, and the database server is running, Soda can create all of the databases in the database.yml file with a simple command:

​ 一旦使用适当的设置配置了 database.yml ,并且数据库服务器正在运行,Soda 就可以使用一个简单命令创建 database.yml 文件中的所有数据库:

$ soda create -a

You can also create just one of the configured databases by using the -e flag and the name of the database:

​ 您还可以使用 -e 标志和数据库名称来创建其中一个已配置的数据库:

$ soda create -e test

Dropping Databases 删除数据库

Soda can drop all of your databases, should you want to, with one command:

​ 如果您愿意,Soda 可以使用一个命令删除您的所有数据库:

$ soda drop -a

You can also drop just one of the configured databases by using the -e flag and the name of the database:

​ 您还可以使用 -e 标志和数据库名称来删除其中一个已配置的数据库:

$ soda drop -e test
最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)