

Routing settings 路由设置

Project routing settings 项目路由设置

The previous section covered creating and running a Beego project. This section will investigate the operation of the main file (main.go):

​ 上一节介绍了如何创建和运行 Beego 项目。本节将研究主文件 (main.go) 的操作:

package main

import (
        _ "quickstart/routers"

func main() {

This code imports the package quickstart/routers. This file contains the following (routers/router.go):

​ 此代码导入包 quickstart/routers 。此文件包含以下内容 (routers/router.go):

package routers

import (

func init() {
        web.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})

There are two relevant lines here; web.Router and web.Run.

​ 这里有两行相关代码; web.Routerweb.Run

  1. web.Router is used to register a router address. This command accepts two arguments. The first argument specifes the request uri, which is / here to indicate that no uri is requested. The second argument is used to indicate the Controller that will handle requests for this uri. web.Router 用于注册路由器地址。此命令接受两个参数。第一个参数指定请求 uri,此处为 / ,表示未请求 uri。第二个参数用于指示将处理此 uri 的请求的控制器。

Alternately, a router can be registered in this format:

​ 或者,可以按此格式注册路由器:

	web.Router("/user", &controllers.UserController{})

The user can visit /user to invoke the logic in UserController. For further information on router usage please see beego router settings.

​ 用户可以访问 /user 以调用 UserController 中的逻辑。有关路由器使用情况的更多信息,请参阅 beego 路由器设置。

  1. web.Run will actively listen on the specified port when executed. The following tasks are performed behind the scenes upon execution: 执行时, web.Run 将主动侦听指定端口。执行时,后台将执行以下任务:
  • Parse the configuration file Beego will parse the configuration file app.conf in conf folder to change the port, enable session management and set the application’s name.

    ​ 解析配置文件 Beego 将解析 conf 文件夹中的配置文件 app.conf 以更改端口、启用会话管理并设置应用程序的名称。

  • Initialize the user session Beego will initialize the user session, based on the setting in the configuration file.

    ​ 初始化用户会话 Beego 将根据配置文件中的设置初始化用户会话。

  • Compile the views Beego will compile the views in the views folder. This is done on startup to avoid compiling multiple times and improve efficiency.

    ​ 编译视图 Beego 将编译 views 文件夹中的视图。这在启动时完成,以避免多次编译并提高效率。

  • Starting the supervisor module By visiting port 8088 the user can access information about QPS, cpu, memory, GC, goroutine and thread information.

    ​ 启动监督程序模块 通过访问端口 8088 ,用户可以访问有关 QPS、cpu、内存、GC、goroutine 和线程的信息。

  • Listen on the service port Beego will listen http requests on port 8080. It takes advantage of goroutines by calling ListenAndServe.

    ​ 监听服务端口 Beego 将在端口 8080 上监听 http 请求。它通过调用 ListenAndServe 来利用 goroutine。

  • When the application is running our server will serve incoming requests from port 8080 and supervising from port 8088.

    ​ 当应用程序正在运行时,我们的服务器将处理来自端口 8080 的传入请求,并从端口 8088 进行监督。

The next section will cover the operation of the controller next section.

​ 下一节将介绍控制器的操作下一节。

最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)