7 分钟阅读
Model Definition 模型定义
Model Definition 模型定义
Model names are used for database data conversion and Database Schema Generation
Naming conventions 命名约定
Table name conversion consists in translating camel case used for model names to snake case for table names as follows:
AuthUser -> auth_user
Auth_User -> auth__user
DB_AuthUser -> d_b__auth_user
In other words, all is converted to lower case and _
is the separator. Every uppercase add a separator before it, except the first one.
换句话说,所有内容都转换为小写, _
Custom table name 自定义表名
Using TableNameI
使用 TableNameI
If you set prefix to prefix_
, the table name will be prefix_auth_user
如果将前缀设置为 prefix_
,则表名将为 prefix_auth_user
Custom index 自定义索引
Using TableIndexI
使用 TableIndexI
Add index to one or more fields:
Custom engine 自定义引擎
Only supports MySQL database
仅支持 MySQL 数据库
The default engine is the default engine of the current database engine of your mysql settings.
默认引擎是您 mysql 设置的当前数据库引擎的默认引擎。
Using TableEngineI
使用 TableEngineI
Set parameters 设置参数
Use ;
as the separator of multiple settings. Use ,
as the separator if a setting has multiple values.
使用 ;
作为多个设置的分隔符。如果某个设置具有多个值,请使用 ,
Ignore field 忽略字段
Use -
to ignore field in the struct.
使用 -
auto 自动
When Field type is int, int32, int64, uint, uint32 or uint64, you can set it as auto increment.
当字段类型为 int、int32、int64、uint、uint32 或 uint64 时,您可以将其设置为自增。
- If there is no primary key in the model definition, the field
with one of the types above will be considered as auto increment key 如果模型定义中没有主键,则类型为上述类型之一的字段Id
Set as primary key. Used for using other type field as primary key.
Fields are NOT NULL
by default. Set null to ALLOW NULL
字段默认值为 NOT NULL
。将 null 设置为 ALLOW NULL
index 索引
Add index for one field
Add unique key for one field
Set column name in db table for field.
size 大小
Default value for string field is varchar(255).
字符串字段的默认值为 varchar(255)。
It will use varchar(size) after setting.
设置后将使用 varchar(size)。
digits / decimals 数字/小数
Set precision for float32 or float64.
为 float32 或 float64 设置精度。
Total 12 digits, 4 digits after point. For example: 12345678.1234
总共 12 位数字,小数点后 4 位数字。例如: 12345678.1234
auto_now / auto_now_add
- auto_now: every save will update time. auto_now:每次保存都会更新时间。
- auto_now_add: set time at the first save auto_now_add:在首次保存时设置时间
This setting won’t affect massive update
此设置不会影响大规模 update
type 类型
If set type as date, the field’s db type is date.
If set type as datetime, the field’s db type is datetime.
Time Precision 时间精度
default value 默认值
you could use it like:
将创建一个 DefaultValueFilterChainBuilder
的实例。在 beego v1.x 中,默认值配置如下所示 orm:default(xxxx)
。但在 2.x 中,默认值为 default:xxx
,因此如果您想与 v1.x 兼容,请将 true 作为 compatibleWithOldStyle
Comment 注释
Set comment value for field.
Relationships 关系
One to one 一对一
The reverse relationship RelReverseOne:
反向关系 RelReverseOne:
One to many 一对多
The reverse relationship RelReverseMany:
反向关系 RelReverseMany:
Many to many 多对多
The reverse relationship RelReverseMany:
反向关系 RelReverseMany:
In this example, by default the auto-generated table name is: post_tag
. The name of the struct in which we have orm:"rel(m2m)"
defines the first half part, the name of the struct in which we have orm:"reverse(many)"
defines the other half. It respects the naming conversion convention we have seen in Naming conventions
在此示例中,默认情况下自动生成的表名为: post_tag
。我们拥有 orm:"rel(m2m)"
的结构的名称定义了前半部分,我们拥有 orm:"reverse(many)"
rel_table / rel_through
This setting is for orm:"rel(m2m)"
此设置适用于 orm:"rel(m2m)"
rel_table Set the auto-generated m2m connecting table name
rel_through If you want to use custom m2m connecting table, set name by using this setting.
Format: `project_path/current_package.ModelName`
For example: `app/models.PostTagRel` PostTagRel table needs to have a relationship to Post table and Tag table.
If rel_table is set, rel_through is ignored.
如果设置了 rel_table,则忽略 rel_through。
You can set these as follows:
Set how to deal with field if related relationship is deleted:
cascade cascade delete (default)
set_null set to NULL. Need to set null = true
set_default set to default value. Need to set default value.
do_nothing do nothing. ignore.
type User struct {
Profile *Profile `orm:"null;rel(one);on_delete(set_null)"`
type Profile struct {
User *User `orm:"reverse(one)"`
// Set User.Profile to NULL while deleting Profile
Examples of on_delete on_delete 示例
Assume Post -> User is ManyToOne relationship by foreign key.
假设 Post -> User 是通过外键建立的 ManyToOne 关系。
o.Filter("Id", 1).Delete()
This will delete User with Id 1 and all his Posts.
这将删除 Id 为 1 的 User 及其所有 Post。
If you don’t want to delete the Posts, you need to set set_null
如果您不想删除 Post,则需要设置 set_null
In this case, only set related Post.user_id to NULL while deleting.
在这种情况下,仅在删除时将相关的 Post.user_id 设置为 NULL。
Usually for performance purposes, it doesn’t matter to have redundant data. The massive deletion is the real problem
So just don’t change Post (ignore it) while deleting User.
Model fields mapping with database type 模型字段与数据库类型的映射
Here is the recommended database type mapping. It’s also the standard for table generation.
All the fields are NOT NULL by default.
go | mysql |
int, int32 - set as auto or name is Id int、int32 - 设置为自动或名称为 Id | integer AUTO_INCREMENT |
int64 - set as auto or name isId int64 - 设置为自动或名称为 Id | bigint AUTO_INCREMENT |
uint, uint32 - set as auto or name is Id uint、uint32 - 设置为 auto 或名称为 Id | integer unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT |
uint64 - set as auto or name is Id uint64 - 设置为 auto 或名称为 Id | bigint unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT |
bool | bool |
string - default size 255 string - 默认大小 255 | varchar(size) |
string - set type(char) string - 设置类型 (char) | char(size) |
string - set type(text) string - 设置类型 (text) | longtext |
time.Time - set type as date time.Time - 设置类型为日期 | date 日期 |
time.Time | datetime 日期时间 |
byte 字节 | tinyint unsigned 无符号小整数 |
rune 符文 | integer 整数 |
int | integer 整数 |
int8 | tinyint 小整数 |
int16 | smallint 短整数 |
int32 | integer 整数 |
int64 | bigint 大整数 |
uint | integer unsigned 无符号整数 |
uint8 | tinyint unsigned 无符号小整数 |
uint16 | smallint unsigned 无符号短整数 |
uint32 | integer unsigned 无符号整数 |
uint64 | bigint unsigned 无符号大整数 |
float32 32 位浮点数 | double precision 双精度 |
float64 64 位浮点数 | double precision 双精度 |
float64 - set digits and decimals float64 - 设置数字和小数 | numeric(digits, decimals) |
go | sqlite3 |
int, int32, int64, uint, uint32, uint64 - set as auto or name is Id int, int32, int64, uint, uint32, uint64 - 设置为自动或名称为 Id | integer AUTOINCREMENT |
bool | bool |
string - default size 255 字符串 - 默认大小 255 | varchar(size) |
string - set type(char) 字符串 - 设置类型(char) | character(size) 字符(大小) |
string - set type(text) 字符串 - 设置类型(文本) | text 文本 |
time.Time - set type as date 时间.时间 - 设置类型为日期 | date 日期 |
time.Time | datetime 日期时间 |
byte 字节 | tinyint unsigned 无符号小整数 |
rune 符文 | integer 整数 |
int | integer 整数 |
int8 | tinyint |
int16 | smallint |
int32 | integer |
int64 | bigint |
uint | integer unsigned |
uint8 | tinyint unsigned |
uint16 | smallint unsigned |
uint32 | integer unsigned |
uint64 | bigint unsigned |
float32 | real 实数 |
float64 | real 实数 |
float64 - set digits and decimals float64 - 设置位数与小数位数 | decimal 小数 |
go | postgres |
int, int32, int64, uint, uint32, uint64 - set as auto or name is Id int、int32、int64、uint、uint32、uint64 - 设置为自动或为 Id | serial 序列 |
bool | bool |
string - if not set size default text 字符串 - 如果未设置为大小,则默认文本 | varchar(size) |
string - set type(char) | char(size) |
string - set type(text) | text |
string - set type(json) | json |
string - set type(jsonb) | jsonb |
time.Time - set type as date | date 日期 |
time.Time | timestamp with time zone 带时区的timestamp |
byte 字节 | smallint CHECK(“column” >= 0 AND “column” <= 255) |
rune | integer |
int | integer |
int8 | smallint CHECK(“column” >= -127 AND “column” <= 128) |
int16 | smallint |
int32 | integer |
int64 | bigint |
uint | bigint CHECK(“column” >= 0) |
uint8 | smallint CHECK(“column” >= 0 AND “column” <= 255) |
uint16 | integer CHECK(“column” >= 0) |
uint32 | bigint CHECK(“column” >= 0) |
uint64 | bigint CHECK(“column” >= 0) |
float32 | double precision |
float64 | double precision |
float64 - set digits and decimals float64 - 设置数字和小数 | numeric(digits, decimals) |
Relational fields 关系字段
It’s field type depends on related primary key. 它的字段类型取决于相关的主键。
- RelForeignKey
- RelOneToOne
- RelManyToMany
- RelReverseOne
- RelReverseMany