

Models 模型

Creating models 创建模型

Models are normally the best way to handle the numerous databases used in web applications. The bee new project does not contain an example of models. Demos on implementing and using models can instead be found in bee api projects.

​ 模型通常是处理 Web 应用程序中使用的众多数据库的最佳方式。 bee new 项目不包含模型示例。相反,可以在 bee api 项目中找到有关实现和使用模型的演示。

The Controller can automatically handle models for simple applications.

​ 对于简单的应用程序,控制器可以自动处理模型。

Larger applications with more reusable code requiring logic separation must use models. Reusable logic can be factored out into a Model and used to handle database interactions. The following is an example:

​ 需要逻辑分离且具有更多可重用代码的大型应用程序必须使用模型。可将可重用逻辑分解到模型中,并用于处理数据库交互。以下是一个示例:

package models

import (

var (
	NotPV []string = []string{"css", "js", "class", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "ico", "rss", "xml", "swf"}

const big = 0xFFFFFF

func LogPV(urls string) bool {
	ext := filepath.Ext(urls)
	if ext == "" {
		return true
	for _, v := range NotPV {
		if v == strings.ToLower(ext) {
			return false
	return true

Please see MVC Models for the specific examples of database models and Beego’s ORM framework. The next section will cover writing views.

​ 有关数据库模型和 Beego 的 ORM 框架的具体示例,请参阅 MVC 模型。下一节将介绍编写视图。

最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)