

Contributing 贡献

Contributing to Beego 对 Beego 的贡献

Introduction 简介

Beego is free and open source software, which means that anyone can contribute to its development and progress under the Apache 2.0 License (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). Beego’s source code is hosted on github (https://github.com/beego/beego).

​ Beego 是免费且开源的软件,这意味着任何人都可以在 Apache 2.0 许可证(http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)下为其开发和进步做出贡献。Beego 的源代码托管在 github(https://github.com/beego/beego)上。

How can I become a contributor of Beego? 我如何成为 Beego 的贡献者?

You can fork, modify and then send a Pull Request to us. We will review your code and give you feedback on your changes as soon as possible.

​ 您可以 fork、修改,然后向我们发送 Pull Request。我们将审查您的代码,并尽快就您的更改向您提供反馈。

Pull Requests Pull Request

The process for pull requests for new features and bug fixes are not the same.

​ 新功能和错误修复的 pull request 的流程不同。

Bug fixes 错误修复

Pull requests for bug fixes do not need to create an issue first. If you have a solution to a bug, please describe your solution in detail in your pull request.

​ 错误修复的 pull request 无需首先创建问题。如果您有错误的解决方案,请在您的 pull request 中详细描述您的解决方案。

Documentation improvements 文档改进

You can help improve the documentation by submitting a pull request to the beedoc repository.

​ 您可以通过向 beedoc 存储库提交 pull request 来帮助改进文档。

New features proposals 新功能提案

Before you submit a pull request for a new feature, you should first create an issue with [Proposal] in the title, describing the new feature, as well as the implementation approach.

​ 在您提交新功能的请求前,您应该首先创建一个标题中带有 [Proposal] 的问题,描述新功能以及实现方法。

Proposals will be reviewed and discussed by the core contributors, and can be adopted or potentially rejected.

​ 核心贡献者将对其进行审查和商讨,并可能采纳或否决。

Once a proposal is accepted, create an implementation of the new features and submit it as a pull request. If the guidelines are not followed the pull request will be rejected immediately.

​ 提案被接受后,创建新功能的实现并将其作为请求提交。如果不遵循指南,请求将立即被否决。

Since Beego follows the Git Flow branching model, ongoing development happens in the develop branch. Therefore, please base your pull requests on the HEAD of the develop branch.

​ 由于 Beego 遵循 Git Flow 分支模型,正在进行的开发发生在 develop 分支中。因此,请将您的请求建立在 develop 分支的 HEAD 上。

The git branches of Beego Beego 的 git 分支

The master branch is relatively stable and the dev branch is for developers. Here is a sample figure to show you how our branches work:

​ 主分支是比较稳定的,而 dev 分支是给开发人员的。这里有一个简单的图例,向您展示我们的分支如何工作:


For more information about the branching model: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/

​ 有关分支模型的更多信息:http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/

A simple guideline for Git command Git 命令的简单指南

You must have a github account, if not, please register one.

​ 您必须有一个 GitHub 帐户,如果没有,请注册一个。

Fork 代码

  1. Click https://github.com/beego/beego/v2 点击 https://github.com/beego/beego/v2
  2. Click “Fork” button which is on top right corner 点击右上角的“Fork”按钮

Clone 代码

We recommend using official repo as origin repo, and then add a remote upstream to your repo.

​ 我们建议使用官方仓库作为 origin 仓库,然后将远程上游添加到您的仓库。

If you already set SSH key, we recommend use SSH. The difference is that, we don’t need to input the username and password to push changes.

​ 如果您已经设置了 SSH 密钥,我们建议使用 SSH。不同之处在于,我们无需输入用户名和密码即可推送更改。

Using SSH:

​ 使用 SSH:

git clone git@github.com:astaxie/beego.git
cd beego
git remote add upstream 'git@github.com:<your github username>/beego.git'

Using HTTPS:

​ 使用 HTTPS:

git clone https://github.com/beego/beego/v2.git
cd beego
git remote add  'https://github.com/<you github username>/beego.git'

The word upstream in command could be replaced with any word you like.

​ 命令中的单词 upstream 可以替换为您喜欢的任何单词。

fetch changes 获取更改

Every time you want to something, you’d better fetch remote changes:

​ 每次您想执行操作时,最好获取远程更改:

git fetch

In this command, git only fetch origin repo。

​ 在此命令中,git 仅获取 origin 仓库。

If we want to fetch our remote repo changes:

​ 如果我们想获取远程仓库的更改:

git fetch upstream

You can replace upstream with your repo name

​ 您可以用 upstream 替换您的仓库名称

create feature branch 创建功能分支

我们在创建新的 feature 分支的时候,要先考虑清楚,从哪个分支切出来。 Before creating feature branch, we should think about choosing a branch as base branch.

Assume that we want to merge the new feature to develop branch. In such case:

​ 假设我们要将新功能合并到开发分支。在这种情况下:

git checkout -b feature/my-feature origin/develop

Don’t forget to run git fetch before you create feature branch.

​ 在创建功能分支之前,别忘了运行 git fetch

push commit 推送提交

git add .
git commit
git push upstream my-feature

make PR 创建 PR

Go to https://github.com/beego/beego, and make a Pull request

​ 转到 https://github.com/beego/beego,并创建一个 Pull 请求

最后修改 October 10, 2024: 更新 (a4b8f85)