

View 视图

Creating views 创建视图

In the previous example, when creating the Controller the line this.TplName = "index.tpl" was used to declare the template to be rendered. By default beego.Controller supports tpl and html extensions. Other extensions can be added by calling beego.AddTemplateExt.

​ 在前面的示例中,创建 Controller 时,使用行 this.TplName = "index.tpl" 声明要呈现的模板。默认情况下, beego.Controller 支持 tplhtml 扩展。可通过调用 beego.AddTemplateExt 添加其他扩展。

Beego uses the default html/template engine built into Go, so view displays show data using standard Go templates. You can find more information about using Go templates at Building Web Applications with Golang.

​ Beego 使用内置于 Go 中的默认 html/template 引擎,因此视图显示使用标准 Go 模板显示数据。您可以在使用 Golang 构建 Web 应用程序中找到有关使用 Go 模板的更多信息。

Let’s look at an example:

​ 我们来看一个示例:

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <header class="hero-unit" style="background-color:#A9F16C">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="hero-text">
                        <h1>Welcome to Beego!</h1>
                        <p class="description">
                            Beego is a simple & powerful Go web framework which is inspired by tornado and sinatra.
                            <br />
                            Official website: <a href="http://{{.Website}}">{{.Website}}</a>
                            <br />
                            Contact me: {{.Email}}

The data was assigned into a map type variable Data in the controller, which is used as the rendering context. The data can now be accessed and output by using the keys .Website and .Email.

​ 数据已分配给控制器的映射类型变量 Data ,该变量用作呈现上下文。现在可以使用键 .Website.Email 访问和输出数据。

The next section. will describe how to serve static files.

​ 下一节将介绍如何提供静态文件。

最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)